Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

As I made my way home I had seen the sun slowly rise up and I could see Adrian leaving the house. She quickly tugged her jacket over her head so that she couldn't get wet from the rain. I smiled happily and quickly made my way to my favorite aunt. When she saw my her eyes went wide with shock.

"Kat?!" Adrian asked. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Cairo!"

I laughed lightly before taking her into a hug. "I came back...." I whispered quietly before pulling away from Adrian.

Adrian's eyes went blank with wonder as her eyes met with mine quickly. Her mouth slowly parted and a hand covered her opened mouth as she backed away from me.
"Katelyn...what happened to you?" Adrian asked in shock.

"What do you mean Adrian? I'm the same girl you know" I spoke out coolly.

"Your eyes...what happened?" Adrian asked.

"What about my eyes?" I questioned hesitantly not knowing what was going on.

Adrian hesitated at first but quickly pulled out a mirror from her purse and handed it to me. I took the mirror in my hands and lifted it to my eyes. I let out a soft gasp as I saw my eyes had changed, they were no longer their original smokey grey eyes of mine. Instead I had the eyes of Bastet, my eyes from my past life. I smiled lightly and handed the mirror back to Adrian. I was happy to see that vibrant electric blue color in my eyes.

"Katelyn...what's going on?" Adrian asked timidly.

"Everything is just fine Adrian...I'll explain it to you later alright?" I said lightly keeping a smile on my content face.

" will explain now!"

My smile faded slowly and I sat down on the wet porch with Adrian. She was eyeing me with so much curiosity I couldn't help but laugh lightly.

" you remember that puzzle box I got in the mail that my brothers sent to me?" I asked.

"Yea...the one you spent hours trying to open?"

"Yes...the very one...well it contained something heart...well my original heart from when I was known as was opened to me when I was in Cairo...after moms funeral Damion and Tristan gave me the heart and I came back here and asked Dr. Cullen to place Bastet's heart within my I have my heart in my possession and no one will take it from me...and as for my eyes...they were once Bastet's eyes...always so enchanting don't you think?" I asked.

"Very...look get inside its early and I'm late for work...I will see you later Kitten...and don't do anything stupid today" Adrian warned me as she went inside the truck and drove off leaving me on my own on the porch.

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