Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

~Katelyn's P.O.V.~

Days passed by rather quickly and soon I found myself in my private room that was provided to me by the Volturi. I was sitting on my bed, feeling worried for Leila and my Mau's who recently arrived in Volterra. I had not eaten or drank anything since the day I agreed to help Aro and his coven. Amun and Nicole had to force feed me just to keep me allive for the time being. I hated the fact that Leila was away from me, she was my life, my everything.


Today was the day, the day that everyone would head to Forks and face the cullens. I was somewhat relieved since I only had to make it through this one day and Leila would be mine again. Aro had requested that I stand at his side, and of course I agreed since I had no chance to refuse him. When we arrived in Forks, Nicole had to help me dress for this occasion. Personally I didn't know why I had to dress up, I was told to do so since Amun ppicked ou the dress. I felt rediculous, but Nicole disagreed completely.

Aro, Marcus, and Caius led the march and I kept up with their inhuman vampire speed. When we neared the clearing I felt my heart pound wildly with fear and excitement. I could smell the Cullens and most importantly, I could smell Jake. This made me think, I was finally going to face Jake after all this time..


Here I was, staring deep into his eyes, those dark hurt eyes that were filled with nothing but pain, regret, and sadness. I didn't know what to do, how could I just walk back into his life again, he had made it clear that he loved Bella and not me. I forced back the tears as I saw Jacob and the pack standing along side the Cullen's and other vampires.

I looked around and stayed close to Aro, Caius, and Marcus as I watched my brothers lightly whine for me to come back. I couldn't...I don't know if they would ever want me back, not after I have done the many mistakes. I didn't know how to face Jacob or the others for that matter. I closed my eyes and allowed a single tear fall from my eyes as I began to remember what had happened that brought me where I am today.

I blonked hard and let the tear fall freely. I could feel Jacob's wolf eyes on me, they burned my very flesh with sad emotions. I regained my conposure and I stared at Jacob long and hard with emotionless eyes. It soon came to a point where I couldn't take it anymore, so I turned my eyes away from Jake. God I loved him so much, but it was impossible for us to be together, it wouldn't work.

"Carlisle...what is the meaning of this?" Aro asked as he rose his voice loudly.

"This is nothing Aro...Alice had a vision of your arival and we choose to take caution...this is not an army Aro...these are witnesses" Carlisle explained.

"Witnesses? why? you have comitted the untimate and your family have broken the rules and created an immortal child...where is it?" Aro demanded.

"She isn't an immortal child Aro...she is a half breed...a vampire and human...Bella and Edward are her biological parents...she is harmless...she has no venom and she can control her thirst"

"No...that is not what our witness stated...Irina showed me? where is this child?" Aro asked curiously.

"Edward..." Carlisle called out and motioned him to move the Cullen child closer.
I watched as Edward walked closer to the Volturi with a beautiful little girl. I closed my eyes and studied her, she wasn't a vampire, she had a heartbeat. Still she was a strange child. Aro, Marcus, and Caius held hands and conversed in secret between themselves. When they released hands the three looked at me and smiled.

"Send forward the child!" Aro comanded to Nefria.

My eyes went wide as I saw Nefria force Leila to walk forward. She was crying and shaking in fear, she didn't want this and neither did I.

"Aro! What is the meaning of this?!" I asked loudly. "We had a deal!"

"Yes...and some deals are meant to be broken my dear...we are simply testing the child...if your daughter is unharmed then she is free to go...and if the Cullen child does act out in any terrifying act then they both die" Aro stated happily.

I frowned. "Send me instead!" I ordered.

Aro smiled. "Now I can't go are far too valuable to me at this moment"

"Well Leila is far too valuable to me and I won't let you hurt her" I stated harshly. "Need I remind you of our deal Aro...I help you as long as she is unharmed and safe"

Aro smiled again. "Very well go and face the child"

I glared at Aro and quickly took off my cloak and walked to Edward. I kept my eyes on Jake the whole time. When I stopped Edward had the little girl who was about Leila's age in his arms. He smiled sadly for me but I ignored him.

"This is Renesmee...mine and Bella's daughter Katelyn...don't worry...we will help you soon after we are done here...we will help you get Leila back" Edward whispered that last part in my ear.

"Don't waste your time...I know what I am doing...I will not allow Aro to use me...Leila...or my Mau's as his collection of weapons" I said coldly.

"Jacob missed you" Edward whispered again.

I felt a pang of guilt in my heart. "Stay out of my damn mind Cullen!" I shouted. "Now let's get this done and over with..."

Edward sighed. "Renesmee...this is Katelyn...she is a friend Jacob' her what you can do" Edward said.

I watched as the girl smiled a bright pearly white smile. Her arms stretched to my warm cheeks and she closed her eyes. I flintched slightly as I was expecting her hands to be cold, but they were really warm. She smiled and my eyes went wide when fast images flashed through my mind. I cried freely because what she showed me was her memories of Jake acting so fatherly to her. I cried harder knowing what Jake and I would of had if I would have never left. When the images stopped I looked at Edward then Renesmee and smiled. Edward grinned and held his little girl close.

"She's wonderful....amazing...unique" I stated softly.

"Thank you..." Edward said as he walked back to his family.

I sighed and looked over to Jacob and gave him a soft smile, a smile that was similar to the one I gave him when we first met. I could see Jacob's eyes light up when I smiled. I walked back to Aro's side and he looked at me with intense eyes.

"She was harmless...she's what they say she is...besides...look at her...surely she has grown up since Irina told you" I stated calmly.

Aro looked at Renesmee and thought things through, The girl had shown me how she grew up from al little girl to what she is now. Aro smirked and then turned to me.

"It seems that you are right...the child has changed since I last saw her in Irina's seems that the child isn't an immortal child after all...but that still leaves the situation of her being dangerous" Aro stated.

"Renesmee isn't dangerous and we have proof" I heard a pixie like voice, it was Alice.


Alice had convinced the Volturi that Renesmee wasn't a threat with the help of some half breed male she found with Jasper. To be honest I was thankful that they came. Aro was about to leave, but I wasn't going to let him leave so easily without my little girl and my Mau's. I cleared my throat and turned to Aro. Aro smiled and held his hands open.

"Ahh Bastet...what is it?" He asked.

"We have a deal to settle Aro!" I stated.

Aro smirked. "So we do"

"Give her to me now" I stated.

"As you wish Bastet...but if you choose to stay here ans assist us we will take great care of you" Aro added.

"No...I do not need you Aro...I am not a weapon and Leila isn't a tool to be used in bargins! Now give her back to me at once or my Mau's will be forced to act out in defence" I threatened.

Aro remained silent since he knew that with my Mau's here we could easily over power the Volturi. Aro looked back at Nefria and took Leila's hand. He calmly handed her over and smiled. Leila smiled brightly and threw her arms around my legs.

"Leila...Thank goodness you're alright" I whispered softly as I quickly picked her up.

"Mommy...I wanna go home" Leila said half frightened.

"You will will" I said softly as I cooed my Leila.

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