Rey: To Be Loved

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@paynoxxbaby here's your Rey imagine💕
There was only one word to describe my life; dull. I would wake up in the morning, eat a meagre breakfast and then head to work. I lived on a junket planet called Jakku. I fixed speeder bikes for a living. It was the only thing that kept me sane, mechanical problems that required all of my attention. Otherwise, I would've lost my mind a long time ago.

The highlights of my days were always my lunch breaks. I would sit atop my tool cabinet, wipe my grimy hands with a worn-out cloth and stare at the traders' stall. Every day, like clockwork, a brown-haired girl would show up, argue with the stall holder and leave.

Beautiful was the most prominent word in my mind when it came to describing her. Sparkling green eyes filled with determination as she bargained with the miserly old trader, tinged with anger but also resignation as she was turned away, hopped on her bike and roared off to wherever she lived. 3 intricate buns kept her brown hair out of her stunning face. Once she had left, I ate my lunch and continued with my work.

This was the routine of my days, until a day in the middle of the summer when she didn't show up at the traders' stall. I craned my aching neck to double-check. Not catching a glimpse of her, my heart sank and I sighed.
"Looking for someone?" I jumped at the teasing voice that came from behind me. Turning around, I found a familiar pair of green eyes staring mischievously into my y/e/c ones. I couldn't stop the large grin that formed on my dirty face. I attained a more professional expression when I saw she was stood with her speeder bike.
"So...uh, what seems to be the problem...?" I realised I didn't know her name.
"I'm Rey." She stuck out a hand, calloused from many hours of gripping handlebars.

A few minutes later, I was taking her engine apart, my screwdriver held between my teeth. I don't know how she had managed it, but her entire engine had fried in the heat.
"Were you ever planning on talking to me?"
"What?" I muttered distractedly as I pulled my wrench out of my cabinet.
"I always see you staring at me whilst I'm trading. I was wondering if you were ever going to actually interact with me." I blushed and hid my face in amidst her partly disassembled bike.
"Maybe..." I muttered and she chuckled. My heart sped up a little. Her laugh was one of the most amazing sounds I'd ever heard. She was silent for a moment.
"So tell me about you." Rey said.
"There's really not much to tell." I smiled at her. Her answering grin was so perfect, I felt like I was in the presence of an angel.
"Oh I'm sure there is." She persisted.
"Ok, well I'm 18, I've lived here all my life, probably will for the rest of it. I enjoy fixing things and solving problems. Your turn."
"I'm 19. Been here my whole life, same as you. I want to get off this hovel of a planet one day. I enjoy riding my bike and staring at pretty girls from across the market place."

I blushed profusely at her last statement and busied myself with her bike. I was almost done. Just one more screw. Finished. She paid the fee for the job and began to get on her bike.
"Wait." I said, not wanting to waste a great opportunity. "Are you doing anything tonight?"

Later that evening, Rey and I sat down side-by-side in the bar. Despite the earliness, it was already full of people who had nothing more to do with their lives than get wasted. I ordered us both drinks and looked out at the crowd.
"Do you live with your family?" Rey asked, gazing at me softly. I shook my head and thanked the barman as he placed our drinks in front of us.
"My mother died of leukaemia when I was 7, my father of a heart attach when I was 13." She patted my shoulder sympathetically. Little did she know, I didn't want her pity. My mother had held the family up, and once she died, my father went into a phase of drinking and abusiveness. I still bore a tiny white scar above my eyebrow from when he had punched me after a particularly heavy drinking session. I was relieved when he died, finally free from the terror of what his latest rant could mean for me, what new mark he would leave on my skin.

"What about you?" I asked, sipping my drink and studying her face.
"They left when I was 8. Just up and left me behind. But they'll be back. One day."
"You really believe that?" When she turned to look in my eyes, a vulnerability showed in them that I hadn't expected.
"I have to." She whispered.

A drink and a half later, Rey had told me everything about her that there was to know, and I had done the same. When I told her about my scar, she reached a hand out to trace along it. The warmth of her fingers against my face filled me up with a foreign, unknown emotion.

Somehow, during the night, our hands had moved of the bar-top so that they were overlapping. I was very aware of the contact and grateful for it. It had been so long since I'd had real human contact and my soul aches for more.
"You're incredible." I blurted out, and she smiled up at me. She didn't seem shocked or taken aback by my confession.
"You're perfect." She replied and laced our fingers together on the counter. We stared into each other's eyes, our feelings on display for each other to see. Her gaze dropped to my lips and I gulped subconsciously. She meant in and I met her halfway. Our lips gently touched and the touch sent electricity shooting through my entire being. I squeezed her hand and closed my eyes. Her hand came up to cradle my face, and I found all the lumps and callouses soothing as she stroked my cheek. I pulled away first and looked at her in wonder.
"Come back to my place?" She nodded and we swiftly left the bar.

Once we had arrived back at my two-room house, I took her hand and led her to my bedroom. Our forehead rested against each other. I breathed deeply. Never had I cared for someone as much as I cared for Rey. Never had I felt these things for anybody else.

Pulling her shoes and socks off, she waited for me to do the same before gently pushing me down onto my bed. She removed her clothes and my mouth hung open as my eyes trailed over her exposed body.
"You're so beautiful, Rey." I mumbled and wrapped my arms around her back, bringing her into my lap. I kissed her lips sweetly, softly prodding my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues moved slowly together, dancing.

My layers of clothing were removed shortly after that and I was laid on my back. Our eyes remained glued together, unspoken words passing between us. She lowered her mouth to my neck and sucked tantalisingly slowly. A guttural groan escaped my parted lips and she moved her mouth lower.

Everywhere her lips touched created a burning feeling in the pit of my stomach. Soon, her head was level with my now-dripping core. She looked up at me.
"R-Rey..." I pleaded and she wrapped her lips around my clit. I arched off the bed slightly and moaned quietly. Rey sucked gently and my toes curled.  I could feel the pleasure building up inside me. Her sucking became gradually harsher and the coil in my stomach got tighter and tighter, until the feeling washed over me, causing a loud moan to fall out of mouth.

She kissed her way up my body, waiting for me to recover. I took one last deep breath and came down form my high. Wanting to return the favour, I slid my hand in between her strong thighs and flipped her over so she was under me. I rubbed her clit in slow circles and her hips bucked into my hand. I began kissing and biting her neck as I moved my fingers to her entrance.

A whimper escapes her as I pushed 2 of my fingers inside her. Her eyes closed and she rolled her hips as I began pumping in and out of her. Her nails scratched down my back, one hand gripping my hair. Her breaths evolved into moans as I pushed her closer and closer. My fingers hit a deeper spot within her and a broken scream of my name echoed through the room. Her hands clutched at my back as she came. I held her as she recovered.

Wrapping her arms around my torso, she rested her head on my shoulder. I planted a kiss on her sweat-glazed forehead. She glanced up into my eyes, and the feeling I had when she touched my scar returned. I guess this is what feels like to be loved.

Yeah, so a long one for my bby Rey. Anyway let me know what you thought💗

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