Sansa Stark: Part Of The Family

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Modern AU: Sansa brings her girlfriend home with her from college.

"Baby, they're gonna love you. Calm down." Sansa rubbed her thumbs over the knuckles of my shaking hands. I took a deep breath to steady myself and gazed up at the large house belonging to my girlfriends' family. My mouth was bone-dry, my heart thudding sharply against my ribs; I was to be meeting the rest of the Starks for the first time.

Sansa gently grabbed my chin and moved it so I was facing her. Her icy-blue eyes were soft and glimmering in the mid-morning sun. I offered up a weak smile. She chuckled quietly and wrapped her arms around me, her embrace warm and comforting. I hugged her back, burrowing my face into her neck, inhaling her familiar scent. When we pulled back, my girlfriend pressed a slow kiss to my lips, her hand sliding from my chin to my cheek. Despite my nervousness about meeting her family, I couldn't help but melt into Sansa's kiss. Her lips moved languidly with mine, all at once calming me down and making my heart flutter in my chest.

"I love you." She murmured as we separated. Even after 18 months of dating, it always made my body fill with elation and adoration to hear her say those 3 words.
"I love you, too."

Hand in hand, we walked up the gravel pathway which led to the door of the Stark house. Panicked thoughts flutter through my mind like over-energised butterflies as Sansa raised her fist and knocked on the door. What if they don't like me? What if I mess up royally and Sansa sends me back to college? What if-
"Sansa, you're home!" A tall brunette woman had opened the door. With her piercing blue eyes and towering height, I could only assume it was Sansa's mother. She pulled her daughter into a tight hug, beaming happily. Before I even had time to introduce myself, I was being hugged as well. "You must be Y/N, it's so lovely to meet you." I smiled, a little surprised by her affection.
"It's lovely to meet you too, Mrs Stark." Sansa squeezed my hand encouragingly.
"Oh please, call me Catelyn, honey."

After being ushered in ("I'll take your bags upstairs, it's no worry."), we came face to face with Sansa's father. I gulped, a shiver of fear running down my spine. He had one of those unreadable faces, like he could be about to tell you a joke or punch you straight in the face. After a moment of silence- during which my legs seemed to have turned into jelly- his mouth lifted into a big beaming grin.
"Sansa, kiddo! C'mere." He opened his arms and my girlfriend gave him a bear hug. Over her shoulder, he smiled kindly at me. "And you must be the famous Y/N. Yes, Sansa's not shut up about you over the phone and-"
"Dad!" Sansa emerged from his chest, her face as red as her long hair. I grinned at both of them.
"Ned Stark." The tall man introduced himself, holding his large hand out to me. I shook it and smiled again, already feeling at ease with my girlfriend's family.

Sansa's siblings turned out to be every bit as nice as her parents. I was also introduced to their significant others; Arya gave Sansa and I a fierce hug before calling her girlfriend, Daenerys, over to meet me. The blonde woman, whilst seemingly intimidating, turned out to be completely lovely and very quick-witted. Next, Sansa's brothers Bran and Rickon came to greet us. Both boys were kind and welcoming, shaking my hand with dazzling smiles. Sansa's half-brother Jon and his fiancée Ygritte followed them, both hugging me and telling me how great it was to finally put a face to the name Sansa hadn't stopped mentioning for the past year and a half. My girlfriend blushed at that and slapped her brothers arm lightly, muttering a half-hearted 'shut up' as she turned and buried her face in my shoulder. Last was her brother Rob and his wife Talisa. They were both completely charming and easy to get along with.

Once I'd met everyone, Sansa was called into the kitchen to help with lunch. Since I was the 'newest addition to the family', as they put it, everyone began to ask me questions about my family, college, how I'd met Sansa. I sat and chatted with them all happily. Looking around at the people surrounding me, I felt like part of their family. Warmth and contentment spread through my body, enveloping me as I sat and shared with my girlfriend's family.

By the time lunch was served, I felt like I'd known everyone my whole life. Sansa sat next to me and I turned to face her, a joyous smile on my face.
"See, baby? You had nothing to worry about." She murmured. I nodded in agreement and kissed her cheek.

Later that evening, we all gathered in the front room to watch a film. We all decided on Bad Moms. Arya and Daenerys were curled up in an armchair together, as were Robb and Talisa. Jon, Ygritte, Ned and Catelyn we're sharing the couch and Bran and Rickon were lying on the floor. Sansa and I were cuddling on the loveseat, her head on my chest, my arms wound around her. Every time she laughed at the film, it vibrated through her to my heart. I smiled down at her grinning face. She looked up at me and her grin softened into a love-filled smile.

"How did I get so damn lucky?" I murmured. She beamed and leaned up to press a quick kiss to my lips.
"I love you so much." She whispered and kissed me again. I leant our foreheads together, our lips brushing slightly.
"I love you more than anything." I murmured truthfully. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and I can't begin to describe how much you mean to me, Sansa Stark." A testy sheen glossed over her crystal blue eyes and she kissed me passionately, her hands cradling my face and neck, mine resting on her hips. The kiss was sweet and slow and full emotion.
"You're part of the family now." She said as we pulled back. I simply smiled and closed my eyes briefly.
"You are my family, Sansa."

In honour of GoT being finished, I thought I'd release this. I wrote it a couple weeks ago. Despite the ending, the show was really amazing, and everyone involved deserves a huge round of applause for 8 seasons of amazing television.

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