Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

~Katelyn’s P.O.V. ~

I watched in boredom as the Cullen’s paired off and fought each other. From the corner of my eye I could see Jake standing close to Bella and I quickly rolled my eyes and walked away. The little show with the Cullen’s was over and I had ordered the boys to leave. I wanted to walk home and just be by myself. Of course I couldn’t get my own piece of silence seeing as I heard Jake’s footsteps coming closer to me. I sighed and turned around and saw Jake standing there catching his breath.

“What’s with the questions that the doctor was asking you?” Jake asked.

“So now you decide to care? Wow I’m surprised…why don’t you just run back to Bella and ask her?” I said.

“Bella wouldn’t know what’s going on with you…please Kat tell me what’s going on”

“Nothing is going on Jake…but there’s something wrong with you…you’d rather spent time with a leech lover more than your own imprint” I said and continued walking.

“Listen to me will you!” Jake yelled.

My body froze instantly at how loud his voice grew. “You have five minutes Jacob” I stated.

“That’s all I’m asking for…now will you listen to me please?”

“Four minutes and forty-one seconds” I stated.

“Look Katelyn I’m seriously sorry about what I did back then and I’m seriously sorry about what I’m doing to you now but I love Bella and she’s my best friend…but I love you Kat and you’re my imprint…I just want things between us to be normal again…I want to start over with you Katelyn…I want us to work our problems out please…please…please…just give me another chance and I promise this time that I won’t hurt you anymore”

It remained silent between the two as I listened to Jake ramble on about his needs and wants. I didn’t bother Jake for five minutes as I promised and when he was done he was standing right in front of me holding my hand tightly. Jake looked at me with curious eyes and he held up my hand.

“Your hands are cold…like you’re a vampire…what’s going on Katelyn?...what’s going on with you? You’re acting weird and you won’t phase and you’re keeping far too much secrets from me…I’m tired of it…please tell me” Jake said sadly.

“Why the sudden change of heart Jake?” I asked. “Why of all times do you care about my well being? know none of this would have happened if I hadn’t have met you Jake…everything would have been fine but no…my life can’t be simple anymore”

“You’re avoiding my questions Katelyn! Please answer them!”

“I don’t have to answer your questions Jake all I had to do was to listen to you for five damn minutes…and guess what your time is up” I stated and walked away from Jake.

I heard Jake growl in frustration and he quickly phased. I turned slightly and saw Jake growling and barking. I rolled my eyes and walked away from Jake. Jake growled again and I heard his giant paws move closer to me. I didn’t like this at all, he was invading my personal space and it was not only going to hurt me, but it was going to hurt my children.

~Tristan’s P.O.V. ~

Rius was giving the orders and since Kat wasn’t feeling like her usual self he didn’t want to risk leaving her alone. I went with Damion and we followed Kat and watched her from a distance. We stalked her for a while, when she was talking to Jake, Damion and I opened our ears. It was a hard conversation for Kat and Jake since it was filled with so much stress and tension. It wasn’t until the conversation was over that the real action began. Jake had phased and he looked as if he was going to attack Kat. Damion and I quickly went to stop him but the unspeakable happened. Katelyn phased and attacked Jake.

‘Stay out of this!’ I heard Katelyn thoughts scream out.

‘Kat! What are you doing?!’ Damion asked.

‘Don’t you care about your unborn!?’ I thought to her.

Kat froze and looked back at me. Her piercing blue eyes filled with so much pain. Katelyn gave up the fight but Jake didn’t. He jumped on Kat and sank his teeth deep in Kat’s fragile neck and shoulders. Kat whined loudly and tried to shake Jake off. I growled and pounced on Jake, instantly knocking him off Kat. Damion attacked Jake and fought hard until Rius and the others came to help. Sam and his pack were also here. Sam instantly took control of Jake and ordered him to calm down.

Jake slowly stopped and backed away. I looked over and saw Katelyn, not as an animal, but in her poor human form. She was screaming and her body was thrashing around uncontrollable. Was she really in that much pain? Katelyn was clawing at her own skin as she screamed, begged, and dried for the pain to go away. From behind Sam I could hear Jake whine and panic as he watched Katelyn. Rius quickly went to Katelyn and he ripped off his shirt and placed it on Katelyn’s wound.

Katelyn stopped thrashing around and she calmed down slightly. She laid motionless on Rius and muttered mixed words. Rius slowly calmed her down until her eyes shut and she stopped breathing. I sighed in relief knowing she was saved by Ra. Rius checked her slow and steady pulse and picked her up.

“Take her to the doctor…he’s the only one who can help her at this moment” Rius said as he handed Kat to Rias.

“Yes brother” Rias said as he ran off with Katelyn.

Rius turned to Jake and gave him a grave look; Jake was still whimpering and whining for Katelyn. I just ignored his calls and turned my eyes to Katelyn’s blood that lingered on his muzzle.

“What have you done?” Rius asked. “I cannot believe that you were the kind to harm their own imprint…well I do not think she’ll be wanting you now that you’ve done the unspeakable…you see Jacob…Bastet acted out in defense…you phased and she felt threatened and she attacked…Bastet isn’t meant to phase…her body isn’t in the right condition for such a thing…she has been ill for the past month…and you are making things much worse for her…so please Jacob Black…answer my call…leave Katelyn alone…she is better off with me” Rius said calmly.

Jacob didn’t accept the last statement because he growled loudly. When Rius heard Jacob growl he sighed and shook head.

“Very well…we shall have Katelyn choose…if she chooses you then she will stay with you…if she chooses me…then I will have her as my new bride and I will take her away from here…will you accept to these simple terms or will you be too busy trying to convince your human friend to be yours?” Rius said in an intimidating tone.

Jacob growled before thinking about the solution. Jacob slowly nodded his large head in agreement and Rius smiled feeling completely satisfied.

“Very well Jacob Black…we shall see very soon”

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