Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

The dogs had planned for me to go cliff diving as their initiation. I had refused at first seeing how I couldn't see why jumping off of a cliff into the water was any fun. They just laughed at me saying I was a little pussy cat scared of the water. That saying got me heated and angry, and so I took them up on the challenge that I could jump off a cliff. Since it was a grey cloudy day I convinced them to let me jump on a sunny day which happened to be Tuesday. Oh look! Tomorrow was Tuesday, I couldn't wait.

The slow hours of school ticked on by slowly until finally the dismissal bell rung and everyone jetted for their cars. All day all I could hear was talk about people going into first beach and go swimming. Bella was the one being the party crasher, she just got inside her beat up truck and drove home saying next time.

I had taken my sweet time getting to First Beach. I didn't want to rush things, mainly because I wanted to keep the dogs waiting. When I set one foot on the beach I could see all eyes on me, mainly from Bella's small group of friends. I rolled my eyes and ignored them as I took off my shoes and jacket.

"Hey Katelyn!" I heard a boy call me name, it was Mike.

I sighed and turned to him as he ran towards me. "What is it?" I asked.

"Well I just wanted to know why you came here?" Mike asked.

"Well Mike it is a beach and it is available to everyone...isn't it?" I stated.

"Yeah...well...but it's just that you don't exactly like to be a social bug" Mike stammered out.

"Yeah...I mean it's new that your coming here...who invited you?" Another one asked, Jessica.

"I came here to prove if you'll excuse me...I have somewhere to be" I said as I walked away from the two.

From there on I casually walked through the path that led to the large cliff. When I arrived I could see the three boys ready in their cut off jeans. I smiled and walked straight to Paul who obviously had something to say.

"You're late" Paul said as he crossed his arms.

"I'm not late...I just took my time t get here to bug is the cliff?" I asked.

"Yes it're not scared are you?" Paul questioned back.

"No...not at all" I said as I quickly wrapped my arms around my shirt.

I quickly pulled off my shirt along with my pants to reveal my dainty bikini. I threw them in a random spot and I quickly tied my hair up. I watched as Paul eyed me with clear interest. I couldn't help but smile.

"Sorry Paul...this isn't for belongs to someone else" I said as I neared the edge of the cliff.

I took one good look at the water and took a deep breath. I could hear Paul and Jared laugh at me slightly shouting that I was scared at the water. I scoffed and ignored them. I took a quick look around and I could see the people at the bottom of the beach. I took another breath as the wind blew slightly in my face and the oceans waters crashed against the rocky bottom. With that I spread my arms out and leaned forward, letting myself fall into the waters. I felt my body free fall for a few seconds before I straightened my position and landed perfectly in the water without a sound or a single splash.

When I rose to the surface I could hear the loud bellowing cheers of Paul, Sam, and Jared. I laughed loudly and cheered as I stayed afloat. I could see Paul jump in first and then Jared, Sam was the very last one to jump. I laughed loudly and swam back to the shore with the boys close behind.

"Kat?" I heard someone call my name, it was Jake.

I smiled lightly before running into his arms, not caring that I was wet or not. I gave Jake a quick
kiss on his warm lips before feeling his body heat up and shake lightly. I could see Jake eyeing Sam as he pushed me behind him protectively.

"Jake...stop it...I was having fun" I said and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"She was interested in cliff she came to us" Paul smirked in an intimidating way.

"Katelyn...why would you do something that stupid?'s dangerous"

"Well I-"

Paul quickly interrupted me. "She's one of us now"

" quiet" Sam ordered, using his alpha tone.

"You're one of them now? I'm out of here" Jake spat out angrily before walking away.

I groaned loudly and watched as Jake walked off.

"Thanks a lot Paul!" I hissed out and pushed Paul making him fall back into the water.

I ignored the eyes from the already whispering people and quickly ran after Jake.

"Jake! Stop please!" I shouted, but Jake still ignored me. "Jacob Black stop walking and look at me!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and got his attention.

Jake finally stopped and turned around to face me. I had stopped just a few feet away from him and watched as he began to calm down.

"Why? Why would you hang around with Sam when you know how I feel about him?" Jake asked in a hushed tone.

"Jake...I can't really explain it to you right now...but you'll understand why real soon...can you trust me on this?"I whispered out as I kept my distance from Jake and my eyes on the ground.

I could hear Jake sigh loudly along with his loud foot steps as he came closer to me. He slowly linked his hand in mine and gently lifted my head so our eyes could meet. I could see Jake smile lightly before moving his hand to caress my cheek in such a loving way.

"I trust you...only because I can't say I can't to those eyes of yours...but I don't trust Sam...and I want you to be careful around him"

I smiled and felt the blush burn on my cheeks when I heard Jake's adorable compliment. However, my smile faded once Jake slowly pressed his lips against mine. Instinctively, my eyes closed and I kissed back. His hands quickly snaked around my waist and my hands laced their way into his long dark hair. This moment was just too precious, too beautiful, too passionate to ruin, but when we parted we were both surprisingly satisfied and breathless.

"Let's go back my place" Jake said as his fingers laced together with mine.

I laughed lightly and nodded my head. "Ok...but I can't go looking like this...Billy would think that its inapropriate...just let me go back and get my cloths ok?"

Jake chuckled and smiled brightly. "I think you're right..go I'll be waiting here"

I nodded my head and quickly ran back to the top of the very cliff where my cloths were but they were gone. My eyebrows furrowed in clear confusion but returned to normal when I caught the scent of Paul at the bottom of the cliff with my clothes.

"Paul you idiot!!" I shouted to Paul knowing all to well that he could hear me. "I want my clothes!"

I could hear Paul and Jared laugh loudly and run away. I sighed with irritation and quickly ran back after them. Once I was down at the bottom I saw both Paul and Jared lying on the ground with Sam standing in front of them holding a bundle of soaked clothes in his hands.

"Sorry Katelyn...the boys tend to be a bit reckless and immature at times...and your clothes got a bit wet" Sam explained.

"A bit wet? Sam they're soaked"

"Just let them out to dry for a while...besides I'm pretty sure Jake will be giving you something to wear" Sam said as he smirked amusingly.

"Haha...isn't that just amusing to you Sam? A cat falling in love with a dog" I said as I took the soaked clothes.

"It is...and also...Billy knows what you are so he'll be waiting to talk to you" Sam said as he left taking Paul and Jared with them.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. With that I quickly ran back to Jake ready to go to his house.

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