Day 319

4 1 0

29 October 2018
Monday 5:52am

Cory had another nightmare last night about Nancie, it would be lying if I didn't say I didn't have one as well. He actually woke me up from mine. I pulled Cory closer to me and comforted him, Nathan comforted him as well. I could tell some of the others had woken up and were watching us, I couldn't see his face well in the dark but the fire showed me enough to see that Olly was upset. Cory was crying out for Nancie at first before he calmed down and cried silently for a little while. He did stop eventually and everyone was able to go back to sleep...well except Olly who was on watch at the time. It's my turn for watch at the moment, it's pretty quiet though. I'm glad last the thing we need is one of those guys coming up out of nowhere.

I wonder what we would all be doing right now if none of this happened. Would Nathan and I be together? Olly wouldn't have met Sebastian, Cory wouldn't have the same relationship with Nathan and I anymore...but Nancie would be alive. We would all be finishing up grade 12; planning out the final details of our future. Whether we were going into university, TAFE or straight into a job. I think I was looking at different TAFE and uni courses, what was I going to do? Something with computers I think. It feels like so long ago that all that stuff mattered. In a few months it will have been an entire year since all this shit happened. Since we lost our families, Cory and Olly are the only two people left with biological family. I'm glad at the very least that we all have each other again now. Our little world in this chaos is completely. This is all we really need, each other.

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