Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

I woke up around five in the morning to the sound of rain smashing into my window. I gave up on trying to sleep again since I was now wide awake. I quietly walked out of my room passing by Adrian and Juan's room as they were still asleep and I moved straight to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Once I finished I went to my room and changed into a pair of dark jeans and a small black crop top. There was a soft knock on my door and I quickly opened it to show Adrian all dressed up in her scrubs for work.

"Ok Kat...I'm off to work...and I'm going to need you to go to Port Angeles to buy some groceries...oh and Juan wants to go with you to buy some parts so you two can fix that car...but! I want you to try and finish unpacking before you start with the car...ok?"

"Ok Adrian...I got it...go before you're late for work" I said quietly.

Adrian smiled and left the house. I sighed to myself and went downstairs to begin the unpacking process. Hours passed and I looked at the time and it read 9:38. I groaned and laid down on my back not bothering to care that I was on the floor. When I heard a soft chuckle I quickly sat up and saw Juan standing by the stairs.

"Bored?" Juan asked.

"Yeah...very" I answered.

"Is there anything to eat here?" Juan asked as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"No..." I said through a laugh. "Adrian told me to get some groceries with you...and something about you needing parts" I said.

"Yes...we do" Juan said as he walked around trying to find his jacket. "Hey...have you seen my jacket?"

I laughed and stood up and went to the closet and handed Juan his jacket.

"We going now?" I asked.

"Yea...besides...I'm sure your aunt would appreciate a nice cooked meal when she comes home"

"You mean you would appreciate it?...hey so what are you going to do now know since we moved and all your jobless now unless you're willing to drive for hours back and forth you know"

"Well...I'm going to have to find a job here...hopefully one I can do well come on we have a full schedule to fill today"


I was walking down the strip of sidewalk with Juan as we looked through various windows from various stores. We decided to look for the parts we needed and then go shopping for the groceries. I had stopped in front of a window that held a help wanted sigh and I smiled and dragged Juan straight to it.

"Look a help wanted sigh...maybe you should apply" I suggested.

"Maybe Kat...maybe"

"Maybe...? Why maybe? Come on Juan it's a repair perfect for you"

"Your right...I'll do it later" Juan said as he began to walk away.

"Of no your not!" I shouted and quickly grabbed onto Juan's jacket. "Do it now....please"

"Fine....I'll do it" Juan said in defeat.

I smiled victoriously and watched as he marched into the shop. I casually leaned against the wall and waited for Juan. I heard a small group of people laughing to them selves and I couldn't help but over hear their slightly amusing conversation. I smirked slightly as the small group of people walked my way.

I could see them clearly, this small group of people held two tanned and well built boys and a small shy looking girl. What irritated me was that they had a very distinct smell, the smell of wet dog. It was all too familiar, these two boys were the wolves that I enjoyed to toy with.

"Hey...I couldn't help but notice you staring at I came over" One of the boys said.

I smirked lightly. "Don't flatter yourself it's not good for your growing ego...and I wasn't looking at you so you can drag your ass back to the other side of the street"

He laughed. " name's Paul...and yours?"

"Well...Paul...that's for me to know and for you to never find out"

"I'm must be new here...oh and this is my boyfriend...Jared" This Kim girl said as she extended her hand to me.

I smiled and slowly shook her hand. "It's nice to meet you Kim and I am new here"

"So tell me...what's a pretty girl like you doing alone here in Port Angeles?" Paul asked.

"Waiting" I responded without interest.

"For?" Paul asked the exact same time Juan walked out of the shop.

"Kitty...come on we have a lot to do" Juan stated.

"For that...goodbye"

"Wait...before you leave...can I interest you in seeing a movie with me? Tonight?" Paul asked.

"Sorry...not interested" I purred out and walked away with Juan to finish todays deeds.

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