Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

My world felt foggy, dizzy, I felt completely lost. I opened my eyes and a blinding white light surrounded me and it became clear all of a sudden. My body felt completely stressless and relaxed when I sat up. I clutched my head when I felt a slight pain in my head. The light around me cleared and I noticed that I wasn't at home I my room or at Jake's room. My mind began to wander to Jake, did he save me from Victoria? I don't remember being pulled out of the water. I carefully turned my body and placed my feet on the cold floor. I shivered lightly but it passed quickly. I saw some clothes laying on the foot on the bed and I quickly took those clothes and put them on. I walked out the door and I could clearly hear voices, familiar voices. I slowly walked downstairs and I found myself standing next to Emily's kitchen.

"Kat!" Alex shouted and quickly ran to give me a tight hug.

"Alex....." I said quietly. "What's going on?" I asked seeing as everyone was in Emily's small kitchen.

"'re awake...that's the first good news since all day" Emily said thankfully.

"What happened? Is Jake alright?!" I asked, my voice getting loud.

"Yeah...Jake's fine...he's at Bella's" Sam said.

"Bella's what's wrong with Bella?...why is Jake at her house? And what the hell's going on? Why are there so many people here?" I asked feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Everyone placed their eyes on me and I could feel my heart beating rapidly.

"Kat...Jake didn't come after you when you fell off the cliff with Victoria...he went to save Bella instead..." Alex said quietly.

My eyes narrowed and my fists clenched together at the mention of her name.

"Jake? Went to Bella?"

I quickly walked outside and walked to the back of Emily's house and went straight into the woods. I stripped myself of my clothes and phased. I felt my tight muscles and I quickly stretched and started on a quick sprint. I quickened up my pace and made it to Bella's place in no time. I phased back and quickly put on my clothes. I could see Bella's truck from across the street and inside Bella's truck were Jake and Bella. They were sitting to close for my taste, but what really pissed me off was that Jake was moving closer to Bella.

He was going to kiss Bella. My eyes widened and I lost it. I quickly went over and pulled Bella out of the of the truck roughly. Bella clumsily fell back but then she stood on her feet. I roughly pushed her back and watched her fall again. This time she refused to stand back up.

"I warned you! I've hinted out to you! I don't want to see you anywhere near Jake! You're only using him!! You don't really love him!" I yelled at Bella.

She remained silent and she slowly stood back up. I growled and roughly grabbed her fragile neck and threw her down not bothering to be careful.

"Now Bella...I won't be saying this stay away from Jake or I will fucking kill you...and trust me I will make sure you're dead that way your precious Cullens can't turn you into what you want most" I threatened into her ear.

I felt a large arm wrap around my waist and a slight pull came along. Jake pulled me away from Bella and pushed me out of his grasp.

"Katelyn! What the hell are you doing?!"

"I'm teaching this thing not to mess around with me and my things!"

"Katelyn! Stop it and go home!"

"No! I'm not leaving here without teaching this bitch a lesson!"

"Katelyn! Stop being immature!! Grow up and go home!" Jake shouted loudly. "When I get to you're place we're going to have a serious talk about the way you're acting towards Bella! Now go home or I'll call Adrian to get you"

I growled and slowly took a deep breath. I calmed down and walked away. I can't believe I'm listening to Jake. I slowly moved one foot in front of the other and walked all the way back to Adrian's house. When I walked inside I could see Adrian sitting in the living room eating a plate of food while watching tv. I smiled lightly said hello and went upstairs. Of course to my surprise I saw Amun sitting on my bed.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Put this on" Amun said as he threw a black bag at me. "We are going out for a few days"

"Few days? Why?"

"Because...Alexander said so...we had made a deal stating that you owed me a favor and I would help you...and you do not have a choice Bastet"

I sighed. "What do I have to do for you?" I asked.

"All you have to do is accompany to Seattle and meet my singer"

"And I have to wear this?" I asked as I opened the bag.

"Of course you do"

"Why?" I asked.

"Jealousy is a terrible emotion Bastet...which is why I want you to clean yourself and look presentable...and soon your useless mate will be here and when takes one good look at you with me all dressed up we will make him feel jealous"

I smiled. "Well...aren't you a devious vampire...I'll try to be quick" I said as I rushed straight to the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and washed my hair. When I finished with the shower I quickly fixed my up and did my make up. I quickly put on the small dress and the heels that came along and went back to my room. Amun stood up and his topaz eyes looked me up and down. I saw a smirk form on his face and his eyebrows raise slightly.

"Not look lovely Bastet...but I still don't know what you're mate sees in Isabella when he has a beautiful orchid in front of his very eyes"

I blushed lightly and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well then...shall we go?" Amun extended his hand toward me.

"We shall" I said and took his hand.

Amun walked me out of my room and we walked outside the house laughing for no reason. At the end of the side walk I could see a gorgeous sleek black motorcycle. Amun walked me over to a black motorcycle, smiled and threw me a helmet but I threw it back at him.

"I don't need it" I purred out.

Amun smiled but it soon faded. His head slowly turned to the woods and my eyes followed. I saw Jake and the others slowly walking to me. I smiled and quickly fixed up my dress and stood a little to close to Amun. I saw Jake clench his fist and his body tremble for a second. I held back my victorious smile when I saw his reaction. Paul, Jared, and Embry both stared at me with intense eyes.

"Where the hell are you going?" Jake asked.

My eyebrows arched and my arms crossed together. "What? I can't go out?"

"Not dressed like that you're not!" Jake shouted.

I smiled. "Like it matters...I'm going out whether you like it or not can't stop me"

"Yeah? Watch me!" Jake said as he roughly.

"Let me go!" I hissed.

"I do believe that my Bastet ordered you to release her...Jacob Black you wouldn't want to cause
problems would you?" Amun said casually.

Jake growled and released me. "You're staying here"

" see Jacob...I'm sick and tired of you playing you're little games and guess what...I can play my own little games...see I don't like the fact that you even think about Bella...I hate it and you know that yet you continue on...well I can play you're little games Jake...I'm going away for a few days and I won't come back until I've been drunk...fucked...and satisfied" I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Jake's mouth fell open and his eyes went wide. Amun smirked and got on and revved up the engine I got on in the back and wrapped my arms around Amun's waist. Amun drove off quickly through the streets. This was my day to just relax and feel great because it felt great to back talk Jacob.

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