Hannah Meloche: Rescue

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I made my way over to my locker, a few people waving hello to me on the way. It'd been about 2 and a half months since I moved from England to America, and consequently moved schools and overall it'd not been too bad. Of course it was confusing and daunting at first, but I seemed to have settled in quite nicely. The teachers were all supportive and the kids were in general quite nice.

I hummed quietly to myself as I opened my locker, getting out my books for first period. Suddenly, I felt someone jump on my back. I grinned and wrapped my arms under the persons thighs. There was only one person who would do such a thing first thing in the morning; Hannah Meloche.

She'd been my first friend at the new school, guiding me round the school and telling me all there was to know about cliques, clubs and classes. We'd grown close immediately, and I couldn't deny the aching attraction I felt towards her. She was gorgeous, the most gorgeous person I'd ever laid eyes on; she was absolutely hilarious, could make me laugh even when I was feeling most blue; she was one of the kindest people I'd ever known or would ever know. There was always a tiny voice in the back of my mind that said the feelings were mutual; she would always seemingly flirt with me, always casually hold my hand or lay her head on my shoulder, or give me excessive amounts of compliments.

I made sure that she was secure on my back, before shutting my locker door and walking down the hall.
"Where to, m'lady?" I questioned in an exaggeration of my British accent. She laughed freely.
"To math class, my trusty steed!" I chuckled but set off to our first period lesson. We got some weird looks in the corridor, but most people were used to our unusually close bond by now.

We arrived outside or classroom and she slid off my back gracefully, planting a kiss on my cheek as a thank you. I was helpless to stop the blush that spread across my cheeks at her gesture. She grinned at me as we made our way to our seats. Unfortunately, we sat on opposite sides of the room so we separated and sat down. Our teacher entered the room and began the lesson.

About half an hour in, I asked the teacher if I could go to the toilet. She said yes and I left the room. I walked to the bathroom and went into a cubicle. As I was doing my business, I heard the door to the bathroom open. My heart dropped a little as I heard three voices that I really didn't want to hear. It was Cara, Georgia and Caitlin, the most popular girls in school. Like the clichéd mean girls they were, they were the head cheerleaders and all had boyfriends on the football team.

I prayed that they would be quick, but they seemed not to be in any hurry as they began to chat. I took my time finishing up, wishing they would leave. I took a deep breath and opened the door, trying not to make eye contact with any of them. Their chatter stopped as they all turned to look at me. I swallowed quietly and went to wash my hands.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the loser from England." Georgia said in her drawling tone. I gritted my teeth and turned the tap off.
"Come here to write love notes to your girlfriend, you fag?" Caitlin sneered and I blinked angry tears out of my eyes.
"Oh, look at the pathetic freak, she's crying!" I forced my anger down and moved towards the door but they blocked my way. I looked up at them through my tears.
"Move." I snarled lowly.
"Oooooooh." Caitlin mocked and shoved my shoulders. "Feisty bitch." I stumbled backwards but didn't fall as I glared at them.
"Bet her freak girlfriend likes her feisty." Georgia cackled. I growled. They could mock me all they wanted, but as soon as they brought Hannah into it, the red haze descended.
"Hannah's not my girlfriend." I insisted.
"Maybe, but you so have a disgusting little gay crush on her." Tears slowly fell down my cheeks at their words.
"Freak." Cara murmured and shoved me again. This time I tripped over and fell against the wall. I got up, rage coursing through me. I walked back over to Cara and shoved her back. She gasped and brought her hand round to slap me square in the face. I fell again, blood trickling into my mouth from a cut on my lip. The 3 girls laughed evilly and left the room.

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