Chapter 80

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Chapter 80

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

We were getting a little too close to human civilization and Amun had to stop me from running through the whole country of Italy. Along with that the sun was shining so fucking bright that Amun and Nicole had to find a place to hide. I was getting more and more restless with each passing day that I didnt find Leila.

I couldn't take it anymore so I went out and I "borrowed" three black cloaks. When I gave them to Nicole and Amun they both smirked and didn't bother to question me. They quickly put on the cloaks and we searched the many towns and cities that contained the stench of the leeches we followed.

The only city that had the strong scent was Volterra. We followed the scent to a rather large looking structure and in the background I heard Amun hiss violently.

"Amun...what's wrong?" Nicole asked.

"This isn't good...these vampires...they are nothing but evil" Amun hissed out. "If they have taken Leila then we have to pray to the Gods that she is safe and not harmed"

My heart skipped a beat. "How do you know these vampires?" I asked.

"Because...this is the largest vampire coven...well second to us...and they claim to be vampire royals...I ran into them a few centries ago...that was when they took what was most precious to me"

A small frown formed on my face, I knew what he was talking about.

"It was Nefria wasn't it?" I asked.

"Yes...and since that day I did not want to face them"

Amun and I remained silent as we felt saddness in the air. Nicole sighed and took AMun's face in her hands and forced him to look at her.

"Amun...I may not know much of your past but I know enough to understand that these people killed someone you loved...Amun...Leilais someone else that you love have a chance to save her...we all do...we can't leave little Leila here to die all alone now can we?" Nicole stated.

I watched as Amun's facial espression hardened and he became serious. I smiled and watched as Amun gave Nicole a strong and passionate kiss. That was when my smile faded, I thought of Jake.

"Come...we have to hurry if we want to save Leila...we shall go in as a a calm and well mannered order...if we rush in ready to kill they will fight back...and you will lose"

I nodded my head and I looked at both Amun and Nicole. The three of us had walked straight into the giant stone hideout and through dark halls. Once we came to a lit room the first thing we had seen was a human woman. She stood up and smiled at us and said something in italian. I looked at her with curious eyes and I began to wonder, why would a vampire coven want a human woman as a secretary?

"Welcome" The woman said again this time in english.

I smiled lightly. "Hello...I would like to see the leader of this coven...I have something important to discuss with him" I stated as I got right to the point.

The human looked at me with unwanting eyes. "They are unavailable at the moment" Sha said.

"Well that is too bad...I have an old friend who wants to see him after so long" I said as I pointed to Amun.

"Old friend? to who?"

"" I said softly since I didn't know his name.

"Aro...I came to see Aro if you don't mind Giana" Amun said quickly.

Giana smiled and nodded. "Go straight ahead" She said as she pointedd to a set of doors. "Just walk straight until you hit large double doors...Aro will be there"

"Thank you" I said as I held a fake smile on my lips.

Amun quickly walked ahead of me and Nicole and he seemed to be in a hirry. Amun had told me Nicole that the faster we get Leila that faster we could leave. it wasn't long until we finally hit a set of large old fashioned double doors. They were opened and when we came into view many vampires hissed at my presence. I looked to the corners and then to the center of the room where I saw three vampires sitting down on three thrones and I began to wonder, which one was Aro. Amun hissed as he looked at the vampires sitting in the throne in the centerand it was then clear to me which one was Aro.

"Who are you? Speak now human" A small blonde vampire girl asked in an emotionless tone.

I scoffed and shook my head. "I am not a leech and if I were you I would stay quiet or else I will force you" I threatened.

Other vampires hissed and Amn quickly took my hand. I looked and Saw Aro stand up and the others silenced.

"Who are you?" Aro asked. in a dark voice.

"I came for what is mine" I said clearly.

"And what is that?" He asked.

"You took a daughter...I would like her back!" I ordered.

Aro's eyes softened and he smiled. His mood seemed to shift to one that was somewhat happier, it was strange.

"Ahh...the little werewolf...I am afraid that I can't do that" Aro said.

"And why not?!" Amun shouted.

A vampire came and quickly took Amun by the neck. Amun reacted and quickly flipped the vampire over on it's back making the marble floor break. Another vampire quickly came after Amun and tried to stop him, but Nicole was there to help.

"Control your friends miss...." Aro said as he obviously wanted to know my name.

" name is Bastet...and you Aro...are going to make the biggest mistake in your life" I said.

"And why is that?" Aro asked as he chuckled darkly.

"Because Aro...if you harm my friends and do not return my daughter you will not live to see tomorrow" I stated.

Aro laughed and looked at me. "Look around my are nothing but a human...and may I say that you smell absolutely delectable you would make a fine vampire...but getting to the main sibject...this room is filled with vampires and you my dear will not live to see tomorrow"

I smiled. "Well this situation can easily be avoided...all you have to do is return my daughter and release my friends"

She is a werewolf and a is dangerous for one so young and immature to be allowed to roam freely in the human world...she must be elimanated" A blond haired vampire beside Aro spoke.

"Caius...a mother doesn't need to know about her childs situation" Aro said softly.

"Well this mother child is not a werewolf! she is a shapeshifter" I stated. "Please give her back to's all I am asking"

"I would listen to Bastet..." A soft and beautiful voice rang through the room. "The child is important to Bastet...she is important to me...Bastet...Nicole...Amun,...and even you Master Aro"

"Please...just listen Aro..." I heard Amun whisper in the background.

I watched as Aro stared at Amun long and hard until he realized something. "Do I know you?" Aro asked.

Amun stood silent and I could tell that it agrivated Aro. Aro quickly walked up to Amun and forced his hands on him. Aro closed his eyes and it seemed as if he was looking around his mind, reading his every memory, thought, and life stories.

"Ahh...Amun what a pleasure to see you again...I see that you managed to find another mate...and a beautiful one at that...its a shame that her beauty doesnt compare to that of Nefria...isn't it?" Aro stated.

"Nicole is twice the lover that I have ever wanted! Do not speak about my dearest Nicole in such a manner Aro! it's a disgrace!" Amun hissed.

" do you suppose Nefria will handle the news of her first mate finding someone else to love?" Aro asked.

"Nefria would not like it at all...but then again...I couldn't care less" The same beautiful voice rang again. I quickly looked around and saw a beautiful woman walk into the room with a little girl at her side, my little Leila.

"'re alive?" Amun stated in clear shock.

"Always were too blind to see"

"Why? Why would you leave me fake your own death! and join the Volturi?! We had everything!" Amun shouted with a voice filled with hurt.

" had everything...I wanted more" Nefria stated as she walked Leila to Aro. "Aro and the Volturi could provide couldn' couldn't provide me with anything all those years we have been together Amun"

"Isn't she wonderful?" Aro said as he held a proud smile on his face.

"Aro...I have a certain matter to say firstly...I did what you wished...I forced the child to confess...she broke easily and sang like a bird"

I growled and looked at Nefria. "What did you do to her?!" I shouted as I looked at my dearest Leila.

"Calm yourself Bastet...I simmply took control of her body and forced her to give imformation seeing as her mind is blocked from Aro...and it seems interesting"

"Really what information was that?" Aro asked feeling proud of Nefria.

"I know all...the child is not a werewolf...and she isn't a Mau like Bastet...she is both...strange how two unlikely things combined to create a beautiful child...I also found information of her over hearing a conversation with Bastet and two Cullens...the child told me that the Cullens came for help and asked Bastet for it...the Cullens are creating an army to protect their immortal child"

Aro, Caius, and Marcus hissed violently.

"The Cullens are creating an army to protect the child? Surely they must be out of their minds" Caius stated.

"Now now...our dear friend Carlisle would have a perfectly reasonable explanation for his actions" Aro stated.

"The Cllens are ready to fight for the child" Nefria stated.

Aro hissed and turned to me, he smirked and casually walked to me and stopped until his mouth was close to my ear.

"If you wish to see your precious child alive then I suggest that you assist us Bastet...Nefria has told me about your people and I know that you hide a large army...bring them to me and we shall travel to America and face the Cullens and their army...when we resolve the proplem then...and only then shall you have your child back unharmed" Aro spoke quietly and without emotion.

I was about to respond but he quickly took a hold of Leila and carried her off. What was I going to do? Why am I saying that? it's absolutely pathetic, I have no choice but to work along with the Volturi for Leila's sake and mine.

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