Chapter 82 END

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Chapter 82

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

The Volturi left and now all that was left in the clearing were my Mau's, AMunn's vampires, and the Culllens with their "witnesses". Leila was happpy in my arms and she was quietly singing a soft tune. Nicole smiled and ran her fingers through her hair.

"It's good to have you back Leila...we missed you" Nicole said happily.

Leila smiled widely and turned to the Cullens kid.

"Mommy...can I play?" Leila asked as she twirled a piece of my hair in her hands.

I smiled and looked back at renesmee who was playing with Jacob, Seth, and my brothers. I looked at Leila and nodded my head. Amun sighed and took Nicole by the waist and looked at Leila and then me.

"Go ahead...I know you have unfinished business...speak with Jacob...I will lead everyone back home...and I will be waiting for you there" Amun stated.

I smiled. "Amun...I don't think I want to go back to Amon-Ra...I think I'll stay here...I have to talk to Jake...besides...Leila should have a chance to grow up with a father figure"

"Go for it...I can tell he's crazy about you...he hasn't taken his eyes off you since we got here" Nicole quietly stated.

I nodded my head and placed Leila down. I gave her a gentle shove in the direction of Renesmee and the Cullens. She laughed and quickly ran to play tag with Renesmee. I I couldn't help but laugh at the playing children. The Cullens all smiled at the scene and the wolves just watched intently at Leila and then me. I smiled one last time before turning to Amun and Nicole.

"Ra had once told me that you would always be there to watch over me Amun until I no longer needed were supposed to watch and protect me and you did...and now your time is up Amun...thank you for everything" I said quietly.

"Well Bastet...or should I cal you Katelyn?" Amun teased.

I laughed and gave Amun a quick hug along with Nicole.

"Goodbye Bastet...I do hope we meet again" Amun stated sadly.

"I agree...perhaps when Leila turns could visit"
Amun laughed. "Not soon enough Bastet...Farewell...take care of yourself...and Leila"

I smiled and watched as Amun led the march of Mau's and vampires. There was a soft nudge on my shoulder and smiled inwardly when I caught Jake's scent so close to me. When I turned around I came face to face with Jacob's wolf form. His large dark eyes bore straight through mine and I couldn't help but tear up.

I smiled and carefully placed my hand on the side of his muzzle. His soft fur felt so warm as I slowly ran my fingers through his russet coat. Jacob let out a soft whimper as he pressed his large head closer to me, it was perfect for me right here.

"Mommy...why are you crying?" I heard Leila ask quietly.

I smiled and slowly released Jacob and turned to Leila.

"Leila sweet heart...I want you to meet someone...he means a lot to me and he will mean a lot to you too...Leila...this wild...idiotic...stubborn...loving wolf is your father" I said softly.

I watched as Leila gave Jake a toothy grin and throw her arms around him. Of course with her height she was only able to wrap her arms around one of his legs.

Personally I didn't notice this before, but Jacob was a lot bigger than before. I smiled when Jake carefully laid down on the snow covered ground with Leila. My brothers watched from far away with Alex, The Cullen's and the rest of the wolves. No one wanted to ruin this moment for either of us, but I didn't want to continue this here.

"Jake...we need to talk...face to the beach" I stated in a serious tone.

Jake gave me a worried look before slowly nodding his head. He slowly got up and waited as Leila and I went behind the trees. I had ordered Leila to take off her clothes and so did I. Leila quickly phases and soon after I did.

When Leila showed herself to everyone I heard slight gasps from the Cullens and growls from the wolves. I watched as Jake remained still, but then he slowly moved closer and began to examine Leila. She was my beautiful wolf with stripes of a tiger. I gave Jake a quick nod of my head and started off for the beach in La Push with Leila close behind.

When we reached the beach I had phased along with Leila, and when we both dressed we waited there for Jake to show himself in his human form.

"Leila" I hear Jake call out softly.

Leila smiled and quickly ran for Jake. Jake didn't hesitate to quickly pick her up and twirl her around. I smiled and watched as Jake made his way towards me.

" don't know how long I wanted to see you smile...just to see you in general makes me happy...I'm"

"Overwhelmed? Undeserving? " I added.

Jake frowned. "I'm just glad you're back...I missed you so much...I never gave up looking for you when you come you didn't tell me about you being pregnant? I could have been there for you Katelyn,...I could have taken care of both of you" Jake started.

"No you couldn't have were too busy with Bella"

"Bella is nothing but history Kat...right now I want you...that's all I wanted because I never really knew what I had until I lost it...I'm sorry Kat I should have forgiven you like you forgave me all those times...I'm so sorry" Jake went on.

Leila's cheery smile went sour when she looked at Jake and then me. Jake sighed and put Leila down. I gave Leila a reassuring smile and told her to play near the water. Leila agreed and went away.

"Jacob...yo need to do much more than just apologize to win me back..."

"What? What do I have to do? tell me"

"I don't need to tell you already know what you have to do..." I stated.

I sighed when Jake was silent for more than five minutes. I turned around and walked away and went for Leila.

"Of course you would do this! you're a dog! You don't know what to do! It's impossible for us to be together Jacob! Unless you figure out what you want to do!" I stated loudly.

Jake turned to me and his eyes looked hurt. It was true though. Dogs usually follow their masters around, constantly waiting for a signal or a command on what to do, they never act out on their own. Jake was one of those dogs.

"Impossible?! Katelyn! What's impossible is you! Here I am asking you to take me back and you snap at me!" Jake shouted, making his voice louder than mine.

I growled in the air. "You're ridiculous Jacob Black! How can you say that! You want me to tell you what to do?!" I stated. "You grew Jake! You are an alpha! I know this because you changed! you don't need anyone or me to tell you what to do! so take charge!"

Jake remained silent for another few minutes and I couldn't take this, I should have left with Amun while I could, maybe, just maybe I will do that. I could take Leila and go for the airport and leave.

"You know Jake...Ra told me this's impossible for a cat to love a dog" I stated and made my way toward Leila.

At this moment Jake gently took my arm and pulled me back to face him. His dark eyes burned right through me instantly.

"Then let's make it possible" Jake said as his hands gently took my wet cheeks.

My face burned with hot tears as Jake's face inched closer to mine. His lips were so close to mine and it killed me that he was so far away. I inched forward and pressed my lips against his, closing the distance between us.

I felt a crash of emotions as Jake held me closer, and it made me think, maybe, just maybe, it was possible for two unlikely beings to love each other.

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