Wanda Maximoff: Endgame

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A/N: This imagine very obviously has spoilers for Avengers: Endgame in it, so if you haven't seen it yet, do not read.

I groaned brokenly as I dragged my arms underneath my beaten body and pushed myself onto my knees. To my left, I could see Thor struggling to gather what was left of his strength. I could hear Tony panting in my earpiece, and I knew Steve was somewhere in front of me, his shield shattered into a formless shell of what it had been. Thanos was advancing on him as he got to his feet, gritting his teeth and staring the Titan down. I took a deep breath and hauled myself into an upright position. We may all be about to die, but by God were we going to go down fighting.

I limped over to Steve, my more-than-likely broken ankle slowing my progress significantly. My friend turned to look at me, and I saw the determination blazing fiercely in his blue eyes. I set my jaw and nodded at him, gripping his arm momentarily and squeezing. This would be our last stand. I turned back to look at Thanos and glared as harshly as I could; he'd taken everything from me. My friends, disappeared in the snap, along with half of my family. He was the reason that my best friend, Natasha, was dead. If it wasn't for him, she'd never have had to go to Vormir and sacrifice herself for that fucking stone. He'd taken my teammates on that fateful day 5 years ago. And finally, my mind turned to the most important person he'd taken from me; Wanda.

"You...should've gone for the head..." Thanos groaned as Thor pushed Stormbreaker further into the Titan's chest. My heart pounded at his words. Before anyone could reach it, his hand wearing the gauntlet came up and he snapped his fingers. A blinding flash of light swelled outwards from the gauntlet and engulfed my vision. The sheer force and power exerted by the stones knocked me off my feet and I landed 20 feet from where Thor was now stood, alone.

"Where'd he go?" Steve yelled to Thor. My stomach dropped awfully.
"Steve?" My teammates and I turned to see Bucky walking towards us, a look of puzzlement on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows, but then his legs began to fade away. My eyes widened as he fell forward, his body disintegrating into dust. I brought my hand up to my mouth, horrified. The particles of dust that had moments before been our teammate swirled and danced on the wind before being whisked away. I scrambled to my feet, involuntary tears slipping unnoticed down my cheeks. Around us, all the sounds of battle had ceased, replaced by a deadly silence that held the sheer magnitude of what had just happened.

A terrible thought came to me and I began to run; Wanda. I had to get to her. I could hear Thor calling for me but I ignored it, my head consumed by the need to see that my girlfriend was ok. We'd been dating for 3 years, and she was the most important person in my life. Every fibre of my being was on alert, looking for any sign of her.
"Wanda?!" I cried. Then, off to my left, I heard sobbing. I whipped my head around to see a very familiar head of auburn hair. Relief coursed through my system; she was alive.

"Y/N?" She said and looked up. My throat dried up as I looked at what was in her lap; my friend, Vision, his face grey, a huge hole in the centre of his forehead. I ran to her and dropped to my knees, a sob ripping its way from my lungs into the thick air between us.
"Oh baby, I'm so glad you're ok." I sobbed, bringing her into my arms. She buried her face in my shoulder and cried heartbreakingly against me. We held each other for a moment before she pulled back, dread on her face.
"Printsessa..." Wanda trailed off and looked into my eyes. I felt like a lead weight had settled over my heart at the look on her face.

Suddenly, I felt her arm that had been resting on my chest lift. I looked down and my heart stopped at the sight I was met with; her hand was fading, disintegrating just as Bucky had.
"No." I whimpered, grasping the air where her hand had been. "No, no, no, no, no." I sobbed again, my heart breaking inside my chest. Wanda looked up at me, her green eyes glassy with tears and emotion. I saw her love for me in that moment, and it only made me cry harder. I couldn't lose her. I couldn't.
"I love you." She murmured and leant forward to press a kiss to my forehead. I shut my eyes tightly, tears coursing down my face and falling to the floor. Then, just as quickly as it had come, the light pressure of her kiss was gone. My eyes shot open, only to be met with empty air. I looked around wildly, desperately hoping against all hope that she would be stood next to me, but she was gone. The dust that had once been the love of my life floated away from my reaching fingers. I felt a wound so deep it knocked the breath from my body tear open in my chest. I fell back onto my calves, sobs wrenching their way up my throat and bubbling from my lips.

That was how Nat found me, knelt on the floor next to Vision's dead body, crying myself hoarse, and still not able to convey even a minuscule amount of agony I was experiencing.
"Hey, hey. Shhhhh. It's ok." Nat crouched next to me and brought me into her arms. I fell into my best friend and wrapped myself around her.
"Sh-she's gone, Nat. W-Wanda's g-gone." I cried, feeling the words tug at the raw seams of the hole in my heart.
*End of Flashback*

Thanos' army had gathered behind him as the Titan smirked at the two of us stood on the remains of the Avengers compound. A tear slipped unbidden from my eye as we glared across the decimated battlefield at our enemy. I pushed myself up to stand straight, and prepared myself to die.

"Cap?" A tinny voice said through our earpieces. My body tensed; I knew that voice. "Cap, do you read me?" A gasp slipped from my lips. "On your left." Steve and I turned to our left and saw a few orange sparks floating in midair. The sparks widened until they were creating a large circle that skimmed the floor. My mouth went dry and my heart pounded rapidly as human figures stepped through the circle and onto the ravaged battleground. My legs nearly gave out as T'Challa marched forwards, his face set in a determined grimace. He nodded towards us. My breathing was unnaturally fast as more orange sparks that formed into portals began to appear all around us.

Soon, there were thousands of allies stood around us, standing with us against the armies of Thanos. I was smiling, tears falling down my face, but grinning nonetheless.
"Avengers!" Steve yelled from
next to me and I turned to look at him, silence falling over us like a blanket. "Assemble." Our army bellowed back cries and shouts in response and we began to charge towards the fight of our lives.

The fighting was long, terrifying and intense. Everybody was battling for their lives, not paying attention to anyone else. Despite my earlier injuries, I threw myself into the fight, shooting my guns and throwing my knives with renewed energy. At one point, Thanos' ships began to shoot down at everybody, the blasts of destructive energy raining down like lethal hailstones. The shooting stopped almost as soon as it had begun, the cannons aiming instead for the sky, where they began to fire. I looked up, confused and out of breath, until a glowing shape shot out of the clouds heading for the enormous ship in the sky. I grinned to myself; Carol.

Once Captain Marvel had joined in, the tables began to turn. All around me, creatures were being cut down by the dozens. And then, all of a sudden, the fighting stopped. An enormous wave of energy and light rolled over the masses, bringing with it a powerful silence. Everyone looked around, searching for the source of the explosion. Later, I would find out that Tony had taken the stones and snapped his fingers. I wasn't present at his death, but I felt the loss deep in my soul.

The aliens we'd been fighting began to stumble and disintegrate around us. I panted raggedly, looking around, bewildered but ecstatic nonetheless; we had won. It had taken all of us together, we'd suffered enormous losses along the way, but we'd won.

As the air began to clear, and the silence lifted, I could see people begin to look for others. My breath caught in my throat as I realised something; the snap had been undone; Wanda had to be back. I whipped my head around, furiously searching for the love of my life. Then, as I began to get desperate, I spotted the back of her red leather jacket. A choked sob of joy erupted from my lips as I staggered towards her, a disbelieving smile spreading across my face.
"Wanda?" I whispered as I got closer. The face I had loved for nearly 8 years turned at the sound of her name.

I inhaled sharply as recognition flashed in her emerald eyes.
"Y/N?" Tears began to flow from her eyes as she ran to me. I released a breath I'd been holding deep inside me when we reached each other, our arms winding round each other tightly and holding on. We cried against each other, the relief and joy of being back together making my knees weak and my mouth tremble.
"Oh my god, it's you."
"It's me, printsessa." Wanda cried as she pulled back slightly, her hands coming up to caress my face. I held her hips and touched my forehead to hers. My cheeks were covered in tears, which Wanda wiped away with the pad of her thumb. Then, leaning in slowly, she connected our lips in a kiss that was 5 years overdue. Fresh tears flowed from my eyes at the long-awaited contact. Our mouths moved slowly, lovingly together, relearning and remembering.
"Marry me." I gasped as we pulled away. Wanda laughed weakly through her thick tears. "Marry me, because I'm never letting you go ever again."
"Yes, yes, Y/N, I'll marry you." I laughed and kissed her again. "I'm never leaving you. Never." And from that moment onwards, we kept our promises to each other. She never left, and I never had to let her go.

This really broke my heart, but I hope you enjoyed it.❤️.

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