Ellie Thumann: Train

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"Oh my god, it's so fancy!" My girlfriend squealed excitedly as we looked up and down the corridor of the train. Erin rolled her eyes playfully and led us down to an empty compartment. We sat down and Ellie looked around in wonder. I smiled and kissed her cheek gently. I too was impressed by the quality of the upholstery and the views of Rome through the wide window.

Ellie, Erin and I spent the first 20 or so minutes just chatting and looking out the window in awe. The views were stunning, and I managed to make Ellie blush with a comment about how she was the most beautiful view I could see.
"Alright, I'm gonna go see if I can find a toilet." Erin said and got up, sliding the compartment door open. Once she left, Ellie laid her head on my shoulder. I squeezed her hand gently.
"I'm really glad you're here, baby." She murmured and pressed a gentle kiss to my neck. I smiled.
"I'm glad I came."

She kissed my neck again, different this time; her tongue darted out and ran along the column of my throat, her teeth nipping gently. I gasped quietly and turned to her, capturing her lips in mine. Her hands came up to caress my neck and mine gravitated to her waist. She slowly manoeuvred herself so she was sat on my lap. I gently pressed her back against the wall and slid my tongue into her mouth. She grinned against my lips and tangled her hands in my hair. I tilted my head and deepened our kiss.

Just as I slid my hands under Ellie's shirt, I heard the compartment door slide open again.
"For god's sake you guys!" Erin cried. Ellie and I pulled away, both blushing furiously. Erin looked exasperated. Ellie giggled quietly. "Every time!" I smiled sheepishly and pulled my girlfriend close to me.

@justanothermoon how was this?

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