Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~
I was finally home and I quickly started putting away the groceries. When I was finished I quickly went to unpack the rest of the boxes. I was finished by 5:28. I sighed and went to the kitchen and prepared to cook something for dinner at least so Adrian would have something to eat. I had finished cooking when the time hit 6:18, which was the very same time Adrian walked through the door soaked from the rain. I couldn't help but laugh at my aunt as she stood at the doorway shaking from the cold water.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"No I'm wet Kat...I'm perfectly fine" Adrian mocked as she hung up her jacket.

"Hold on...don't move I'll go get you a towel" I said and quickly went to the upstairs supply closet and brought Adrian a fresh clean towel.

"Thanks Kitty you're the best..." Adrian stated as she looked around. "Wow everything's all unpacked...did you do it all on your own?...and what smells so delicious?"

I smiled and held a small giggle. "I did unpack the rest of the things...and I cooked Juan told me that you would appreciate a nice warm cooked meal when you came back from work so I made dinner and the tables all set now all you have to do is get your butt upstairs and get cleaned up" I said as I pointed to the stairs.

"Yes mom" Adrian said in a mocking tone as she went upstairs.

I smiled lightly and checked up on the food. I had waited for about ten maybe fifteen minutes when both Adrian and Juan came down ready to eat.

"Oh by the way Kat I did some searching and I talked to Charlie and he told me that the closest school here is Forks your going with Bella...tomorrow you and I are going to get you a few supplies is that alright?" Adrian asked.

"Yea that's when do I get to meet Charlie and Bella...and don't you have work tomorrow?"

"Well I do but im sure Dr. Cullen will understand my absence"

"Oh..." Was all I could really say as I continued to eat.


The morning came quickly and it passed by without worry. The whole morning was spent with me and Adrian joking around and getting a few notebooks, binders, and pens for school. I sighed and began to wonder what my tine as a new student would go. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the sound of a phone ringing loudly. I sighed and went through Adrian's purse and found her phone.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone.

"Hello? Is this Adrian?" a man's voice said through the other side.

" it's Katelyn...Adrian is not here right now she's busy" I stated.

"Katelyn? Really little Katelyn?...well I can tell you're not so little anymore...I'm Charlie remember? Of course you don't...I'm your uncle Charlie"

"Oh...That Charlie...well I'll let Adrian know that you called" I said.

"Oh well can you tell her that I want to invite you to dinner tonight I really do want to see my niece and Bella has been a bit curious about you as well...can you tell her that please Katelyn?"

"Yea...I'll tell her" I said. "Goodbye Charlie" I said and hung up the cell phone, I didn't even bother to wait for his reply.

Just as soon as I put the phone back inside Adrian's purse I saw her walk into the room with Juan, both laughing like something funny happened.

"Adrian Charlie called he's inviting us over for dinner...I guess he wanted you to call him back and let him know but I'm not sure" I said quietly.

"Really? Charlie get ready we're going" Adrian said happily.

"Sure thing" I said simply before heading upstairs to take a quick shower.

When I was finished I quickly dressed into a red corset top and dark jeans. I went down stairs to meet up with Adrian and Juan who were already ready. I saw Adrian smile and Juan pull on his jacket. We didn't say a word we just simply went into Juan's truck and we made our way to Charlie's home. The ride was fairly short but when we stopped the truck I could see a middle aged man standing outside. He had a happy smile on his face. Adrian quickly got out of the car and quickly ran to Charlie.

"Charlie! Oh my goodness you sure did change over the years!" Adrian stated happily.

"Well that's what happens I guess...but look at you...the baby of the family and look at look great" Charlie replied. "And this must be Juan"

Juan stuck out his hand and shook it. "That I am...I heard a lot about you Charlie...I would like you to meet Katelyn Pride"

I smiled confidently. "Hello uncle Charlie"

"Wow..." Charlie said speechlessly. "You must be Rebecca's is your mother?"

"She's doing just fine...she's in Cairo with my brothers"

"Cairo really? That's good for her...we'll come inside I know you don't want to be standing in the rain" Charlie said as he held the door open for us.

I followed my aunt inside the small house. When I was inside I saw a rather plain looking girl standing by the stairs with a pale boy. Then it hit me, this was the girl I saw in the clearing with that leech. This bot was a leech. I avoided his eyes and glared at the stupid girl as I made my way to the kitchen. I instantly felt a sudden force pull in my mind and I quickly blocked it out knowing the leech was trying something.

"Katelyn I want you to meet Bella...and her boyfriend Edward Cullen" Charlie said the last part with such disdain and irritation.

"Katelyn? Who's she?" Bella said quietly through a small stutter.

"I'm Katelyn Pride...your cousin"

"Cousin?" Bella stammered out.

"It's nice to see you Katelyn" Edward said as he held out his hand.

I didn't bother with that instead I just looked at his hands and gave him a cold glare. I watched as Edward slowly took back his hand and then eyes me curiously.

"That's a pretty bad scar Katelyn...where did you get it?" Edward asked implying to the bite mark on my shoulder.

"I was attacked by an animal when I was exploring the wooded area behind my house...but no worries Edward Cullen I will be just fine"

"Attached? It's probably those things the hikers are careful around those forests Katelyn we don't want you to disappear now" Charlie said. "Bella...why don't you get started on dinner"

"Y-yeah..." Bella replied reluctantly.

"Well I should really be going mother would be worried about me" Edward said coolly.

I watched as he walked out of the door without another word. Bella went straight into the kitchen and Charlie pulled Adrian and Juan into the living room. I stayed close to Bella as she began to fill a pot with water.

"Here let me help you" I said as I took the pot from her hand immediately seeing the scarron her wrist, no doubt from a vampire.

"Thanks" Bella said quietly as she tucked a piece of hair behind her eat.

" were attacked by the same thing I was attacked by Bella" I murmured in a hushed tone.

"What are you talking about?" Bella said in a nervous tone.

"Don't play around with me Bella...I know what bit you its too were bitten by a who was it?" I asked timidly.

"I-I don't know what your talking about?" Bella lied.

I scoffed. "Dont lie to me...I may not have known you for years or hours but I need to know besides I know we can get along if you cooperate properly" I hissed out it was Edward?"

"N-no...he saved me" Bella stated nervously in a hushed tone so no one could hear. "Edward and his family saved me...from a tracking vampire James that was his name he was the one who bit me..."

I smirked lightly satisfied with her answer. "Well a leech family that loves and cares for a human...never heard that before" I laughed out quietly.

Bella remained silent for a few minutes before speaking up. "So how did you know Edward was a vampire?"

I laughed lightly. "He doesn't exactly smell that well...sickly sweet to me but to you and any other human it's a scent to attract you like prey"

"So...what are you?" Bella asked.

At this point stopped laughing and gave Bella a serious look. "Why should I tell you? What do you mean to me? What even makes you think im going to tell you? I'm not" I hissed out before walking into the living room with Adrian and the two men who were watching a game on the tv.

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