Betty Cooper: Horribly In Love

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If anyone were to ask me why I had been avoiding Betty for the past month, I would lie and tell them that we'd had an argument. The truth was that I was horribly in love with her. The big issue? She was one of my best friends. Even bigger issue? She was in love with my brother, Archie. All our friends knew how smitten she was, except for him. He was totally blind to her affection.

When the semi-formal dance rolled around, and he informed me that he was going with Betty and Veronica, I nearly exploded. Not only was he leading Betty on, he was dragging another girl into it as well. I refused to go to the dance, refused to see my oblivious brother dancing with the love of my life. And that night when I found out what he had done to Betty, I yelled and called him every name under the sun.

"God, Archie, how could you do this to her?!"
"I didn't mean to hurt her!" I shook my head at him and folded my arms across my chest.
"Well, you did. You broke her fucking heart!" I screamed.
"Why are you getting so mad, Y/N?" I took a deep breath.
"It doesn't matter." A look of understanding spread across his face.
"You love her." He whispered. I gulped.
"She's my best friend." I lied. Archie shook his head.
"Y/N, you're in love with her!"
"I know."

After that, I stopped talking to Betty. I thought that maybe if we stopped seeing each other, my feelings would go away. They didn't, of course. My brother would constantly try to persuade me to at least talk to Betty, but I shot him down every time.

About 5 weeks after the night of my confession, Archie told me to meet him at Pop's after school. I had a free period, so I arrived about 30 minutes earlier than normal. I took my phone out and 20 minutes later I got a text from Archie saying 'She deserves to know.' I furrowed my brow in confusion, which turned to panic when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Mind if I sit?" Betty said, gesturing to the booth. I swallowed quickly.
"I'm, er... I'm waiting for Archie." I said, not meeting her baby-blue eyes. She chuckled softly and my heart pounded at the sound
"Actually, Archie planned this. He said that he could get you here if I wanted to talk to you." I mentally cursed my idiotic brother.
"Um... ok." I mumbled. She sat down opposite me and gazed at me sadly. I wrung my hands nervously and looked straight down at my lap.
"So your brother said you had something to tell me?" Panic bubbled in my chest.
"N-no." I muttered
"Y/N." The way she said my name made my heart flutter. "If it's the reason why you've been ignoring me for over a month then I want to know." She said it gently, but I heard the accusation and hurt in her tone.

I sprang to my feet, tears welling in my eyes.
"I can't Betty. I'm sorry." I caught a glimpse of her shocked face as I ran out of the diner. I barely even registered the fact that it was pouring with rain as I sprinted away from the girl I loved.

I got about a block away when she caught up with me, grabbing my wrist and bringing me to a stop. I spun round to face her. Despite the rain, I could tell she was crying. I could see it in her red-rimmed eyes and her trembling lower lips.
"Tell me, please." She begged. "I love you."
"Not in the way that I love you." I said, my voice hoarse from crying and running.
"But it is the same way. I'm in love with you!" She yelled. My mouth fell open.
"No don't 'Betty' me. You ignored me for 5 weeks! You made me think you hated me!" I cried as she shouted. "I love you..." She whispered.
"But Archie..."
"I got over your brother long before he went into that stupid closet with Veronica. I was just upset that my best friend would toss me aside so easily."

Betty was breathing heavily by the end of her speech. I was lost for words.
"I love you." I mumbled.
"I love you, Betty Cooper!" I yelled. A smile broke out on both of our faces.
"I love you too, Y/N Andrews."

With that, I rushed to her, wrapping my arms around her and pressing my lips to hers. She threw her arms around my shoulders and kissed me back with ferocious passion. With our lips still together, I lifted her up and twirled in the rain. She giggled against my mouth. I set her down but carried on kissing her. Her hand snaked up to cup my face.

When we pulled away, she rested her forehead against mine. We were both out of breath and grinning like maniacs.
"That was amazing." She breathed. I smiled even wider.
"That is an understatement." Betty giggled and kissed me again.

If anyone were to ask me why I was outside in the rain at half past 4, I would lie and tell them that I got caught in it on my way home. The truth was that I was with the love of my life, kissing and giggling. The truth was that I was with Betty Cooper. The truth was that I was horribly in love with her.

Cheesy and cliche I know, but I couldn't help it🤗

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