Emma Chamberlain: Photoshoot

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I furiously spammed the right trigger on my controller as the only other player left in the game tried to shoot back at me. Then, with one well-timed headshot, the words 'Victory Royale' flashed up on my screen. I grinned and fist-pumped. I took my headphones off and turned my Xbox off. I got out of the chair and walked into the kitchen, to see Emma stood by the coffee machine. Of course. She was wearing one of my oversized t-shirts and it hung down to her mid-thigh. I smiled to myself and went over to her. She was humming softly to herself as I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. She jumped slightly but then relaxed into my embrace.

"Hey baby." She rasped in her morning voice. I pressed a kiss to her cheek. She turned in my arms and wound her arms around the back of my neck, pulling me forwards into a kiss. I kissed her back softly. Emma pulled away slowly and smiled up at me. I'm so lucky, I thought.
"Hey." I pecked her lips once more.
"Coffee?" She asked and I nodded, letting her go. I sat on the counter beside her and just watched her. "Hannah and Ellie will be here in about half an hour." I nodded and hummed my acknowledgement. She had a photo shoot with her two best friends down by Laguna Beach today. I was going with them, because I loved to watch my girlfriend modelling. Plus, it was always fun to go anywhere with the three of them, given the usually hilarious results when they got together.

After we drank our coffee I went to get changed and Emma went to pack her outfits for her shoot. I put on some denim shorts and a blue and white shirt. Almost as soon as we finished our individual tasks, there was a knock on the door, signalling the arrival of Hannah and Ellie. I smiled as Emma practically sprinted to the door and flung it open. A chorus of greetings and laughter reached my ears as they hugged each other.

Once they'd said hello to Emma, Hannah and Ellie came over to me. I hugged both of them, as I was close with both of them. They were both very excited for the shoot.

Giggling and exchanging jokes, we made our way down to Emma's car. I climbed into the passenger seat as Ellie and Hannah got in the back.
"Baby, you're on aux today." Emma said and I smiled. As we drove out of the parking lot, I pressed on all of ours favourite song.
"Oh my god, yes! Emma, your girlfriend is amazing!" Hannah yelled as the opening bars to Personal by HRVY played from the speakers. Emma grinned.
"Y/N, you legend!" Ellie screeched. We all sang along, or more like screamed along.

It was about an hours drive down to the beach, but the music kept us in high spirits all the way there. When we arrived, we met the photographer. He was nice and told us about where they would be shooting. The girls were practically buzzing with excitement.

We went to lots of places throughout the day, including a flower shop and this cute little diner where everything was pink. They were shooting all day, but I wasn't bored once. Every time my girlfriend was shooting, I was absolutely in awe of her beauty. I told her just how gorgeous she was after every photo. She would blush and kiss me. Ellie and Hannah would awe and pretend to cry.

Just as the sun began to set, we went to our last location of the day; the beach. I sat on the sand as the girls got changed nearby into whatever outfits they would be wearing for the shoot. I had a nice chat with the photographer for a few minutes.

As the girls walked over to us, my breath caught in my throat. They all looked stunning, but Emma was ethereal. She was wearing a tan bikini and had her hair loose. My mouth literally fell open as I stared at her. She caught my eye and smiled shyly. I grinned back and just took in her outfit. It wasn't a really revealing bikini, but I could still see a fair amount of skin. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"Her eyes are up there, lovebird." Ellie said and Emma and I blushed, breaking our stare. I got up and walked over to her. Hannah and Ellie went over to the photographer.

I wrapped my arms around Emma's waist and she put her hands on my shoulders.
"Wow." I breathed. "You look..." I struggled for the right word. "Just wow." She grinned and reached a hand up to rest on my cheek.
"You like it?" She almost whispered. I chuckled a bit.
"Like it? I love it, baby. I love you." Her smile widened and she rested her forehead against mine.
"I love you too." I leant down and pressed my lips to hers gently. She kissed me back. Our lips moved together sweetly, slowly.

"Alright, come on!" Ellie called and we pulled away, smiling. I went and sat behind the photographer as they began to take photos. Emma gave Ellie the camera, and her and Hannah came and sat with me as Emma posed.

The shoot lasted about 20 minutes and then it was done. The girls put some clothes on over their bikinis, delighted with the days work.
"I'm so hungry." Emma said as we walked back to her car, hand in hand.
"Let's go to Urth!" Hannah exclaimed. Everyone agreed and we set off, the photographer following in his car behind us.

We all ate happily, laughing and sharing jokes. Ellie spent a good 10 minutes crying because of this Jack and Jill gif she found hilarious. Emma and I held hands most of the evening, and as it wore on and she got more tired, she laid her head on my shoulder. Hannah and Ellie were sleeping over, so I suggested that we get going.

I offered to drive home, but Emma refused, saying she would stay awake better if there was a risk of crashing. We all talked quietly on the way, and by the time we arrived home, we were all practically asleep with our eyes open. Ellie and Hannah said goodnight and went to the spare room. I half-carried my girlfriend to our room and helped her into her pyjamas. We climbed into bed together and she snuggled into me, one arm slung across my waist, the other holding my hand. I held her close as her breath evened out and faded into light snores. I smiled to myself as I looked down at her peaceful face; she was mine and I couldn't be happier.

I love Emma so much, and she has like zero fanfics so here ya go.

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