Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

Another week has passed and I could feel that Jake was close to his transformation. Lately he has been a bit off with me, he has been avoiding me and he doesn't pay much attention to me anymore. It was all for Bella again. Still I shouldn't complain seeing as I was invited by her to go and see 'Face Punch' with Jake and a few of her school friends.

There wasn't much however, I was waiting outside with Jake and a kid from school named Mike Newton. Jake had his arm around my waist which I didn't mind at all, in fact I liked it. I watched as Mike stood awkwardly beside Jake and I.

"So 'Face Punch' huh? You like action movies?" Jake asked Mike.

"Not really" Mike said, I could tell something was off about him.

Jake scoffed. "I heard it sucks...bad"

I laughed lightly and nodded my head in agreement.

"True...I heard that too"

"Are you two even old enough to see this movie?...I mean without supervision" Mike questioned us obviously annoyed.

"Right yeah well she's buying our ticket for us" Jake said mentioning me.

"She's buying it ok" Mike said.

"Shut the hell up're annoying enough in school as it is so do me a solid and don't talk at all" I stated.

It was silent for a while but Bella came over. "Jessica bailed...and Angela got the stomach flu so Eric's taking care of's just us four"

"Great" Jacob said happily.

"Great..." Mike dragged on.

"Let's go..." I said as I took Jake's hand and led him inside.

Once inside the theater Jake released my hand and took his seat beside Bella. I found the movie boring as hell so I didn't pay much attention to it. Jake on the other hand was watching it completely and he had his hand placed on the chairs handle on Bella's side. It seemed like he had wanted to hold her hand instead of mine. I saw Mike on the other side shifting uncomfortably in the chair as if he was sick to his stomach and I was right.

"Okay I think I'm gonna throw up" Mike said as he rushed out of the theater leaving the three of us behind.

Bella sighed and stood up and left. Jake followed her without a second thought. I watched them for a while before standing up myself and following after them. Jake held the door open for Bella but as she passed by the door slowly closed on me. I sighed and slowly opened the door and watched Bella and Jake walk past the mens room to the stairs.

"What a marshmallow!" Jake scoffed. "You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach...someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit"

"Yeah...I'll keep my eye open for that" Bella said. "I feel bad he probably has that flue that's going around" Bella said as she held onto Jake's hand but then let go.

"What? I can't hold your hand?" Jake asked.

"No...I mean of course you can but what about Katelyn?...and I just think it means you know something a little different to you so..." Bella trailed off and my ears perked up.

"Ok well tell me like me right?" Jake asked.

I could see Bella nod yes. My blood boiled and I felt my temper rise.

"And you think I'm sort of beautiful" Jake continued.

"Jake...please don't do this...think about Katelyn" Bella said as she took a seat at the stairs.

"Why?" Jake pressed on making me feel unappreciated.

"'re about to ruin everything with Katelyn...but I need you" Bella said quietly.

"Well I've got loads of time...I'm not going to give up on you" Jake spoke softly so that I couldn't hear but I could.

"I don't want you to...but it's just cause I don't want you to go anywhere...and that's really know I'm not like a car that you can fix up...I'm never gonna run right so I should be fair you...please don't ruin things with Katelyn" Bella said quietly.

"It's because of him right?" Jake asked as he took a seat by the stairs. "Look...I know what he did to you...but Bella I would never ever do that...I won't ever hurt you I promise...I won't let you can count on me" Jake said sweetly to Bella as if he completely forgot about me.

My heart shattered when Jake was trying to get with Bella. Honestly there was nothing more in this world that I hate more than two timing lairs.

"No say you would never hurt me but what about Katelyn...won't you be hurting her? I mean she's you're girlfriend" Bella said softly.

After that Jake didn't respond to anything else. It was silent between the two. Mike came out of the bathroom looking a bit better. When he looked at he his eyes softened.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah...I'm fine" I said as I walked ahead to Jake and Bella.

"Well...I need to go home" Mike said. "I was feeling sick before the movie okay?"

Jake scoffed as he listened to Mike's explanation.

"What is your problem?" Mike asked.

"Right now you're my problem...feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital..." Jake said calmly, but then stood up furious. "You want me to put you in the hospital?" Jake threatened Mike.

Bella quickly stood in front of Mike and I quickly took a hold of Jake's hand.

"Jake! Jake...Jake...the movie's over" I said.

"What are you doing?" Bella asked as she took Jake's hand.

Her question was answered when she noticed his skin blaze up.

"You're really you feel like you have a fever...are you okay?" Bella asked.

"I don't know what's happening..." Jake said quietly.

"I do....we gotta go" I said as I took Jake's hand and left the theater.

When we got into Jake's car I put Jake in the passenger seat and I softly kissed his lips.

"I love you Jake" I whispered softly.

Jake looked at me weirdly but then smiled. "I love you too Katelyn" Jake said.

It was a lie, I could tell it was a lie. From here on end things wouldn't be the same with me and Jake.

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