Violet Baudelaire: The Frustrating Toaster

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I first saw the Baudelaire orphans when they moved in across the street from me, into Count Olaf's grisly house of terror. There were 3 of them; a little baby, who could've been no more than 18 months old, a boy who looked just a couple of years younger than me, and an older girl who looked about my age. It was this girl who caught my attention. She had long brown hair and striking blue eyes. She had a little grimace on her face as she looked up at her new home, which I managed to find adorable. She turned to look around at the street, and her eyes locked onto me, staring at her through my window. I blushed and quickly looked away, stepping back from the window. Before she entered the house, I swear I saw her smile at me.

The first time I actually met any of the Baudelaire children, was when they were on their way back from food shopping. Their arms were weighed down with dozens of bags, yet they still seemed fairly cheerful as they chatted together.
"Why don't you go and help them with their bags, dear. I'm sure they'd appreciate the help." My mother said from behind me. I nodded and left the house.

They caught sight of me as I walked up the street towards them. A spark of recognition flashed in the girl's eyes when she saw me. I sent them a friendly smile as I stopped in front of them.
"Hi, I just saw you walking down the street and I thought you'd like some help with your bags?" I said in what I thought to be my most polite voice. The boy grinned at me.
"Thank you, that's very kind." I nodded and smiled back.
"What are your names?" I asked as I took 3 bags from the boy and one from the girl. As I took the girls bag, our hands brushed together and she looked down, her cheeks turning pink.
"I'm Klaus." The boy said and stuck out his hand. I shook it. "These are my sisters. Sunny," he gestured to the baby "and Violet." I grinned at Violet and she smiled shyly back, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear.
"My name's Y/N."

We walked down the road to Count Olaf's house together, talking about their lives before they'd come here. I gave them my deepest condolences when I heard about the fire and their parents. I also found out that Violet was an inventor.
"That's marvellous!" I exclaimed and she blushed again.
"It's really nothing." She muttered.
"No, really! Do you reckon you could help me with my toaster? It simply refuses to work, and it's very frustrating." There was a short silence and I looked up at her. Only to find her already staring at me. Her brother nudged her shoulder with a sly grin on his face.
"O-oh, yes, yes I could do that."

We reached the front door of their new house. Klaus and Violet's grins dropped to frowns as the door opened and Count Olaf stepped out. He surveyed the children the way someone would dirt under their shoe. His gaze fell on me. One thick, hairy eyebrow raised.
"And who might you be?" He inquired, in a tone that didn't sound like he cared an ounce who I was.
"I'm Y/N, Mr Count sir. I live across the street, over there." I pointed back to my house.
"And what, may I ask, are you doing here?" I had to fight to keep the quiver out of my voice.
"I'm helping the children with their shopping bags, sir." A frown appeared on his ugly face. He looked back at my new friends.
"Well, I hope the children didn't inconvenience you with their inability to carry a few bags." He barely glanced at me as he said this, glaring down at the children. I saw Violet shrink back, a frightened expression on her beautiful face. I had to resist the urge to take her hand.
"N-no, sir. I was more than happy to help." Without a word, he took the bags from my hands and ushered the children inside. Before he slammed the door, Violet glanced back and gave me an apologetic look. I smiled back, but I don't think she saw it.

Violet's POV
After Olaf slammed the door in poor Y/N's face, he rounded on us.
"The troupe will be here at 7. I expect dinner to be prepared by then, and cleared away after. Then it's straight to bed for all of you." I nodded meekly and headed for the kitchen, Klaus following closely behind me. Even after the way we had just been spoken to, a small smile was still in place on my face.  I hummed a quiet tune as I set about preparing the ingredients.
"What's got you so happy?" Klaus asked as he carried a grimy pan at arms length over to the equally grimy sink.
"Nothing. Just, maybe this won't be so bad after all." He snorted.
"I knew it." I turned to face him.
"You totally have a crush on that girl!" I blushed and focused on chopping up a tomato.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He laughed even louder.
"Oh my god, you do!" I said nothing, simply carried on with my chopping, still humming a tune.

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