Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

Everything was a blur to me, I don't remember what happened. As my eyes slowly opened I was blinded by a white room surrounded by white curtains. I could hear the beeping of several machines. I looked around and immediately saw I was in a hospital. My breathing suddenly picked up when I remembered what had happened. I hugged my knees and cried to myself not caring if anyone saw me.

I had lost my mother, I saw only 16 and I had lost her so quickly. I cried harder to myself and then I heard the door open. I instantly stopped crying and fear coursed through my veins when I looked into the eyes of the blonde leech I met at the clearing. I could hear the beeping speed up when I looked at this leech.

"So you're named Dr. Carlisle Cullen...and you must be Katelyn" He said as he looked
through various charts.

"I don't associate with blood suckers" I whispered out quietly knowing full well that he could hear me.

Carlisle's face fell slightly and he looked around the room quickly making sure we were alone and he closed the door keeping us in. Carlisle gave me a stern look but then returned to the charts.

"So you know what I am? Now I think it would be fair if you told me what you were" Carlisle stated.

I scoffed lightly. "Get me out of here today and I will tell you" I bargained.

"Seems have been here for the better part of three weeks" Carlisle stated.

"Three weeks? That long? They aren't supposed to last that long..." I muttered to myself.

"What's not supposed to happen long?"

"Nothing...but any way to make things equal...I am known as a protector of the people where I come from"

"A protector? What kind?" Carlisle asked.

"That's all you keep to you end of the bargain and let me go...please I can't stand hospitals"

I could see Carlisle smile brightly as he nodded his head. Carlisle began to remove the various iv's and needled that were jammed into my skin. He had finished and gave me another satisfied smile.

"I'll get Adrian...she could bring a set of clothes for you and then you are free to go" Carlisle stated as he left the room.

I smiled feeling a bit satisfied but still upset. My smile faded as I laid back down onto the bed. Memories began to pass by as I remembered the last time I had seen mom. I felt the tears slowly fall as I remembered the last time I saw mom was when she had sent me away. I watched the clock tick by for at least a half hour. After I grew tired I heard the door open. I turned my head and was instantly taken by Adrian's arms in a tight hug.

"Oh thank god...I thought I was going to lose you scared me half to death..." Adrian cried out. "I'm so sorry about Rebecca...your mother was such a great sister to me" Adrian whispered.

I flinched lightly at the mention of my moms name. I haven't even gotten over my dad dying now I have to get over my mom as well, life just sucks. Adrian handed me a gad of my clothes and then she handed me a small box. I took both things and I headed for the bathroom and I quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a plain red spaghetti strap shirt. I looked at the small bow with curiosity before opening it.

"It came in the mail for you...your brothers sent it" Adrian whispered.

I opened the box and removed the newspaper and bubble wrap and I found a small worn out wooden puzzle box. A sigh of relief flowed through my lips. My brothers had saved the most important thing in my tomb. Personally I didn't care about the other material things. It was all gold completely useless and an empty coffin surrounded by clay and golden vases that used to contain my organs.

Those meant nothing to me, what I held within my hand was worth so much more, it contained my heart, my old heart from my past life. Holding my heart has coursed fear through my veins, I was not meant to be holding this damned thing. I had no choice in the matter though if the heart was in my possession then I had no choice then to return it to where it belonged.

The thing is, was I willing to change my whole life to keep this burden safe from others? I don't think I could be ready to do something like that.

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