Florence Pugh: Dancing

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Some people express their emotions through music, some through words or art. Some choose to simply let their actions speak for them. My girlfriend's way of expressing herself, however, was through the medium of dance.

Now, don't get me wrong; Florence was by no means a professional. She'd never taken a class, never performed anywhere other than in the comfort of our home. But that never stopped her from dancing at every possible opportunity. It made her happy.

"Son of a bitch!" I groaned and ran my hands through my hair. The screen of my laptop blinked up at me, the words of my coursework swimming before my eyes. I was 22 and in my final year at university, studying classical civilisation. It was a particularly difficult assignment; something to do with ancient tragedians in the Mycenaean Age, and I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

Leaning back in my chair and scrubbing my hands over my face, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I knew I was stressing for no reason; the assignment had been set a few days earlier and wasn't due for another week. Plus, it was Friday evening and I had a totally free weekend. But I was nothing if not a perfectionist. Also, I wanted to spend the weekend with Florence, cuddling and watching movies, not stuck on stupid work.

Just as I leant forwards to my laptop again, a pair of arms snaked themselves around my shoulders.
"Hi there, nerd." Florence said quietly, teasingly, as she placed a peck to my cheek.
"Hey, sweetheart." I mumbled back and leant into her embrace. She always smelled amazing, like vanilla and honey; sweet, just like her.
"You've been working for over 3 hours, my love. Why don't you take a break?"
"I wish I could, but I have to get this done so we can be undisturbed this weekend."

My girlfriend made her way round the chair and slid into my lap like it was second nature. I wrapped my arms around her and leant my head against her chest.
"You can finish it after you rest for a bit," she spoke softly and tucked my hair back from my face "you've been stressing yourself out all day and you need to relax." 

I sighed and looked up at her, seeing the almost pleading look in her emerald eyes. She was giving me the pout she knew I couldn't resist and I leant up to kiss it away. Florence smiled against my lips and kissed back, her hands coming up to frame my face.
"Ok. I'll take a break. But only for 15 minutes." The pout was back. "Fine, half an hour."

Florence grinned happily and my heart skipped like it always did around her. She grabbed my hand and got off my lap, pulling me to stand before tugging me into the kitchen. I could only follow her lead with a faint smile on my face at her excitement. Releasing my hand once we reached the space between the counter and the kitchen island, Florence bounced over to the speaker and turned it up. An upbeat song from the 80's began to blare through the room, echoing off the tiles and brightening my mood.

The shorter blonde turned back to me with a childlike glee evident on her gorgeous features. As the catchy beat picked up, she started to sway, reaching out for my hands. Rolling my eyes playfully, I took her hands and allowed her to lead me in one of energetic, jumpy dances. She bounced and flipped her hair, letting the music flow through her as she let herself move. I laughed and joined in, jumping around and moving my arms about. Seeing Florence like this, relaxed and happy and free, made my heart swell with adoration for the girl I got to call mine.

We danced through a couple of songs, twirling round the kitchen, giggling and swaying. I got tired after a while and pulled Florence close by her belt loops. She smiled up at me like I'd put the stars in the sky, her face flushed from the dancing, eyes bright and hair messy. Grabbing the backs of her thighs, I lifted her onto the counter. Her arms draped over my shoulders, hands tangling in my hair.
"Alright, I've got to go and finish off." I murmured as she rubbed her nose against mine. "And when I'm done, I'm all yours." I whispered with a chaste peck to her lips. She grinned happily and pulled my mouth back to hers, bringing me in for a deeper kiss.
"Promise?" She cooed. I chuckled.
"I promise, sweetheart."

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