Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

~Katelyn’s P.O.V. ~

Today was the day, the day that all the fighting, all the violence happened. I of course couldn’t go and help out; I was stuck in this house all alone. So what better to do than have a small snack? I made my way into the kitchen and made a mixed array of small snacks and surprisingly ate it all. When I finished I took a quick shower and went straight to my room. It of course didn’t upset me when I saw two figures sitting on my bed. I smiled happily to see Amun and his mate Nicole.

“Amun Nicole! What brings you two here?” I asked happily.

“Well we came to visit…is that so bad?” Nicole asked.

“You’re still human…you haven’t changed her yet Amun?”

“Of course not…I want her to live a out her remaining human years until I decide to move back to Cairo…after that I will turn her” Amun explained.

“Yes…and I can’t wait…I just want to spent the rest of my life with this man” Nicole said happily.

I smiled sadly and sat on my bed. “Well it’s good to know that your life is going great”

“Aww…are you still having problems with your mate?” Nicole asked.

“Well…I’m trying hard to keep things in control” I said.

“You’re pregnant” Amun said clearly.

“How did you know?” I asked feeling completely shocked.

“Because you my dear Bastet…are showing it”

My mouth opened wide and I quickly ran to a mirror and saw that Amun was right. I had a small baby bump forming. My eyes filled with tears and I fell to the floor and cried. Nicole slowly knelled beside me and comforted me. I stopped crying and regained my composure and face Amun and Nicole.

“Does he know?” Amun asked.

“No…I haven’t been able to tell him…he’s been so busy…and whenever I try to ask him Sam always call for him” I stated.

Amun sighed and took my hand and hoisted me onto his back.

“Well…we are going to tell him now…I will find him for you…no man should keep you waiting Bastet…Nicole…please wait for me here”

“Yes…of course” Nicole said quickly.

Amun smiled and tightened his grip around me and he took off. Following Jake’s scent it led us through a long mountain trail. Amun didn’t take long to find Jake arguing with Bella. He carefully put me down on the snow covered ground and I was carefully making my way to Jake.

“Kiss Me!” I heard Bella scream to Jake.

My eyes went wide and I watched as Jake didn’t argue with Bella. I covered my mouth with my hands and watch as Jake didn’t bother as to think of me. He kissed Bella head on as if he found his true lover. I watched Jake kiss Bella just like he kissed me when we first confessed out feelings. I was on the verge of tears. I couldn’t take it anymore so I ran. I ran as fast as my fdeet could carry me. It wasn’t until I was stopped by a stone wall. I fell to the ground hard and it took me time to really figure out what was going on. I looked up and saw two leeches, one I easily knew as the red headed vixen Victoria and the other wasn’t known to me.

“Well hello again my little Kitty Kat” Victoria mocked.

“Victoria…..I’d kill you here and now but I’m not in the right condition”

Victoria laughed and I saw the man slowly make his way to me.

“May I drink her dry? She defiantly smells wonderful”

“No Riley…I’ve already had a taste of her blood and it belongs to me” Victoria said.

“Very well…but I suggest that we look for your target then” Riley said.

I began to think when I saw Victoria, she was looking for Bella and could only help but think a wicked idea. Right at the moment I was sick and tired of Jake and all his lying. Most of all I was sick and tired of Bella and her ruining everything for me and Jake. I was sick of it and she was going to pay and I thought of Victoria as my personal plan.

“Well…how about a newer target…I can tell you where Bella is” I said.

Victoria’s eyes shined brightly. “Where?” She asked.

“Just promise me one thing…you will kill her…she has been trouble in my life…kill her and I will personally thank you with a small prize”

“Agreed” Victoria said as she smiled. “Where can I find her?”

“Just follow my scent…she’s hiding on the mountain along with her vampire lover…Edward Cullen”

“Let’s hope you are right” Victoria said.

I watched as Victoria left with her new friend Riley and I was alone again. I smiled wickedly knowing that my job would be done. I sat on a wet rock and I sat to myself thinking about what I should do next.

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