Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

I followed Bella's scent along with the faint scent of her lover, Edward. as I walked for the better part of five or so minutes I had caught the scent of those wolves nearby. I smirked and sat on a damp log and waited. Whe their scent grew closer I could hear them stomping their feet to my direction. I smirked and stood on my feet and watched as they all came to a stop in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Sam ask in his usual alpha tone. "You're not meant to be here"

"Well...I'm here for the same reason you are here...I am looking for my cousin...and she's very important to I won't leave here without Bella" I said as I crossed my arms.

"Go home" Paul ordered me. "You could get should leave this to the big boys"

I scoffed. "'Big Boy's'...ha that's funny because I never recalled taking orders from a canine"

"Canine...feline...tell're that tiger that has been tormenting us for a large amount of time?" Sam asked as he tensed his pose.

"I you've figured it usually takes people a while...but I'm surprised it only took you a week...congragulations" I said as I gave him a small clap of my hands.

I could see Paul quiver with anger and that made a smile form on my face.

"Look...I know that we've had our issues in the past but lets move that behind us alright? Seeing how we have to work together to find someone after all...we can't just let her stay missing" I spoke as I walked behind a tree and Sam and the others followed. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked.

"Following you...after all I'm not sure I can trust you completely" Sam stated.

"Well a woman does have to remove their cloths when they would like to be left alone for a few seconds you know" I said as I quickly pushed them away.

I watched as the three dogs walked away to give me my space and I waited a bit longer before removing all of my cloths. With that I had closed my eyes and the next thing I knew I was standing gracefully on my paws overlooking the three small men. I could see their gapped faces as they looked up at me with sheer amazement.

"Wow...she looks a lot bigger when we aren't trying to catch her" I heard Jared murmur under his breath.

I gave out a soft musical purr of approval before turning my attention to Sam who was circling around me looking me up and down with curiosity.

"She's as big as me..." Sam said clearly amazed.

I gave a small catty grin before cringing my nose back and baring my sharp teeth and give out a loud hiss. I caught the scent of a leech, an unfamiliar one. I watched as Sam also reacted to the scent and he quickly turned to Paul and Jared.

"Spread out! We have to find Bella and fast...Katelyn go with Paul and track down that blood sucker...Jared you're with me" Sam ordered quickly before running off with Jared.

I hissed in disapproval at the very thought of me taking orders from a dog. I watched as a large dark gray wolf a bit smaller than me comes to my side. I could hear Paul give me a small growl sensing the size difference. I purred lightly and walked forward and whipped my tail in his muzzle by doing so.

With that I took off, faster than Paul. The sickly sweet scent of the filthy leech was slowly fading and it pissed me off to be honest. I let out a piercing growl and stopped dead in my tracks. Paul had come to a ramming halt, as it almost made him lose his balance. A low growl rumbled in his throat as he straightened his composure.

I rolled my eyes before taking a quick sniff of the air around me. My ears perked up as I heard the sounds around me. I could hear nothing but the sound of Paul's oversized paws trudge on the ground. The wind blew from the north and I had instantly caught the scent of the infamous leech.

Paul had quickly ran ahead of me and I followed after him. My speed gradually increased and I soon found myself running along side a large cliff, and into view was a leech with fire red hair and blood red eyes. Paul had stopped a few steps back to watch as the leech had jumped the cliff. I was about to jump right after her but Paul had barked loudly to get my attention.

I gave up chasing the leech and followed Paul knowing that he wanted to find Sam, or was either ordered to. Either way I was following Paul quickly back to Forks until we came to a stop. My eyes widened as I saw a sleeping Bella in Sam's arms. My mind was cleared and my body quickly transformed back into its human form and I quickly ran to Bella not caring at all if I was naked or not.

"Oh my god Bella......that dirty Cullen is going to pay for what he did to you" I said lightly as I brushed the hair from her face.

I could see Bella stir a bit but then stop. My mind was filled with truck loads of questions but I had to push them away for the time being. I heard Jared clearing his throat quickly and loudly and it caught my attention. When I turned to face him his face turned into a vibrant color of red. It was then when I realized why he was fo flustered. With that I quickly ran behind the tree and dressed quickly before walking back to the three men.

"Sorry about that...I wasn't thinking" I admitted sheepishly.

"Don't worry about was a nice view" Paul said as he held a perverted smirk on his lips.

I scoffed and shoved him back. "Pervert..."I stated. "Lets take her home...Charlies deadly worried"

"I agree" Sam said as he held onto Bella tighter and walked ahead. "Paul Jared go home...I can handle it from here"

"Are you sure? Can you trust that cat?" Paul asked as he emphasized the word 'cat'.

"I can...I'm sure she'll be a lot of help to go home" Sam said lightly.

Paul and Jared nodded their heads and left me alone with Sam and the sleeping Bella. I was walking in front Sam and we were nearing Charlie's. I could see Charlie leaning over a map and Jake pacing back and forth impatiently. I smiled and quickly ran ahead and threw my arms around Jake catching him by surprise.

"Kat!" Jake shouted as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Charlie" I called out to get his attention.

Charlie looked over to me and then to a shadowing figure that walked out of the forest with Bella. I smiled at Sam lightly who seemed to acknowledge me.

"Thank you Sam" Charlie said as he took Bella ino his arms.

"It was nothing...I couldn't have done it without Katelyn"

I watched as Charlie quickly took Bella inside. Jake was eyeing Sam with eyes full of fear and hate. When I noticed it I quickly pushed Jake away from Sam to separate the two.

"Be expecting me at you're place tomorrow....I'm taking you to see Emily..." That's all Sam said as he walked away from me.

I didn't respond back all I did was just give Sam a small nod of my head and a small smile before turning my attention to Jake who was waiting in his car with Billy. I smiled lightly before walking towards the Rabbit.

"Jake...go home you look don't have to drop me of...I think I'm going to stay here with Bella" I stated.

"Are you sure?" Jake asked.

"Positive" I said before walking away from the Rabbit and inside Charlie's.

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