Hannah Meloche: She's Mine

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"We'll be leaving soon." Hannah muttered before pressing her lips to mine again. I squeezed her hips and kissed her back.
"And?" I whispered against her mouth. She laughed quietly and sat up on my thighs. I looked up at her and smiled. She was so beautiful, especially from where I was lying. Her on top of me, her eyes bright from our previous actions, her shirt somewhere on the floor.
"What?" She laughed again, resting her hands on my sides.
"I just love you a lot." She smiled widely and blushed a little. She leant down and kissed my lips softly.
"I love you too, baby."

We lay back on the bed, Hannah snuggled into my side, her arms around me. I rubbed her mostly bare back as she pressed soft kisses to my neck. I sighed contentedly and laced the fingers of my right hand with hers. She brought our conjoined hands up to her face and kissed the back of mine. I smiled and kissed her temple.

About 5 minutes later there was a knock on the door.
"Hannah, Y/N, let's go!" Ella, Hannah's sister yelled from outside. Hannah pressed one last kiss to my lips before getting up and putting her shirt back on. I ran my fingers through my hair and unwrinkled my shirt. We walked out hand in hand to see my girlfriends brothers Jack, Reeve and Andrew looking very excited and Ella looking exasperated. "Finally!" Reeve said and Ella rolled her eyes. "What were you doing in there?" Hannah went bright red and I choked on air and began to cough. Ella looked shocked.
"Not what you think we were doing." Hannah slapped Ella's arm lightly and I squeezed my girlfriends hand.
"C'mon lets go!" Jack exclaimed. We all walked out of the house and piled into Hannah's car.

We were all going to this trampoline park that had just opened up near us, and the boys were almost buzzing with excitement. Jack and Reeve had to share a seat because there were only 5 seats in Hannah's car, but they were too ecstatic to fight about it. We listened to Hannah's favourite song, The Weekend by SZA on the way and all sang along.

Once we got there, we got our socks on and entered the park. The boys and Ella all ran off together, while Hannah and I went a bit slower. We jumped on the little square trampolines next to each other, seeing how high we could go. My girlfriend's ecstatic smile and excited laughter made me feel all goey inside.

"Babe, let's go to the foam pit!" Hannah said enthusiastically and smiled brightly. I let her pull me by my hand towards the green and purple pit. There was no queue so Hannah bounded towards the first trampoline and leapt straight into the foam squares. I smiled fondly, so absorbed by her beauty that I didn't notice a tall, dark haired boy walk up beside me.
"Hi." I turned, a little sharply since he had startled me. He grinned.
"Um, hi." I said.
"My name's Hunter."
"Ok." I said dismissively. I looked for Hannah to see that she was busy jumping in the foam pit again.
"Mind telling me your name?" Hunter said cockily.
"Uh, Y/N." He stepped a little closer to me. I frowned up at him.
"That's a real nice name. Do you know what would sound nicer?" I didn't say anything but simply furrowed my eyebrows. "Your number."

Before I could respond with a scathing retort, I felt my girlfriend's arms snake around my waist and her lips on my neck. I swallowed quietly and my eyes fluttered shut as she began to suck and bite at my pulse point. She pulled away and gently kissed what was sure to be a very large hickey.
"Who are you?" Hannah said, her tone making it clear that she didn't care one little bit about who he was.
"Uh, I'm Hunter." He sounded a little nervous.
"Well, Hunter, as you can see, she's mine. Back off." She practically growled at him. He scoffed and slouched away, clearly in a sulk.

As soon as Hunter had walked away, Hannah turned me around and smashed our lips together. Her tongue slid into my mouth and she gripped my hips tightly. I wound my arms around the back of her neck and kissed her back. She walked me backwards blindly until we hit a wall. She pushed my back against the wall and pressed her body flush against mine. I moaned quietly into her mouth and moved one of my hands up into her hair. Her hands gripping my hips were almost painful, but I was more focussed on what our lips and tongues were doing to register the discomfort.

We were blissfully unaware of our surrounding's as we made out against a wall. Our bubble of ignorance was popped by some loud fake retching. Hannah pulled back and we saw the rest of the Meloche siblings staring at us. Andrew and Jack looked stunned. Reeve was the one making the fake retching noises. Ella looked mildly annoyed.
"I swear we can't leave you alone for 5 minutes without you guys eating each other's faces!" Ella huffed and Hannah grinned sheepishly. I bit my lip in embarrassment.
"Come on. We've still got 20 minutes of our time left." Jack said.

We all jumped around together for the remainder of our time, and everyone was fairly tired as we drove home. We all collapsed onto the sofas in front of the TV and Ella put on some Disney film. Hannah and I were cuddling together, our hands intertwined, sharing soft kisses.
"I love you, you know." I murmured and pressed a kiss to her temple. She smiled softly and placed her hand on my cheek, bringing me into a gentle kiss.
"I love you too, baby."

Sorry I've been gone for so long, I just had a lack of inspiration, plus I've just been having a really shit few months, I'll try and update more regularly from now on.

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