Danielle Rose Russell: Bad Timing

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Being cast in Legacies was probably the best thing that ever happened to me; it launched my career, I found the most brilliant friends, and it was also where I met my girlfriend.

I'd first met Danielle at the first rehearsals, about 2 months before filming began; we'd got on straight away. She was so easy to talk to, so funny and caring. She also happened to be the most stunningly attractive girl I'd ever seen. She quite literally stole my breath away when I first saw her. It was like looking at the stars; she was infinite in her beauty and full of endless wonder.

We'd got super close during rehearsals and about 2 weeks before filming began, I found the balls to ask her out. She said yes, and we went on a couple dates. First time round we just hung out at my place, watched some old movies and snuggled a bit. On our second date, I wanted to be a bit more romantic and so I took her to dinner and a movie. God, I was so nervous beforehand. I'd called Quincy just before I left to pick Danielle up, freaking out over the phone to him. He calmed me down enough to compose myself and I drove over to Danielle's place. The date went perfectly, dinner was super romantic and during the movie, she put her head on my shoulder and intertwined our fingers.

By that point, the urge to kiss her was only growing. However, I was scared as shit. What if I tried to kiss her and she didn't want me to? Even worse, what if I did and she pushed me off her? I didn't want to make her uncomfortable; she was something special, and I didn't want to lose her.

For our third date, I set up a picnic on the roof of my apartment block. Call me cliché, but Danielle deserved something right out of a fairytale, and by God was I gonna try my best to give her that. There was all kinds of food, I went all out. I set up candles and a blanket and plates and everything. I'll never forget the look on Danielle's face as we reached the roof and she saw what I'd laid out for her. She turned and looked at me with such adoration and awe in her eyes, I felt as if I might melt.

We ate our food and talked and stayed up there until the night began to chill. I suggested we go, I didn't want either of us catching a cold, especially when filming was in the very near future. I walked Danielle back to her car and kissed her cheek in farewell. She just stood there next to her car, gazing up at me. I stared into her icy blue eyes, forcing my eyes away from her lips. We stood in silence for about 20 seconds, before Danielle took a minute step towards me. My breath hitched and I shakily brought one hand up to caress her cheek. She didn't pull away, which relieved me. My heart was pumping wildly as we looked at each other. A faint smile appeared on her face and she stepped even closer towards me. Our noses were basically touching and still I hadn't made a move. I was frozen in place, staring dumbfounded at this amazing girl who'd stolen my heart.

"Y/N?" She'd whispered quietly.
"Kiss me." My heart skipped a beat as Danielle's smile grew wider. I didn't even give myself the opportunity to ruin the moment with a response as I gently placed my lips on hers, my eyes fluttering shut. Her lips tasted sweet, like vanilla and honey, tastes I quickly became addicted to. Danielle brought one hand up to the back of my neck, and the other to my shoulder as she closed her eyes and kissed me back softly. One of my arms wound around her waist, the other hand still stroking her cheek. We pulled back after what seemed like an eternity but also a millisecond, gazing speechlessly at each other. Our unspoken words sufficed in the silence as we held each other and exchanged loving stares.

I asked her to be my girlfriend after that, and she agreed, to my delight. By then we'd begun filming and so it was a lot easier to make time for each other, given we were basically living about 10 yards away from each other. We informed our friends of our budding relationship, and they took the news with enthusiasm and joy. Apparently, there'd been a bet going on about how long it would take for us to get together. Jenny won, because she'd said we'd be together by the time we'd filmed the pilot.

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