Kara Danvers: Infuriating

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Being a superhero in National City definitely had its ups and downs. One of the downsides was that I was constantly getting in increasingly tiring fights, which more often than not involved me getting my head smashed into the ground a couple times. Another negative side effect was having to be so controlled all the time. You see, I'd only gained my powers, which included super strength and super speed, about 5 months ago. A freak accident at the power plant I was working on lead to one of the generators exploding and some of the radiation largely fucking up my cells.

I'd been found in the wreckage by some DEO agents who'd taken me back to their facility. I was on death's doorstep, going into cardiac arrest on the medical table when suddenly (or so I'm told by Alex) my entire body began to vibrate uncontrollably. This went on for a few moments before I went completely still and my eyes shot open, glowing bright green.

From there, I began to discover- mostly by accident- my new abilities. The DEO had released me, figuring I could work out my newfound powers by myself. Technically, that's exactly what I did, just not in the way they probably hoped.

It was about 2 weeks after the accident when I was in a bar near midnight. There had been 3 young guys, all vying for my attention, despite me clearly stating my complete lack of interest in men. After about 15 minutes of trying and failing to get my number, they turned violent. As I had been walking out of the place, they grabbed me and shoved me against the wall. A few lewd comments later and they were trying to feel me up. Enter my first discovered ability; super strength.

I'd grabbed one of the guys wrists to try and push it away from me when I heard a satisfying crack echo through the alleyway, followed by a scream of agony. I'd snapped his wrist. The other 2 guys looked apprehensive but continued their efforts. I don't remember much of the fight that followed, but I do remember as I was walking out of that alley the sight I saw when I turned back to look; one guy with a broken wrist and broken nose, another with most likely broken ribs, and the last with a dislocated shoulder and a broken arm.

Despite my euphoria at winning the battle, I was perplexed. Had I always been that strong? I'd walked back to my apartment, my mind swarming with thoughts. I slept restlessly, and decided to take the following day off work to figure out my new strength.

That next day was mind-blowing and confusing for me. I managed to break my microwave, my sink, my fridge and the door to my bedroom. I hadn't figured out how to properly use my ability and it was showing. In a slight panic, I rang the plumber to fix my sink and went out for a walk. With my head spinning slightly from all the power I now knew I possessed, I was hardly paying attention to where I was walking. By the time I'd become aware of my surroundings, I couldn't recognise where I was. I looked round. There was snow and a forest and no civilised life as far as the eye could see. I checked my phone's location and my eyes widened almost comically.

Alaska. I was in fucking Alaska.

Trying to push down the inevitable anxiety attack that was clawing desperately at my gut, I checked my watch; I'd only been walking for about half an hour. How the fuck had I walked over 3,000 miles in half an hour?! Maybe I had super speed as well?

After a suitable amount of time spent panicking, I decided the only rational way to test my suspicions was to run. Fast.

So I set off. At first at a jogging pace and then speeding up. I lowered my head and sprinted as fast as I could. As I raised my head, my mouth fell open in a shocked 'o'. The world around me was a blur. Buildings, mountains, trees, people all flashed past me in milliseconds. I slowed down, feeling slightly dizzy, and came to a stop just outside a small town in whatever state I was now in. Despite the exhilaration of the speed, I was still slightly panicking; I now had superpowers. What the fuck was I gonna do?

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