Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

~Katelyn’s P.O.V. ~

I woke up in a bright white room. It looked a lot like one of those rooms that belonged in a hospital. My eyes widened and I shot up into a sitting position. I looked around the room and saw Carlisle standing beside my bed.

“You’re awake…how are you feeling?” Carlisle asked.

My eyes welled up with tears and I just broke down. I didn’t even know why I cried instantaneously, I just did. Carlisle placed a calm and cold reassuring hand on my back and tried his best to comfort me.

“So you know don’t you?” Carlisle asked me but I remained silent. Does Jacob know?”

I slowly shook my head and faced Carlisle.

“I lost one Carlisle…I was supposed to have twins…I lost one…I’m such a terrible person…”

“You lost one? I ran a few tests on you and only discovered that you’re only pregnant with one”

“I had twins…one was taken away from me by my own father…it’s difficult to explain Carlisle…it was my punishment…I can’t believe I was so careless!” I said as my voice rose.

“What kind of father admits a punishment such as that?” Carlisle asked.

“A god…with many followers…Anubis was the one who took one of my children…I cannot lose my other one Carlisle…I have to resolve my problems” I said lightly as I took a deep breath.

“Does Jacob know?” Carlisle asked again.

“No…Jake doesn’t know a thing…but that will all change today…where is Jake?” I asked.

“Jacob is off with Jasper Edward and Bella at the battle ground…they plan on hiding Bella’s scent with Jacob’s musky odor”

“Where are my ambush members?”

“They should be returning shortly…they went to Seattle to lower the numbers of the army…they figured that while you were unavailable they could take Alex and the other two boys to kill their first vampire” Carlisle explained.

“Oh…” Was all I said. “Is it alright if I get out of here?” I asked.

“Yes…but please be careful from now on…that means that you will not be able to witness this war…you have to stay at home Katelyn”

“I know Carlisle…But I need to find Jake…I’ll go home and rest when I finish my talk with him” I said as I slowly stood up from the bed.

“I hope you don’t mind but Alice gave you a clean change of clothes”

“I don’t mind at all Carlisle…thank you” I said as I walked out of the room and out the Cullen’s door.

I was walking on my own through the woods, following Jake’s scent until I found it. His scent was mixed in with Bella’s. I ignored the fact that Jake was probably off with Bella doing who knows what. When the scent grew stronger I quickened my pace and I soon came to a stop at a clearing. I could see Jake talking to Jasper and Edward. Bella was standing close to Edward and tried to follow along with the conversation the boys were having.

“Katelyn…?” I heard Jake whisper quietly; his voice was filled with so much regret.

My mouth opened and I tried to speak but no words were able to leave my mouth. Edward slowly grabbed Bella by the waist and took her away. Jasper slowly walked away with Edward and Bella until I was all alone with Jake.

“Katelyn…I’m so sorry” Jake said quietly. “I went way out of line and I lost control I’m sorry”

I remained quiet and heard Jake continue about how he was sorry for what he did. I slowly raised my hand to silence him and now it was my turn to talk.

“Jake…it wasn’t your fault…it was all mine…I was acting in self defense…it was not right for me to just attack you for no reason…I only attacked you because I felt threatened…and I’m sorry because I crossed a line and I started it not you…you have no reason to apologize Jake…but if you listen long enough then you will know why I did what I did”

“What do you mean?” Jake asked.

“I just mean this…Jake…I’m-“

“Katelyn!” I heard a shout from way behind me.

I sighed and turned around to see Alex and the others all running towards me happily.

“We missed you” Damion stated.

“Yes…the boys couldn’t stop thinking about you…always wondering if your alright and if you were going to make it” Tristan added.

“Well…I’m fine…I was just having a small talk with Jake” I stated.

Their stares became cold and unpleasant when I mentioned Jake.

“Another talk with this hound? Don’t all you talks end up with you being injured?” Rius said in a hateful tone.

“I know…but this time it’s different…I came to apologize to Jake and to tell him everything…so Jake…what do you think? Would you be willing to give us another chance?”

Jake remained silent for a while and then gave me a small smile. “I would love to Kat…but you can’t keep anymore secrets from me…you have to tell me everything…but right now I have to go see Sam…I promised him that I would have a word with him once I got done with the Cullen’s”

“Oh…ok then I’ll talk to you later” I said sadly.

“I’ll try to hurry” Jake said as he placed a kiss on my forehead and left me alone.

I sighed and turned to my brothers and saw their displeased faces. I ignored their faces and walked on my own all the way to Adrian’s house. When I got home I saw a note plastered on the door stating that she was in the hospital. I smiled lightly and went inside and put the note away. I have to visit Adrian when I have the time; I wanted to be there for her when she gave birth to her new baby.

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