Meredith Grey: McSexy

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"You're gonna love it, Y/N, I promise." My older brother, Mark, excitably clapped me on the shoulders as I shrugged my leather jacket on. I shook my head fondly at his antics and turned to him. He was grinning, hints of pride sparkling in the bright blue eyes he shared with me. "Now come on, don't wanna be late on your first day on the job."

After months of turmoil and indecision, I'd finally decided that moving to Seattle was my best choice; my brother was there, Derek and Addison were there, along with one of the best hospitals in the country. I'd previously been living in Minnesota, but my existence there had been pretty aimless. Yes, I'd had a job at a hospital, but it was a quiet area, not much going on. I'd not had any friends, no family, no ties to the place other than my work. So when my brother called with the suggestion of coming to work at Seattle Grace alongside him and our former friends, I'd jumped at the chance.

I'd heard all about his troubles with Derek, all about his trysts with Addison. To be honest, I missed him, and them. Derek and Addison had been my friends too, before my brother went to bed with the other man's wife and we all moved away from each other.

So that's how I found myself stood outside the Seattle Grace Hospital, Mark by my side.

"You ready?" I scrubbed a hand over my face and shook out the tension in my frame.
"Let's do it."

Walking through the doors, I could already tell that I'd like it there; the hospital was modern and light, spacious and professional. Mark walked me to the elevator, and with a final squeeze of my shoulder, left me to go do his job. I had to go and find Chief Webber, who I'd spoken with over the phone, just to get everything ironed out before I began work as a neurological surgeon.

I navigated to his office pretty easily, and he greeted me with a courteous smile, a firm handshake, and a friendly gesture to sit down.

After about 20 minutes, everything was smoothed out and Richard sent me on my way with a final grin.
"You Sloan's seem to flourish here in Seattle." I chuckled and bid him farewell.

Walking down the stairs, I found myself in a foyer sort of area, with a big desk, little waiting room and bunches of nurses. As instructed by Richard, I went over to the nurse sat behind my desk and informed her of my abilities and purpose.

Just as I turned to go find the locker room, a group of people came down the hallway, lead by a short woman with chin-length hair and a clipboard. I managed to stop myself from bumping her and backed up a little.
"My bad, sorry." I apologised and stuck my hands in my pockets. The woman studied me for a second before realisation struck her eyes.
"You must be McSteamy's sister. Miranda Bailey." She stuck her hand out with a smile. I raised an eyebrow and smirked as I shook her hand.
"McSteamy, huh? So what does that make me?" I joked.
"His hotter sister." A guy said from the cluster behind her.

I turned my eyes to the group behind Bailey, and found all of them (interns, I presumed) staring at me with thinly veiled awe. There were two guys, one taller with dark hair, the other a little shorter with shaggy hair. The other 3 were girls, a blonde, a shorter blonde, and a raven-haired Asian girl. To my smug satisfaction, all of them seemed to be checking me out. The boys were obvious about it, trailing their eyes up and down my form with barely concealed lust. The blonde girl seemed only to be appreciating me, whilst the other two were practically drooling. None of this particularly surprised me; I was used to it. My brother and I were notoriously good with the ladies.

It was the shorter girl that caught my eye; she had piercing blue eyes, a cute little nose, and a slight frame. She was biting her lip as she locked eyes with me. I smiled internally. She was gorgeous.

The taller guy was the one who'd spoken and it was him I rested my focus on as he continued.
"Hi, I'm Alex Karev. Pleasure to meet you." He said, in what was probably supposed be a charming way. I surveyed him with indifference, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Y/N Sloan."
"This is Dr Stevens, Dr Yang, Dr O'Malley and Dr Grey. Nice to meet you, Dr Sloan." Bailey said, and with a final smile, walked over to the nurse's station, her interns following.

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