Karolina Dean: Sleepover

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(Alternatively titled: Y/N is a gay mess around Karolina)

Karolina Dean was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen, and that's an understatement. Her blonde hair that always fell so perfectly no matter what she did with it; her full, pink lips that captured my attention every time she smiled that mesmerising smile of hers; her angel-blue eyes, her delicate, slender figure, everything about her captivated me and rendered me speechless.

My lack of words due to her appearance always made our friendship a little awkward. Sometimes I'd just look at her and my breath would be stolen away, right when she was asking me a question, and I'd have to recollect myself before answering in the calmest manner I could manage. Despite this, we'd managed to maintain a healthy friendship.

The staring also made it a little difficult for me to hide my true feelings for Karolina; I'd been caught gazing love-struck at her by her friends and mine, and even by her, on several occasions. But I couldn't help it. She was ethereal, and who was I to ignore true beauty?

We had several classes together, and sat next to each other in a few too. Biology was one of these said classes, one in which I particularly struggled to keep my gaze off of the blonde girl next to me, given that she sat right next to the window. The light would filter through the grimy glass and paint patterns of light and shadow across her face, bringing her cheekbones into deeper relief, and making her eyes glimmer in the afternoon sun.

"...so, as I was saying, you will need a partner for this assignment." I snapped out of my daze long enough to hear the teacher give us our instructions. "You may choose your own partners, but please be sensible." I sighed inaudibly; surely Karolina would want to partner up with Chase Stein, the lacrosse jock who'd been eyeing her the entire class. He was fairly attractive, I'll admit (gay, not blind), but in my eyes, nobody was good enough for Karolina.
"Huh?" I was brought out of my thoughts by said girl saying my name. I turned to look at her, and she smiled softly.
"I asked if you wanted to be my partner." My heart rate quickened a little as I nodded, perhaps a little too enthusiastically.
"Definitely." Her smile widened and my heart melted a little bit more for her. Literally anything she did made me blush or feel butterflies. I was such a gay mess around her.
"Awesome, well would you wanna come round after school? To work on the assignment?" Her voice sounded a little shy, for some reason.
"Yeah, that'd be great." I could feel the red on my cheeks, and prayed she couldn't see it.
"It's not far to my house from here, we can walk, and I'll meet you by your locker?" Karolina suggested quietly, glancing down at the desk. I nodded mutely.
"Do you know where my locker is, though?" I asked. A light dusting of pink graced her cheeks.
"Um, yeah. Just outside the gym, right?"
"Mhm." I smiled to myself. She knew where my locker was?
"Great, then I'll see you then!" She said, sounding like her old cheery self again.

Just then the bell went for lunch break and people began to pack up. I nodded dopily up at her and grinned. She smiled back, dazing me, before biting her lip slightly. My eyes were glued to the action. She paused for a moment before leaning down and pressing her lips against my cheek. They lingered there for a second or two, before they were gone, and so was she. I sat there, gobsmacked. My fingers came up to touch the cheek she had kissed and trailed over the spot lightly. My mouth hung open slightly as my entire body flushed. I took a moment to come back to myself before packing up and heading to lunch in a trance.

The rest of the day ticked by agonisingly slowly. I must've glanced at the clock at least a hundred times. In my last two classes, my foot tapped impatiently, willing the hands on the clock to jump forward to the end of the day. By the end of my last class, I was practically buzzing with excitement. I leapt up from my desk when the bell went and almost sprinted to my locker. To my joy, Karolina was already there, leant up against it, looking like some goddamn supermodel. She looked up from her phone as I approached and upon seeing me, smiled like I'd just given her the best news in the world. I grinned back, my mind literally short-circuiting. She opened her arms to me for a hug and I gladly accepted, wrapping my arms round her waist as hers went around my shoulders. During the brief contact, my brain was fizzing and spiralling and leaping with joy. How can one person make another feel this much?

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