Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

~Katelyn's P.O.V~

Jacob dragged me into an old book store as we waited for the three to leave. I took a deep breath before leaning on the wall and looking at Jake. I gave him a weird and confused glance and he gave me a small shy smile. I couldn't help but laugh at him slightly. Jake slowly took my hand before leading me out of the book store, I couldn't help but blush lightly but then that feeling inside of me warned me not to get close to him.

I pushed the feeling away when I noticed that his skin was slowly heating up. His hand felt as is it were on fire I took in his scent and closed my eyes contemplating on how wonderful he smelt but then I noticed he was the same as Paul and Jared. I couldn't believed that I over looked this, no maybe he's going through the transformation. Either way I had to keep my eyes on him closely, Jacob is my bonded soul mate and I will stay by his side no matter what reason.


My mind snapped back into reality when I heard Jake calling me.

"Yea?" I asked.

Jake chuckled lightly before letting go of my hand. "Do you want me to take you home?" Jake asked.

"No!" I exclaimed. "I about we spend the day together?" I suggested.

Jake smiled and nodded his head. "I do still have to show you around"

I laughed and nodded my head. "Then lets go" I said. "I'm all yours for today" I stated.

Jake smiled again before taking my hand and showing me around Port Angeles. Throughout the day Jake and I spent talking to each other and playing small games like 20 questions and eye spy. I actually like the fact that Jake was always so happy, it made me feel happy bit inside I had a feeling of something that was wrong with what I was doing.

"So...what's with you and those three guys back there especially the one that approached you?" I asked.

"Oh...well...they're known as the pack...the three always hang around always together...Sam's kinda the leader of it...he used to be alone but then Paul and Jared joined" Jacob said his tone instantly changing. "It creeps me out in a way how Sam is always watching me Embry and he's waiting for something"

"Well maybe in time you'll figure it out" I said before looking up at the sky. "It's getting dark Jake...I should be going home" I said sadly.

"You should let me take know the news are saying that an animal is killing hikers...maybe I should take know as protection" Jake said as he cleared his throat.

I giggled lightly and smiled. "Well if I ever need your help Jake I will be sure to scream for you first" I said as I stopped giggling. "I'll be fine Jake...I'll see you some other time alright...maybe we could hang out again...tommorrow after school at First Beach?" I suggested.

Jake smiled. "Sure..I'll see you tomorrow then"

"Good bye Jacob Black" I said as I walked away.

As soon as Jacob was out of viewing distance I quickly ran into the cover of the trees and stripped off my cloths and shifted into my tiger form and quickly ran home, but not before running into those three damned wolves, Paul, Jared, and Sam. I hissed lightly as I carefully moved back. I could hear all three growl as they had bared their teeth. I hissed back and bared my own teeth as a warning for them not to get close to me.

Of course they didn't take the hint. Paul quickly sprang at me. I turned around and quickly avoided being trapped in his claws. Paul barked out still baring his teeth, my eyes were on Sam as he didn't move at all. Instead he was keeping his dark eyes on me as I tried to avoid Paul and Jared. I hissed violently and gave out a loud growl before making a break for it. I quickly ran through the dense trees as I avoided being caught by the wolves.

A small river then came into view, I could smell the Cullen's strong sickly sweet scent on the other side and I quickly sprang to the other side. Instantly I saw that they had stopped chasing after me and they turned their attention to another figure staring out at the wolves. I turned my head and saw Edward standing along side Emmett and Jasper. The wolves barked and growled vigorously not willing to back down, but when I saw Sam's coal black eyes I hissed out angrily and bared my sharp teeth.

Sam redirected his eyes to the Cullen's and I could feel the curiosity seeping through his mind. I looked over to Edward and began to wonder what Sam was thinking, Edward was glad to answer my question.

"He's wondering why we aren't attacking you" Edward said in an emotionless tone. "Go home...they can't cross the're safe" Edward spoke again.

I nodded my head before running back home. There I was met outside by Adrian and Juan. They were in the back of the house holding worried expressions on their faces. It made me wonder if Juan told Adrian what happened today in Port Angeles. I quickly shifted back and put on some cloths and went inside the house with both worried people.

"Where have you been?! Juan called me and told me about those boys in Port Angeles...what happened? Are you being pressures into doing something? Were they forcing you to doing something bad?" Adrian stated in a fast worried tone.

"I'm fine Adrian...those boys were the wolves that I would about a small world don't you think?" I asked. "Well I'm fine...I'm here ain't I?"

"Where have you been? I thought you said that you'd be home soon" Juan added. "We were worried!"

"I told you I'm fine...Jake helped me by pulling me away from all those people...after the trouble cooled down I spent the rest of the day with him I didn't mean to freak you two out" I said.

"Well why didn't you call?" Adrian stated as she crossed her arms.

"Well I dnt have a cell phone so how would you expect me to call you if there's trouble?...besides keeping a phone on me would be a hassle" I stated and sighed loudly.

Adrian and Juan sighed as well as they both took a seat on the couch.

"Go get cleaned...I'll get dinner started" Adrian said quietly as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

I smiled lightly and went straight upstairs into the shower. I took a long shower enjoying the feel of the hot water running down my bare back. When I stepped out I threw on a black sports bra and a pair of shorts on and headed downstairs. Adrian was still cooking in the kitchen so I threw myself onto the couch with Juan who was aimlessly flipping through the channels.

"I got a call from Charlie...tomorrows Bella's birthday" Juan said.

"And I should care why?" I asked.

"I don't know...he just wanted you to know" Juan answered.

"Well I don't really care much for Bella's birthday anyway I'm going to help Adrian"

I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. Adrian was over the stove sauteing mushrooms and the smell instantly hit my nose. Adrian smiled and handed me a pair of oven mitts. I took that as a sigh that something was in the oven. I quickly took out what looked like lasagna and placed it on the cooling rack.

"So Adrian...I heard that you and Juan had news for me" I stated quietly.

Adrian stopped what she was doing and looked at with a small smile.

"We do actually...we were hoping...well I was hoping to tell you the day you were meant to come home but I guess nows just a good a time as any other time" Adrian babbled on before taking a deep breath. "Well here goes nothing...Katelyn...I'm pregnant..."

I smiled happily before taking Adrian in a big hug. We both laughed together just laughing to be happy, enjoying this moment.

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