Day 374

4 1 0

23 December 2018

Olly wasn't happy with my choice for the run. Though he's never happy with anything I do anymore. He thinks I'm doing things for them out of guilt for joining my uncle. I'm getting to a point where I want to just take him out into the woods slap him across that face a few times and tell him to wake up to himself. He should know me well enough to figure out what I'm doing. But he's so blinded by pain, anger and hatred that he's just focusing it in on anything that moves.

I ended up bringing Jess, Nate and 4 of my uncle's men. If I had of chosen Olly he might have tried to pull something while there were less of them. And if he did Sebastian would fight back as well, followed by the rest of us saving their asses. This then goes back to my uncle and we start back at square one. I know Nate won't try anything and Jess is just as much in on the act as I am. I knew I could trust them not to break out fighting. The only person I didn't get a choice in bringing was Menzies. One of my uncles higher up guys in the group; the one who killed Cory. He was made to come with us to keep an eye on me and Jessica. He was instructed that I am in charge; however to 'look out' for us. Make sure we don't get into any trouble and that we were safe. I know he meant make sure we don't double cross them and try to take off. Either way our mission is running smoothly. We haven't really run into anything yet this time. It's surprisingly warmer in the car at night then in the tent I can tell you that. We head back to camp tomorrow arvo, at which point I have to go straight to my uncle with a list of supplies we found so that he can mark it off to be added to the inventory list.

I'm happy at the moment being away from the camp, it's almost as if the toxic coating on my lungs has vanished; but then I look back at the cars and see his men. And I am brutally reminded of just how very unsafe we still are. If anything happens, if anything goes wrong out here. It's every man for himself with this lot. None of us are safe anywhere and I can't ever forget that. Or someone else might die.

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