Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

Questions weren't asked on how I managed to make it to Emily's house before them and also on how I managed to find Emily's house. Sam had just brought me inside where Jared and Paul quickly took their seats at the kitchen table. I stood by the door and heard Sam talking to a woman in such a lovely tone. I could hear the woman gasp lightly before rushing my way.

Her eyes widened slightly when she saw me but then she relaxed and gave me a smile. My eyes were on her three long jagged scars that rested on her cheek. She was a very beautiful woman, but those three scars had ruined her beauty. My eyes wondered to Sam and his eyes were filled with regret. I turned back to the woman and smiled back completely ignoring her scars.

"Hi I'm Emily" The woman said as she stuck out her hand.

I smiled and shook her hand. "I'm Katelyn"

"Wow...your skin is a lot hotter than Sam's" Emily stated as she took her hand back. "Well I've heard plenty about you Katelyn...and about how you used to tease my boys" Emily said as she pulled me towards the kitchen.

"Well what was I supposed to do on my spare time?" I asked.

"I have quite a few questions to ask you if you don't mind me asking"
Emily said.

"Sure go ahead and ask...but I will take it upon myself to answer most questions"

"Oh good...I want to start off by saying that you have the most gorgeous eyes...and also are there more of you I mean do you run in a pack?"

I laughed lightly. "Well I'm not a dog and I don't run in a pack...I run in an ambush...and there isn't much left...actually there are only two left other than me so it makes me and my two brothers"

"You have brothers?" Paul asked in a weird tone.

"I do...we're triplets...I'm the youngest so they are rather protective of me"

"Where are they? Do they live with you?" Sam asked.

"I thought Emily was asking all the questions?" I said as I crossed my arms. "But getting back on subject my brothers don't live with me...they are in the other side of the Cairo, Egypt" I answered.

"Cairo? So far exotic...what's your story? Why do people call you Bastet? Why is it that your a shape shifting tiger and not a wolf?" Emily questioned.

" kind originated in Cairo and my story is a long and devastating story...people call me Bastet because that's who I am...and in reality I can take form into any wild cat but I was born with the mark of a tiger"

" what do you mean that your story is devastating?" Emily asked.

"Well that is something I won't be willing to answer" I stated honestly. "It is a matter in which you are not meant to know" I said instantly catching a strange tone in my voice, it was Bastet's voice, my old voice.

I instantly cleared my throat and took a deep breath and looked at Sam and the others who were eying me curiously.

"What was that?" Jared asked.

"What was what?" I asked trying to act as if nothing happened.

"Just drop it would you like to join our pack? We could use someone like you on our side" Sam offered.

I smiled before shaking my head. "I don't think so Sammy Boy...if you haven't noticed my size...I'm as big as you are...if not alpha can not rule over the dominant female" I stated. "Back home I was the ambush leader...and it wouldn't work if I took orders from you or you took orders from me....but I am willing to help you but I do things my way and you will not judge me on my I clear?" I said as I gave Sam a serious glare.

"I suppose we could work together" Sam sighed out as he wrapped his arms around Emily's waist.

"And try not to kill each other" I added.

Paul and Jared broke out into fits of laughter at my small comment, but then they both instantly stopped laughing and turned to look at me.

"Wait if Katelyn's going to join our group then we have to initiate her" Paul bellowed out.

"Deffinatly...what do you say Paul?" Jared asked with a wide wolfish grin.

"I suppose we do" Sam answered before letting go of Emily who took her place in the kitchen.

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