Wanda Maximoff: Nervous?

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"...oh and she lost her brother about 2 months ago, so play nice." My older brother Tony warned. I rolled my eyes but nodded. "And no flirting!" He nudged my shoulder and I grinned. "I mean it, Y/N!"
"Yeah, ok."

That afternoon, my brother took me to the Avengers Tower to meet Wanda. I wasn't part of the Avengers, but I had powers of my own. I could transform into any animal, as well as being able to influence people to tell the truth. The truth thing came in handy when my brother lied to me about where he'd been:

Riding the lift up to the top floor, my brother asked me if I was nervous.
"No. I mean, I'm only meeting someone new." Tong chuckled and muttered something under his breath. "What did you say?"
"Nothing." I narrowed my eyes and used my power. "I said 'wait till you see her'." He tutted. "Will you stop doing that?"
"Nope." I grinned deviously.

Steve and Clint greeted us as we got out of the lift. Clint and I did our handshake, the one we did specifically to piss my brother off. Tony sighed as we laughed. We all walked to the living room together, catching up.
"You nervous, mini-Stark?" Clint asked as we reached the doors.
"Why do people keep asking me that?" I murmured and pushed the doors open.

"Hey, short-stack!" Thor called as we entered. I held my middle finger up as I flopped into a couch. My head was pulled into someone's lap. It was Natasha, my best friend. I smiled up at her.
"Hey Nat."
"Hi." She combed her fingers through my hair. I sighed and gave her a thumbs-up. "Nervous?" I sat up and gave her an exasperated look.
"Oh my god! Can I just meet her and find out why everyone thinks I should be nervous?!"
"Alright, alright, I'll go get her." Steve said, getting off the couch.

A few moments later, he came back into the room. I glanced up and my eyes widened. She was gorgeous. I finally understood why I should have been nervous; with her long brown hair and her stormy eyes, she took my breath away. Her gaze was fixed on me, her head tilted to the right slightly.
"Hello. My name is Wanda." Even her voice was beautiful, with its soft Russian accent. Words were evading me.
"This is Y/N, my little sister." Tony spoke for me. Thor snickered. A faint smile crept onto Wanda's face. I felt my cheeks heating up. Never before had I been so inept at talking to girls. Nat nudged me and I snapped out of my daydream.
"Uh-yeah...Y/N, it's...nice to meet you." I stuttered and Clint snorted. I shot him a warning glare. He held his hands up in defence.
"It's good to finally put a face to the name I've heard all around this place for a few weeks. And might I say, such a pretty face." I gulped and blushed fiercely. She grinned at me.
"Um, thanks...you're pretty, um-pretty too." Wanda smiled and a faint red dusted her cheeks.

From that day, we met up almost on a daily basis for a coffee or lunch. I found out so much about her, I even got her to open up about Pietro, her late twin brother. We became really close, so close that her teammates began speculating. I would often hear Thor and Clint making bets on who would ask who out.

One day, my brother invited me to the tower to watch a movie. However, when I got there, he was nowhere to be found. I went into the dark room anyway. After a few minutes, I heard someone take a seat beside me.
"Hey." The soft Sokovian accent let me know who it was. I gave her a smile, the one I reserved only for her.
"Hi. What're you doing in here?"
"Your brother invited me over to watch a movie, how about you." Then it clicked. It was a ruse, planned by my idiot brother, to trick us into being alone together. I mentally cursed him to the fiery depths of hell.
"The same. I think-" Before I could finish, the screen came on and displayed 3 words in big red letters. 'WANDA AND Y/N.' The slide changed. 'WE HAVE ALL FIGURED OUT HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT EACH OTHER.'
"Burn in hell, Tony." I grumbled under my breath. 'SO YOU'RE NOT LEAVING UNTIL YOU CONFESS THOSE FEELINGS.'

The screen went blank, the dull white colour providing a bit of light. I bit my lip nervously and turned to face Wanda. She was already staring at me. My gaze farted down to her lips for a nanoseconds.
"Ok, I'll start." I began. "I'm not very good with words so, erm...I-well, I'm just gonna-here." I leaned over and swiftly pecked her on the corner of her lips. I pulled away and waited for reaction, anxiously wringing my hands. "I'm sorry if th-" Wanda cut me off by placing her lips on mine, firmer than I had before. My eyes fluttered shut of their own accord and I relaxed into the kiss.

Suddenly, the song 'Careless Whisper' blared out of the speakers. Wanda pulled away, giggling.
"Really, Tony?" I yelled as Wanda nuzzled into my neck. I sighed and intertwined our hands. "Please distract me do I don't go out there, turn into a feral animal and kill my brother." She laughed again.
"Happily." Our lips came together again. This time it was different, more passionate. I wound my arms around her waist and pulled her into my lap. She caressed my neck and pushed me back into the seat.

"Alright, keep it PG!" My brother's voice came through the speakers.
"Oh my god, what is your problem!" I shouted exasperatedly. Wanda pecked my swollen lips softly.
"Come on. He can't disturb us in my room."

I wrote this because Wanda is so underrated and deserves more love. What should I write next? Jean Grey, Maisie Williams, Sansa Stark or Arya Stark?

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