Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

When I made it to Adrian's house it felt awkwardly quiet. I smelt the air cautiously and I had noticed two scents. Juan's scent and another one, the scent of a woman. I scrunched my nose when the scent of strong perfume smell caught my nose. I heard the sounds of light moans and I hissed and quickly went up the stairs. When I followed the human sounds it lead me to Juan and Adrian's room. I opened the door and my eyes flashed with anger when I saw Juan on the bed having sex with another woman. My temper went through the room when I screamed out angrily.

"What the fuck Juan do you think you're doing?!" I screamed.

Juan's eyes widened and he quickly got off of the whore he was on and draped the blanket over his lower region. I watched as the woman covered herself and looked at me with curious eyes.

"Juan? Who is this girl?" The woman asked.

"Katelyn...she's my niece" Juan explained to the woman.

"Well Juan do you mind explaining what the hell you're doing with this slut when you're fucking married and having a kid at that!?!" I screamed louder.

The woman's eyes widened in shock as she looked at Juan.

"You're married? And having a kid?" The woman said in disbelief and then looked at me. "I'm so sorry...I didn't know...he said he was single and--"

"Cut the crap!" I shouted cutting her off. "Juan...tell me...will you be the one to tell Adrian the news or am I going to have to break them in for her?" I asked.

Juan's expression went blank as he watched me leave the room. I quickly went to the nearest phone and dialed Adrian's number. It rang three times before she had finally answered.

"Hello?" Adrian's voice said.

"'s Katelyn...I have something to tell you...just wait till you get ho--"

"Hey honey...just ignore Katelyn...she's being.......ridiculous" Juan said as he took the phone
from me.

"Alright then...I'm almost home anyway so I'll see you both soon" Adrian stated on the phone.

"Alright...see you soon honey love you" Juan said as he hung up the phone.

My eyes flashed brightly with anger as I quickly went into the disgusting room where the woman was getting dressed. I could see her crying uncontrollably. I growled and threw her shoes into her hands.

"Get the hell out of my house" I ordered.

She shook lightly feeling scared to even look at my eyes. She quickly walked down the stairs and out of the house. She went of walking outside in he dampness of the rain. I growled lightly and began to rummage through Juan's belongings and I began to throw some of his clothed outside. Juan was yelling at me nonstop ordering me to stop my "foolish" behavior. I ignored Juan's angry cries and threw more of his belongings outside. When I heard a car pull up to the side of the road and come to a stop. I smiled to myself when Adrian came out of the car.

"What the hell's going on here?" Adrian asked.

"Nothing...Katelyn's being a brat" Juan said simply.

I scoffed and quickly went outside and pushed Juan away from Adrian.

"Keep you're filthy hands off of my aunt!" I shouted.

"Kitty? What's wrong with you?" Adrian asked.

"What's wrong? I don't know what's wrong with me...Juan do you know what's wrong with me? Would you like to tell Adrian?"

Adrian's eyebrows furrowed together as she looked at me curiously, but then her eyes went to Juan who was glaring knives into my chest.

"Juan Katelyn...anyone...I don't care just tell me the news what the hell's going on?"

Juan remained silent for a while. " I was talking to Katelyn here about her truck that we were fixing...and I told her that I was going to sell the old thing once it's repaired" Juan lied.

"Why do you insist on lying Juan?! You're such a horn dog! Adrian he's lying to you! I saw him today in your room on your bed laying on your sheets with his filthy dick inside another woman!" I screamed loudly.

Adrian's eyes widened in complete disbelief and then she looked at Juan. Her eyes begging for an answer.

"Y-You? You what?" Adrian stuttered out not believing my words.

"Go ahead Juan tell her the truth...tell her how you were having sex with another woman in the very bedroom you share!"

Adrian's eyes began to water and her make up soon began to run down her face as she cried harder. Juan remained silent as he collected his things.

"How could you! You knew what's happening with me! With us! Juan...we're having a baby! How could you do this to me! To us!!" Adrian cried loudly. "How could you do this to me?!!" She sobbed out.

Juan didn't answer Adrian all he did was slowly pack his things into his car. I watched as he gave me one final look.

"Don't even bother coming back...she won't want you" I said before picking up Adrian and taking her inside the house.

I laid her down on the couch and watched as she cried her poor little eyes. I sighed lightly knowing that she couldn't deal with my issues right now. I needed to deal with them myself and to do that I couldn't leave Adrian home by herself. There's no telling what she'll do to herself. It was then that I went to the phone and called Charlie. He answered almost immediately, I asked him to come and watch Adrian for a while and he agreed. When he came over I quickly left to Sam and Emily's place. I asked them if they could keep Alex for a while and they didn't mind at all, and since that slight problem was solved there was one last problem I had to solve. I had to apologize to Jake, and it didn't take long for me to get to his house. He was in his garage working on those bikes, thankfully he was on his own. I slowly entered his garage and watched as his eyes slowly met mine.

"I'm sorry Jake...for everything...for the way I've acted...I was a total...bitch" I openly admitted.

Jake smiled slightly. "No I'm sorry Kate...I mean it's my're my girlfriend and it's wrong for me to spend time with Bella and not you...and don't lower yourself down by calling yourself something like that" Jake said as he slowly walked to me.

I smiled lightly when his fingers laced together with mine.

"It's true though...I shouldn't have yelled at was the worse feeling in my life" I said.

"Well I hope I can make you feel better mean the world to me and it isn't going to change when I'm with Bella...I mean it're my Kitty...and I meant when I told you that I loved you" Jake said as he took his hand and caressed my cheek.

"I love you too Jake..." I said as I placed a soft kiss on his soft, warm lips almost instantly feeling better.

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