Cheryl Blossom: Beautiful

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Everybody in Riverdale either knew or knew of the enigma that was Cheryl Blossom. She was our very own resident 'it' girl. With the richest parents in the town, and the scandal of her twin brothers death following her, it was hard to completely avoid her. Which is what I tried to do.

Cheryl was my polar opposite. She was beautiful, rich and from what I could see, happy with her life. I was struggling to pay the rent for my shabby apartment where I lived alone, having to go down to the Whyte Wyrm every night and fight some buff guy to earn money.

So of course, it was my bad luck that I started to develop a crush on her. Well, maybe a bit more than a crush. She was the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. At school, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Luckily for me, I wasn't a very outgoing person, so she had no reason to speak to me. If she had spoken to me, I would have turned into a blushing, stuttering mess.

Unfortunately for me, however, a certain Chuck Clayton had discovered what I did to keep a roof over my head. He had cornered me at school and pushed me up against the lockers. He refused to let me go until I confessed to the crowd that had gathered that I fought at the Whyte Wyrm. Cheryl was a part of that crowd. She looked on with what I thought was indifference, but what was actually torment. Little did I know, Cheryl Blossom had had her eye on me for a while. The only reason she hadn't made a move yet was because her parents were so against the idea of Cheryl being anything other than straight.

That night, I walked down the stairs to the basement of the Whyte Wyrm to raucous cheers. All the men down here were drunk or getting there. It stank of beer and sweat. I glanced over at the dingy little bar and did a double take. There, in a plain top and jeans, with a Coke in hand was Cheryl Blossom. I stared open-mouthed at her as she turned and caught sight of me. What the actual fuck is she doing here? I thought. She sent me a small smile and a wave. I grinned back, still disbelieving. I looked up at the board that contained all the bets. There, beside my name, was a huge bet of $300 with the initials C.B beside that. I glanced back at Cheryl in absolute shock. She was betting on me??! Of course, what I didn't know was that she was betting such a large sum of money because she knew about my financial issues. And she wanted to help, even if she had to come down to this shitty little fight club and watch me possibly get beaten up.

As I wrapped my knuckles in tape, a million thoughts raced through my head. Why was she here? Was this some elaborate prank planned by Chuck? She could get hurt. There are always so many bar fights here. It's not safe for her. I shook myself out of it. I had to get my head in the fight. The guy I was fighting tonight was easily twice my weight and about a head taller than me. If I lost my concentration for one second, he would have me on the floor.

As I stepped into the roughly marked out circle in the middle of the room, I shot a glance at the redhead to make sure she was okay. Her eyes met mine and despite my current situation, my heart sped up. She was so beautiful.

The guy I was matched up against lumbered into the ring, leering at me. I set my jaw and raised my fists. The cheers and whistles rose in volume as we began to circle each other. What made me such a good fighter was my agility and speed. I wasn't weak either. The only thing I had to do was dodge their punches, dart around their flailing arms and land a good hit to their jaw. Which is exactly what I was doing. The huge man lunged forwards and threw out his left fist. I ducked and punched him in the stomach. He groaned and glared up at me. I could hear everyone yelling at me to hit him again, but I was thrown off when I heard a fairly familiar voice.
"Come on, Y/N! You can do it!" Cheryl screamed. I grinned to myself and hit the guy in the side of the head. He stumbled back, clutching his face. He roared and lurched towards me, managing to get a hold of my top. He flung me across the ring and I landed in a heap on the floor. I coughed and slowly got to my feet. He smirked smugly which only fuelled me with more adrenaline. I feinted left and went right, kicking him in the back of the leg. He buckled and fell onto his knees. I brought my left knee up into his chin and he fell to he floor, unconscious. Everyone cheered loudly, and I looked over to see Cheryl standing on her chair and cheering as loud as anyone else. I smiled up at her and she smiled back, giving me a thumbs up.

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