Addison Montgomery: Revenge

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Normally, maintaining a professional relationship with one's spouse at work was difficult. This was true of most couples I knew; Meredith and Derek, Izzie and Alex, even Cristina and Burke. However, my girlfriend, Addison, and I, had never had any trouble with it. We were both on the same page when it came to the hospital; work came first. We both knew that as soon as we stepped foot out of Seattle Grace, we went from being Dr Montgomery and Dr Y/L/N to being Addison and Y/N. It was just the way we were. Perfectly balanced; never too much involvement at work (like Derek and Meredith), but also not total avoidance.

However, that morning Addison had started something she hadn't intended to finish. We'd woken up before the alarm went off, and she'd decided she wanted to spend the time before we had to get up getting me as horny as she could.

"" I murmured as my girlfriend nibbled on my neck. The redhead on top of me pulled back and smiled down at me innocently; as if she wasn't straddling me, wearing only one of my baggy t-shirts.
"Yes?" She teased, tucking her hair behind her ears.
"We have to leave in, like, half an hour."
"I'm aware." I chuckled at her, resting my hands on her waist. With her eyes gleaming mischievously, she eyed me up and down, her pupils blown, biting her lip.
"Get down here and kiss me, idiot." I said and she grinned, obliging with fiery vigour.

We made out like that for a few minutes, my hands roaming over her back, hers cupping my face. Just as I flipped her over, she pushed me back by my shoulders. Confused, I gazed down at her. Addison was smirking with kiss-bruised lips.
"We need to shower." She whispered before pecking my lips and getting up. I sat, dazed, on the bed as she stripped off my shirt and made her way to the bathroom. "Coming?" She beckoned over her shoulder.

In the shower it had been a similar story: it got the point where my hand had snuck down to where I knew she wanted me, before she'd turned the water off and got out.
"We're gonna be late." Is all she'd said.

The drive to the hospital had been torture; Addison had her hand on my thigh the whole way, and at every stoplight had turned my face towards her and kissed me with such passion that would normally promise a night spent writhing between the sheets. The last time it happened, my mind began to work; she was doing this on purpose, trying to wind me up as much as she could. The question was, why? Was she doing it for her own amusement, or was she trying to get a reaction out of me?

By the time we pulled up at Seattle Grace, I had formulated a plan, a plan to make my girlfriend regret her little games from the morning. Revenge, if you will.

We went our separate ways once in the hospital, her heading off to see the Chief about a case, me on my way to check on my patients from the day before. I rode the elevator with Meredith and Derek, both of whom were acting like lovey-dovey teenagers who couldn't keep their hands off each other.

"You're chipper." My friend commented as her boyfriend stared at her in rapt wonder. God, she'd turned Derek Shepherd into lovesick fool. I grinned at Meredith with a shrug.
"What happened? Did Burke trip and fall?" I laughed at Derek and shook my head. It was well-known in the hospital that Preston Burke and I had something of a rivalry. It was entirely non-work-related, because he was cardio and I was general. It was mostly because before Addison, I was reputed as a little bit of a player.

It wasn't even because of my reputation; Burke hated me because before I'd met Addison, Cristina and I had had a thing. It hadn't been a relationship, there had been absolutely no feelings involved; it was more like a friends with benefits thing. Both of us were aware of the boundaries, and neither of us ever tried to make it about anything other than sex. It had ended the moment she suspected Burke had a thing for her, both of us agreeing that it had been fun and parting ways.

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