Lexa Kom Trikru: Dis On Laik Ain

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I woke up to find an empty bed with a note on the table.

'Ai hodnes (my love), I had to leave early this morning as Titus called an emergency meeting with the clan leaders to discuss the recent activities of the mountain men. I shall be back by noon. Ai hod yu in (I love you). -Lexa'

I smiled at her affectionate words. I was so lucky to be able to see this side of her. To the rest of the clan she was the revered Heda, the great commander. To me, she was Lexa, my adorable and loving girlfriend.

I grabbed my clothes from off the floor where they were discarded the night before. I had a day off from training the Nightbloods so I decided to wander down to the lake on the edge of the woods. It was a special place to me because it was where Lexa had asked me to be her girlfriend. It was also where we had first met. She had been out hunting and I was just enjoying the serenity of the water.

I walked through the camp and took a deep breath of morning air. I spotted Octavia and her girlfriend Raven canoodling behind her tent. I smirked to myself. Even in war, love still flourished. I remember when Lexa used to tell me that love was weakness. That was soon after she lost Costia. I had comforted her and maybe flirted a bit until her motto became love is strength. That was what she told me the first time we kissed.

Walking through the forest, I heard a twig crack behind me. Dismissing it as an animal of some kind, I continued strolling in the direction of the lake. Then another crack and I heard faint voices behind me. I quickened my pace slightly and forged ahead. The voices got closer until I could hear that it was a group of maybe 4 or 5 boys. I relaxed. At least it wasn't some sort of bear or rabid animal.

I was almost to the lake when I heard one of the boys call out me.

"Hey, hot stuff! Where you going?" I rolled my eyes and shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Hey, come back!" I continued to take no notice until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around with a disgusted expression. One of the boys was stood there grinning at me. I rolled my eyes and shrugged his hand off. He wasn't fazed and just waggled his eyebrows at me. His friends were sniggering stupidly behind him.

"What do you want?" I said harshly.

"You." The rest of the boys laughed at his remark. He reached for my hand but I slapped it away. "Oh feisty! I like it." I spat at his feet and turned to walk away. I got about 10 feet before he spun me around and pinned me against a tree, his hands gripping my waist roughly. I struggled and writhed to escape but he held firm. I could feel his hot breath on my chin and I began to say something but before I could, he covered my mouth with his hand. "You can go now boys. I got this." I wriggled in his grasp but his hands were like vices.

His hands had just begun to slide up my shirt when he was ripped off me and thrown to the ground. I was stunned to find Lexa standing protectively in front of me. The boy looked up and his features contorted in fear when he saw the Commander standing over him. "Heda, I-I didn't k-know... I-"

"Dis on laik ain." Lexa growled at him. I was trembling, still shocked at what nearly just happened. "Leave." She said venomously. The boy scrambled up and ran away. As soon as he was out of sight, Lexa turned to me and her expression softened slightly. I let out a sigh of relief and she softly grabbed my wrist and pulled me forwards. I was confused.

"Lex, what happened to the meeting?" I asked quietly. She was still leading me back through the woods.

"Finished early." Was her short reply. I noticed an edge to her tone that sent shivers down my spine.

She didn't say another word to me until we were back to the camp.

"Lexa, I-"

"My tent. Now." The anger in her voice scared me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and followed her into her tent.

No sooner had I closed the flap behind me did I feel a pair of lips crash roughly onto mine. Some of my confusion slipped away, but I was still in the dark as to why she was so angry. Her hands gripped my waist and she lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around her and tangled my hands in her mane of dark hair. She carried me over to her bed and gently laid me down whilst tracing figures of 8 on my hip. I shivered at her touch. She pulled away from my hungry lips and stared down at me.

"Only I get to touch you like this. Would you have moaned and screamed his name if it had continued any further?" She growled. I was too breathless to speak so I simply shook my head. She still didn't look satisfied. "You're mine Y/N. Don't forget that. Whose are you?"

"Y-yours Lexa." I panted out. She nodded slightly before attaching her lips to my neck.

I gasped as she began leaving open-mouthed kisses down my neck. She reached my pulse point and lightly bit down, causing me to moan ever so slightly.

"That's it, moan for me baby girl." I tilted my head to give her more access and she straddled my waist. She kissed down to where my shirt started before tugging on the bottom of it. I arched my back to help her pull it over my head. She reached around my back for the clasp of my bra and looked up at me for permission. Her normally green eyes were black with lust. I nodded and she slid my bra off my shoulders before throwing it behind her somewhere into the tent.

She continued her trail of kisses down my chest, leaving several purple marks in her wake, until she reached the valley of my breasts. Another moan slipped out of my open mouth as she palmed my left breast while taking her time dragging her tongue over the right one. A familiar sensation between my legs reminded me of how much I wanted her right now.

"L-Lex, don't t-tease..." I trailed off as she began to pull my trousers down.

My breathing was coming in short gasps as she kissed her way down my stomach until her teeth grazed the top of my pants. Again she looked up at me for permission. I responded by pulling her shirt off over her head and nodding frantically. A smirk appeared on her beautiful face as she dragged my pants down over my thighs and off my legs.

She began licking up the inside of my right thigh and I groaned in frustration. I knew that this was her way of letting me know who I belonged to, but I wished she would just hurry up and fuck me already. However, she took no notice of my noises and continued licking up my thigh until she was almost at the place where I needed her most. I felt her hot breath on my centre and I gasped. "Shit, Lexa." She chuckled darkly and bumped her nose against my clit playfully. My hands roughly grabbed her hair and I threw my head back in pleasure. I felt her lips wrap around my throbbing clit and I squirmed at her touch. She sucked gently and I moaned loudly. I practically cried out in frustration. I needed her inside me.

"Lex, p-please... I n-need..." I whimpered out. In response she gently pushed a finger into my dripping wet core. A strangled moan fell from my lips and I arched my back. "M-more..."

"As you wish, ai hodnes." She whispered against my centre and pushed another finger into me. My legs shook and my eyes closed.

The tightening in my stomach told me I was close and Lexa began to pump her fingers in and out and a torturously slow pace. I tried to buck my hips into her hand but she held me down. As her pace got faster, so did my breathing. Soon I was teetering on the edge of my climax. With a gentle bite of my clit she sent me tumbling into my orgasm.

"LEXA!" I screamed followed by a string of swear words. Pleasure coursed through my body and I moaned once more.

She gently removed her mouth and fingers as I was recovering. I took deep breaths as she crawled up my body, leaving gentle kisses on my exposed skin, finally planting one on my forehead and wrapping me in her embrace. I turned into her and breathed in her woodsy scent. She intertwined our fingers.

"Y/N?" I looked into her bright green eyes and raised my eyebrows slightly. "Promise me something?" I nodded. "Don't ever leave me."

"I could never. Ai hod yu in."  She giggled slightly, causing me too smile at her adorableness.

"I love you too."


So.....yeah. Well.....any requests?😂🤦🏼‍♀️

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