Lexa Kom Trikru: Birthday

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"Commander Lexa wishes to see you in her tent immediately." Indra's voice interrupted my train of thought. I was actually thinking of Lexa at that moment, and how much I looked up to her and admired her. And although I would never admit it to anybody, I had had a crush on her since forever. She was just so beautiful and strong. Unfortunately, I was a mere scout and she was the Heda. There was no chance she would even think of me that way.

I nodded to Indra, stood up and stretched. My back cracked and I grunted in relief. On the outside, I was putting on a nonchalant act. On the inside, I was freaking the fuck out. Lexa never talked to anyone in person unless they were in some serious trouble. Like, execution-for-treason trouble. I mentally ran through all the possible misdemeanours that could have led to this meeting. I came up blank.

As I neared the tent, my confident facade faded away, and I bit my bottom lip nervously. It looked so intimidating, what with the burly guards stood outside and the Trikru flag sticking straight up into the sky, like a finger pointing to god. I recognised one of the guards, and he nodded for me to enter.

Lexa was sat on her wooden throne, twirling her knife between her fingers. On the floor, there were  plates of food for two people.
"You're expecting someone. Pardon my intrusion, Heda." I turned to leave but her gentle voice lured me back.
"No, no. Stay. I'm expecting you, actually." She rushed over her words a little and I raised my eyebrow slightly. She smiled invitingly at me and I smiled back, confused. She stood up and made her way over to the set up. "Join me."

I gingerly walked over and sat down opposite her. She wasn't wearing her armour, and with her face clear of war-paint, she looked her age. She was the youngest commander ever, just a year older than me, yet you would never know it. I looked down at my plate and beamed up at her. Steak.
"How did you know?" I asked as she grinned sheepishly at me.
"I may or may not have asked; correction, interrogated Octavia about what your favourite food was." Butterflies flitted in my stomach and I averted my eyes to stop the blush spreading from my cheeks.

We began to eat, a comfortable silence descending over us. It was then I realised; I was sat in the commanders tent, eating dinner with Lexa.
"Um...Commander?" I said quietly. She rolled her eyes.
"Lexa, please."
"Ok. Lexa, what is this?" She looked everywhere but my eyes.
"Yes, I know that." I sighed exasperatedly. She was purposefully dodging my question. "I mean, why are you doing this?" She fiddled with her hands, a habit I found adorable.
"Well, it is your birthday isn't it?"

I was caught off guard by her words. It was indeed my 19th birthday. I was shocked that she knew that, let alone that she did something like this for me. I had just planned on a quiet evening, getting wasted with a few of my friends. This, however, was a better alternative.
"I...wow, Lexa." Was the only thing I could say. She was still staring at her plate, embarrassment clear on her face. "This is...just wow. Thank you." I felt touched that she went to all that effort for me.

We ate the rest of the meal in silence. I wiped my mouth with the napkin set beside my plate. I thanked Lexa for the meal and got up to leave.
"Wait!" Her lilting voice stopped me in my tracks.  I turned back to face her and she looked at the ground, embarrassed by her outburst. "I-uh, I wanted to give you a present." My heart melted at her adorable pout.
"Oh, Lexa. You have already given me the best present of today. I shouldn't waste anymore of your time." She blushed and took a step towards me.
"No. It's-erm...just don't freak out, ok?" My breathing picked up as she walked towards me. I nodded silently and remained still. She kept advancing towards me until she was inches away. My heart pounded in my chest as I gazed into her green eyes. "I wanted to give you this." She mumbled and pressed her lips against mine.

My hands buried in her hair on instinct and I kissed her back, letting all my pent-up emotions loose. All the longing, wistful-glances and daydreams came tumbling out of me in my actions. She rested her hands tentatively on my waist and angled her head so that she could deepen the kiss. I felt her tongue press against my closed mouth and I parted my lips. She gently walked us backwards until she was sat on her throne. I pulled away slightly, unsure of what I was supposed to do. She wrapped her arms more firmly around my waist and tugged me onto her lap. With some confidence, I straddled her thighs and cupped her face. She was shaking and her eyes were a darker shade of green.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I whispered. Her eyes watered.
"I-I just...I have never felt this way about anyone since...since Costia..." Lexa tailed off. Everybody knew about how Nia, Queen of Azgeda, had tortured Lexa's previous lover and then beheaded her. And although it wasn't obvious just how much it had destroyed her, I had seen the pain and brokenness in her eyes. She had become harsh and cold, locking her heart from the inside and hiding behind her stoic expressions and decisive orders.

I rested my forehead against hers as tears leaked out of her eyes. She held me as if she would lose me too and cried helplessly. I waited for her to calm down and kissed her tenderly. The salty taste of her tears mixed into the kiss and I stroked her cheek.
"Lexa, it's ok to be scared. I am too. But we can do this. I've been in love with you ever since you beat Prince Roan at the conclave. And I-I..." My feelings got the better of me and my vision clouded over with tears. She looked at me with such raw passion and emotion.
"Y/N, I've been in love with you from the moment you returned from your first scouting trip. You came bouncing into camp with such wonder in your eyes and that perfect smile of yours. I couldn't help but fall for you. And it terrified me, what I felt for you. So I tried to push it away, push you away. But I just couldn't do it. I couldn't do it, Y/N." She let out a small sob. My own tears were still coursing down my cheeks. "And I just resigned myself to the fact that you could never want a monster like me. So I distanced myself from you. And I'm so sorry, Y/N. I should've just faced facts there and then. Ai hod yu in, Y/N Kom Trikru." I felt completed in that moment.
"I love you too, Lexa Kom Trikru."

Haven't written about Lexa in a while! As always, let me know if you want more of someone or request if you have a specific idea.

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