Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

When I made it to Adrian's I had taken a much needed shower. I changed into a pair of black short shorts and a white lace bra. I sighed and laid on my bed, eventually I got tired and I walked downstairs and saw Adrian putting on her jacket.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm going out for a while...I'm going to see Charlie for a while"

"Charlie? Why so late at night?"

"I just have to Kat...can you handle yourself all on your own?"

I smiled. "Of course I can Adrian"

"Good" Adrian said as she walked out the door.

"Be careful!" I called out.

"Always am!" Adrian responded as she went inside her car and drove off.

I took a deep breath as I watched Adrian's car leave but then my body stiffened when I caught Jake's scent. I growled lightly and quickly went upstairs ino my room and saw Jake leaning against the wall. I crossed my arms and watched Jake in complete silence.

"We need to talk" Was all that came out of Jake's mouth.

"About what? Me...You...Bella...or Us?" I asked.

"Us..." Jake said simply.

"What about us?"

"I came to apologize to you behavior isn't exactly honest and....-"

"Faithful?" I added.

"Yes...look I came to apologize and I'm hoping that you forgive me...but you have to apologize to me too you know"

"Why do I have to apologize to you? You never take 'us' seriously anymore'd rather spend all your time with why is that?!" I shouted.

"Because Bella's my friend!" Jake raised his voice to equal mine. "You know what...I'm beginning to regret coming here in the first place! It's pointless talking to you!"

"'s pointless to talk to me? Well talking to you isn't a joy ride either Jacob! You're so thick headed! You never get the right message through that damn head of yours!"

"You know what Katelyn! I take my apology back!...why don't you just go and call that blood sucker you love so much! Maybe he'll get you to shut up and listen!"

"Fine! Maybe I will! Besides I don't want you anymore! You're nothing but a useless dog! A filthy mutt with loyalty issues!" I yelled feeling the tears form on my eyes.

"Good! Because you know what?! I'm sick of you...I'm sick of you and your stupid attitude you stupid cat!" Jake's voice got as loud as mine did.

"Get the hell out of my damn house! I don't want you here anymore!" I yelled and opened my room door.

Jake glared at me with dark eyes that seethed with anger and frustration. I didn't show Jake my eyes that refused to keep my tears from falling. Jake ignored me and walked out of my room, when he was out I quickly slammed the door hard on his back and my body just broke down. I hugged my knees and let my tears fall freely. I let out frequent sobs as I tried to control myself. I couldn't believe what I said to Jake, I couldn't believe what I heard come out of his mouth. My mind replayed out vigorous yelling match over and over in my head. It refused to leave me alone.

~Jacob's P.O.V.~

Kat slammed the door on me. It broke my heart to even hear those poisonous words come out of her mouth. All I really ever wanted to do was to tell her I was sorry and that I loved her. Apparently it went too far. I couldn't help but think if what she said was true, did she really not want me anymore. I sighed and sunk to the floor and leaned my head back on Kat's door. I remained quiet and listened to the sounds of Kat crying. My heart broke into more pieces, I really hurt her, and I'm still hurting her with me wanting to be with Bella. Kat was right, I am a stupid dog with loyalty problems.

"Kat..." I spoke quietly knowing she could hear me. "Kat please stop crying..." I said as I waited for a response. "Please Kat....look I'm sor-"

"Just go away!" I heard Kat shout through broken sobs. "Please...just...leave me a-alone"

I was about to say some thin else but I didn't want to upset her anymore. I sighed and slowly got up and walked out of the house. The sounds of Kat's crying filled my head and it only made me grow even more upset with myself, how could I be such a jerk?

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

Jake left, like nothing happened, he left me alone in the complete silence. He didn't fight back, he didn't try and force the door open. He just left. More tears fell from my eyes as I felt completely alone. I couldn't believe it, Jake really did lose all interest in me. I wasn't going to let Jake walk away from me though. To be honest, no matter how much I fight and argue with Jake, I still love him at the end of the day. I couldn't let Jake slip through my fingers, he's my soul mate and I plan on keeping him interested in me.

I quickly stood up and wiped my tears and ran out of my room. I made my way down the stairs and out the front door. I saw Jake slowly walking down the street. The tears slowly fell from my face when I saw him. Still a small smile formed on my lips.

"Jake!" I quickly called out to him.

Jake slowly turned around and his eyes widened when he saw me. My legs moved on their own and it wasn't soon until my hands were wrapped tight around his neck and my lips were firmly pressed against his. At first Jake didn't respond but eventually he responded by wrapping his large hands around my small waist. Jake's lips forcefully moved with mine but then he suddenly pulled away from me. I was left breathless but I quickly pressed my lips against his once more. I wasn't going to leave Jake to Bella, no he was mine, he was right here, and I wanted him to take me.

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