Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

~Alexander's P.O.V.~

Kat ran out of the house. She wasn't right, I had to get to the bottom of things. I looked at Jake and saw is face was filled with nothing but hurt. Jake slowly walked around Kat's room and I could clearly tell that he was thinking hard.

"Jacob...I think it's best for you to just go back to Emily's...I'll go find Katelyn" I said softly.

Jake didn't respond all he did was take a slow deep breath and he left the room and eventually the house.

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

I fell to the ground hard. I groaned lightly and held my stomach and then my head.

"Oh...I'm very sorry miss...please forgive me" I heard a soft male voice speak so kindly.

I slowly looked up and I saw a large boy, no a large man. He was shiftless and he wore a pair of dark jeans. His body was sculpted perfectly, almost as if he was built by an angel he was perfect. My eyes slowly wondered to his large arms and I could clearly see something very noticeable. He had the mark of a mau, a lion. My mouth opened slightly and I tried to control myself around this person. I heard him laugh softly and then I felt his hand hold mine and he pulled me up. I heard him take a deep breath and exhale slowly and a smile formed on his lips.

" have such a wonderful scent....very unique" The man said as his arms slowly wrapped around me.

My body stiffened when he said this and I quickly pushed away. Who was this man? I wanted to know.

"Who are you and what is your name?" I ordered.

The man smiled and slowly put his hands up. ~It's a pleasure to finally meet you name is Rius and I mean you no harm~ He said flawlessly in the mau language.

My eyes were on him the whole time as I watched him inch closer to me.

~Who sent you here?~ I asked.

~I was accompanied here by my ambush...and two others~ Rius said truthfully.

~Where is your ambush and who are the other two?~ I asked.

~My ambush was sent out to find you...and the two others I was told are your brothers~ Rius said as he slowly came to a stop.

His body was so close to mine and I couldn't stand it. My scent was calling to him and this wasn't good. Still when I heard the word brothers my mind was filled with so many questions. I didn't answer however because out of the corner of my eyes I could see five large figured walking toward us. Three were unknown to me, but two were very well known. I saw my brothers. I smiled brightly for the first time in weeks and quickly ran to them and embraced them both. Damion and Tristan both smiled and wrapped their large arms around my small figure but then they stiffened up and backed away from me.

"Kitty? You smell different? Why?" Damion asked.

"I are you alright?" Tristan asked next.

I didn't answer them knowing what they'd do if they found out. It was silent between us three until Damion finally spoke up.

" aren't pregnant are you?" He asked.

My mouth opened slightly and my hands slowly wrapped around my stomach and I thought back on my faint memories. Was it possible? Maybe, after all I have conceived many times in my past life, so I should know what happens if I am. Damion and Tristan gave me a serious stare as they took in my scent.

"Are you?" Tristan asked.

"No" I said half lying, to be honest, I didn't know myself.

My brothers eyes softened but not that much. I smiled lightly and went to the new comers.

"Well...isn't anyone going to introduce me?" I said.

Damion and Tristan laughed and they both took one of my hands and walked me back to Rius. I felt Rius's eyes stare me down with interest and I felt completely uncomfortable. I watched as a man who resembled Rius walked up next to him and smile. After that two more came, they were smaller though and younger, around Alex's age.

"Kitty...this is Rius...he is the leader of his small ambush and standing next to him is his brother Rias who is second in command and the two small kids are new at the whole mau thing...the kid on the right is Legion and the other is Creon...boys this is our beloved sister Katelyn but you may now her as out Bastet...we found them roaming the desert a few weeks ago and we wanted to find you to bring them to you" Damion explained.

"There are more of us out there Kitten...not just us...we just have to look around" Tristan said

"I kinda already knew that there was more of us...a while ago I found a small boy named Alexander Ruez...he was attacked by a vampire...his twin was also a mau but I could not save his twin..." I said sadly as I recalled the memory.

"Really? Why didn't you tell us?" Damion asked.

"Yeah we could have searched for more"

I smiled lightly at my brothers enthusiasm. "Would you like to meet him?" I said.

"Of course we do!" Tristan said quickly.

I laughed and nodded my head. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's get going" I stated as I quickly took off my clothes not really caring if they saw me.

I phased quickly and ignored the shocking pain. My brothers quickly phased and stood in front of me. Damion slowly nudged the side of my head and Tristan softly licked my muzzle. I purred softly and shook my head and waited for the others to phase. Rius quickly phased into a large and proud lion, Rias followed his brother and phased to, but he was not a lion instead he was a cheetah. Legion and Creon phased as well, they were both black panthers.

I let out a soft whine and opened my mind. My brothers were once again in my ambush where they rightfully belonged. Rius joined my ambush completely by linking his mind with mine. The others followed suit and now I was the dominant leader of this ambush only because there was one solid difference, I was larger.

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