Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

Only a day has passed since Jake abandoned Bella. It pissed me off because he has been acting gloomy and depressed. I was in Emily's house sitting on Jake's lap as calm as I could be, but it was hard to do when Jake's thinking about Bella. I just wanted to rip her head right off.

"Kat...can you get off me...I really hate it when you're on my lap" Jake stated quietly.

I scoffed and went to get up but Jake didn't give me time to get off myself because he had pushed me off himself.

"What the hell Jake!" I yelled. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You! That's what's wrong with me!..." Jake spoke through clenched teeth. "Look Katelyn...just leave me alone"

"Oh so you could think about your precious Bella? Jake when will you realize that she isn't your fucking imprint!"

Emily's house stayed quiet as Jake and I went on yelling at one another. Sam, Paul, Jared, Embry, Alex, and Emily were watching us both argue.

"Jake calm down...there's no reason to be fighting with Kat" I heard Sam speak but I ignored him.

"Well I wish she was my imprint instead of you!...besides what use are you? You're just a stupid old cat...that's just pathetic" Jake stated in his usual irritated tone.

My jaw dropped but then clenched together. My body began to shake and I was in the edge of phasing. I felt a hand on my waist and I instantly turned to face Alex who was giving me a soft look. I cooled down instantly and walked outside. I phased in the middle of the woods and quickly ran away. I needed to clear my mind and so I kept running until I came across a clearing with two very familiar people. Bella and that dark skinned leech with the deadlocks.

"Laurent..." I heard Bella whisper out clearly.

I quickly knelled down and watched quietly as this Laurent and Bella spoke.

"I didn't expect to find you here...I went to visit the Cullen's but the house is empty...I'm surprised they left you behind...weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?" Laurent asked.

" could say that"

"Do the Cullen's visit often?" Laurent asked.

Bella paused and took a while to answer. "Yeah...absolutely all the time...I'll tell them that you stopped by...but I probably shouldn't tell Edward 'cause he's pretty protective"

"But he's far away isn't he?"

Bella stayed quiet and began to think of what to say. "Why are you here?"

"I came as a favor to Victoria"

Bella's heartbeat quickened at the mention of that name.

"She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullen's...Victoria feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate...given he killed eye for an eye" Laurent said as he circled Bella.

"Edward would know who did it and he'd come after you" Bella threatened.

"I dint think he will...after all how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected? Victoria won't be happy about my killing you but I can't help are so mouth-watering" Laurent stated as he shook his head.

"Please don't...I mean you helped us" Bella begged.

" no no...don't be afraid...I'm doing you a kindness...Victoria plans on killing you slowly...painfully...whereas I'll make it quick...I promise you will feel nothing"

I watched as Laurent looked at Bella as if she was a meal to him and it was then that I began to wonder if I should let this leech kill Bella. I figured since she would be an obstacle, I would much rather have her die. Laurent raised his hand up at Bella ready to take her life but when I heard a small voice in my head I stood up. Alex had been standing beside me.

'What are you doing? We have to help her' Alex thought out.

I growled and ignored him. 'Why kill something that is only killing to survive?'

'Bella's human...she has people who love her'

'Who cares...with Bella gone I have nothing to worry about' I thought out as I stood up and walked away.

I could see Sam slowly prowl out of the woods. With his teeth bared. Paul, Jared, and Embry followed his lead. I could see Jake standing still in his wolf form giving me warning glares. I ignored him and walked away. This was not my matter to attend to. I could hear a fight break out between Laurent and the wolves. I stopped however when I heard the piercing shriek of Alex. My instincts took over and I quickly ran after Laurent. I could see them all struggling and Alex was on the ground whimpering slightly.

"Well if it isn't the mother my you look furious" Laurent taunted me. "Well maybe after I'm through with these distractions I could drink your succulent blood" Laurent said as his mouth began to water.

I gave out a loud roar and quickly pounced on Laurent. My jaws opened ad I tried to take a bite of his head. Laurent instead took my head in his hands and forced me to the ground. I quickly got up and went after his arm. Instead Laurent had taken me by my fur coat and flung me away with such force. I felt various ribs crack inside my body and I remained on the ground not moving one bit until I was healed. I just watched Jake took down Laurent himself. After a few minutes I heard a desperate voice. I opened my eyes and I could see the human Jake kneeling down beside me.

"Kat! Kat please be alright! I'm so sorry for what I said please be alright!" Jake's worried voice hit my mind like a ton of bricks.

His hand slowly ran down my fur covered side where I whimpered slightly at the healing pain. Jake quickly removed his hand and backed away from me as I slowly stood on my four paws. The pack watched as I trudged my way to Alex and lay down with him. My head carefully rested on his large neck. I could hear him breathing and his heartbeat was just fine. I carefully stood up and began to nip at his ear while giving him slight whimpers.

'Alex...' I thought out. 'Come have to get up...please...'

I gently nudged his side and tried to persuade him to get up. Alex slowly moved his body and struggled to get up. I quickly pushed my weight against his to help him get up. Once he got up I licked the side on his face which made him shake out his mane. Alex slowly walked beside me as I gently coo him like he was my actual kitten. Alex playfully pushed me and turned his attention to Jake.

'Thanks're too nice to me' Alex whispered.

'Its no problem're my kitten remember that' I said as I looked at Jake who was putting on his pants.

'What are you going to do about Jake?' Alex asked.

'Apologize to him...I love him too much to be mad at him Alex...but do me a favor...keep an eye on him please'

'Yes' Alex said as he left with Sam and the others.

I was alone with Jake now. I slowly went behind a tree and phased back and put my clothes on. When I went to Jake I saw him looking at me with sad eyes. A small smile formed on my lips as I threw my arms around Jake being happy for him just holding me.

"I'm so sorry Jake...I'm sorry for what I said and I just love you too damn much to lose you" I said quietly into his chest.

"No...I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said those harsh are my imprint and you mean the world to me Kat...I love you"

I smiled lightly as Jake pressed his lips against mine, everything felt perfect.

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