Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

It's been two lonely weeks. I haven't been on patrol with Alex or Sam and the others. I just wanted to be alone. I didn't hear anything from Jake, and I missed many days of school because of my depressing behavior. Adrian has been getting really concerned for me and she has been trying to get me outside for my health. It haven't been feeling like my usual self, and it was bothering me because I hated feeling this way.

It had taken Adrian thousands of tries this morning to try and get me to go to school. Today she succeeded. I had taken the buss to school. It only made me feel worse because I could see Jake standing there. Our eyes met and I could see Jake's hurt eyes as he watched me leave the buss. I
turned back slightly and I saw Bella walking along side her Cullen to Jake.

"Hey" Bella greeted Jake.

"Charlie said you left town" Jake said.

" visit my mom why?"

"He's checking to see if you're still human" Edward said as he laughed to himself.

"Look I'm here to warn you if your kind come on our land again" Jake said.

"Wait what?" Bella asked confused.

"You didn't tell her?" Jake asked in disbelief.

Tell Bella what? What's been going on since I've been gone?

"Just leave it alone Jacob" Edward warned.

"Tell me what?"

"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding it's nothing to worry about" Edward explained.

"Listen to you...did you lie to get her out of town too?" Jake retorted.

"Just" Edward warned.

"She has a right to know...she is the one who the red head wants"

"Victoria?....Alice's vision!" Bella said in realization.

"I was trying to protect you" Edward said softly.

"By lying to me? Ok we're gonna talk about this but you!...why haven't you called me back?" Bella asked Jake.

"I had nothing to say" Jake said as he looked at Bella and walked away.

"Well I have tons! Hold on!" Bella said as she followed Jake.

"Bella" Edward warned.

"You have to trust me" Bella stated.

"I do trust's him I don't trust" Edward hissed out.

Bella ignored Edward and went to Jake and got on the back of the bike. I could see Jake hold a
victorious grin.

"Hey lose the grin Jacob...we're just going for a ride"

Jake grinned. "Just hold on..."

I watched Jake as he rode off with Bella. I sighed deeply and walked away from the school. I slowly
phased and found it slightly painful doing so. I hissed lightly when I felt a slight pain in my stomach. I slowly stretched and took off. I slowed my pace down when I slowly made it to Emily's place. I smiled lightly because I haven't seen this place in so long.

"Alright you can shut up now" I heard Jake say to the boys.

My eyes scanned around and I saw that Quil had joined the group. Hm, they've grown so much. I saw a tall woman walk out of Emily's house with a scowl on her face.

"Bella this is Leah Clearwater...Harry's daughter" Jake announced.

"Hey...I'm really sorry about your father" Bella said with a tone full of pity.

"If you're here to torture Jacob some more feel free to leave" This Leah character said as she
walked away.

"Fun isn't she?" Jake said sarcastically.

"Bella hi!" Emily said happily as she walked out of her house with Sam and Alex.

"Hey" Bella greeted.

"I was wondering when wed see your face around here again" Emily hugged Bella.

"Yeah same here"

"Sam we good?" Jake asked.

"We're good...she won't be getting through our line any time soon" Sam said.

Everyone cheered but they suddenly went silent when they spotted me.

"Is that Kat?" I heard Quil ask curiously.

"Kat!" Alex called out as he ran towards me.

I looked at Jake one final time before turning around and walking away, I couldn't bare to face Jake.

~Jacob's P.O.V.~

Seeing Katelyn brought back hurtful memories, I didn't mean to hurt her. Something inside me just went off and I knew it was Bella changing me. I couldn't help it though, I loved Katelyn, she is my imprint, but I love Bella. Seeing her just hurt me so bad, I just wanted to leave and so I did, I took Bella back to my place.

"So when did Leah join the pack?" Bella asked.

"Around when her dad died...her brother Seth also phased...he's only 15 one of the youngest we've had...Sam keeps him home studying but he's chumping a bit...but I whish Leah would stay home instead" I said as I slowly towed my bike to the garage.

"Come on don't be such a guy"

"No it's not a chick thing it's know a triangle thing...we all have to live the Leah Sam Emily pain fest...wolf telepathy remember?"

"So Sam dumps Leah for Emily?"

"Yeah it wasn't like that...Sam hates himself for hurting Leah but Emily was the one"

"Yeah I guess it sort of chooses you sometimes"

"It's more than some crush's called imprinting" I stated.

"Do I even wanna know what that is?"

I smiled and brought the bike into the garage. "Imprinting on someone is when you see her...everything changes...all of a sudden it's not gravity holding you to the rest of the's
her...nothing else would do anything for her" I said softly automatically thinking of Katelyn and how much I missed her.

"Sounds like you know the feeling...have you imprinted on someone?" Bella asked.

"I don't think I have one anymore" I said quietly. "I just have a link to Sam's mind"

"So're just you?" Bella asked.

"And you're still you" I said.

"Yeah...until graduation" I heard those dreadful words.


"You knew this was gonna happen"

"Not in a month! I mean not before you've even lived! Or even before I could-!" I stopped myself short and threw a metal tool at the wall feeling my anger rise. "For a second! Just a second I
thought...but he's got his hooks in you so deep"

"I decided this not him"

"Bella! They're not even alive! It makes me sick! Better you really be dead than be one of them!" I hissed out.

Bella looked at me in disbelief. "I can't believe you said that...Edward was right...I shouldn't have come" Bella said as she was about to walk out.

"Bella come on...please I'm sorry" I said quietly.

Bella simply ignored me and walked away, I growled softly as I watched her leave. I couldn't lose Bella too.

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