Chapter 8

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-----------Alex's POV-----------

I ran from the tree line right when Daryl caught up. As I got Closer to Glenn, he saw me and his face lit up. he welcomed me with open arms as I run into him, almost knocking him down. We had each other in a bone crushing hug when the others pulled up in a white box truck. I pull away from Glenn and he said, "I kept my promise." I laughed, "Yes, yes you did." I respond as I pull him into a softer hug.

"Oh! I almost forgot, we found a new guy," Glenn says while looking around. "What's his name?" I ask, trying to spot a new face as well. "Well, we call him officer friendly. He kind of reminded me of you when I first saw him." He answers, still looking around. "Huh, odd." I say with a laugh.

"Hey! Officer Friendly! C'mon out and say hi!!" Glenn yells at the truck. A man comes around the truck and my heart drops. No my heart soars. It can't be... But it is... I am just staring at the man that looks like my father, when I hear Carl scream, "Dad!!!!" That's when I knew it was real, I wasn't seeing things.

My father looks towards the scream and see Carl running towards him. He bends down and hugs him while crying. I can't believe it. I can't move. I'm just standing here, staring at my father that I thought I lost. Mom runs over and hugs him and Carl. Glenn turns and looks at me, just to see me staring at them.

My father gets up and starts walking towards me, very slowly. Glenn backs up a little so I can see him clearly. I see his Blue eyes, staring deep into my brown ones. It's Him. "Alexandra..?" He ask. Its his voice... a voice I've wanted to hear for a very long time, a voice I thought I would never hear again.

I start running towards him. I jump into his open arms and he picks me up and spins me around and around. I'm In tears, tears I didn't know I was holding back. He puts me down, "I missed you so much, I thought you were dead!" I sob, pulling him into another hug. "I know sweetie, I know." He says, comforting me.

After I minute I stop crying and we go walking to a log by the fire pit, so he can tell us what happened. Once he was done Carl ran to play with Sophia and I said, "Dad, Uncle Shane said you were dead.." He looks at me, "He had every right to think that Alex, don't be mad at him." He says giving me a side hug. "Well, that's not the reason I'm mad at him," I mumble, hoping dad didn't hear. "Then why are you mad at him?" He asked. Dammit, He heard. I sigh and lift up the side of my shirt, exposing the bruise and all the little cuts.

"What happened!" My dad exclaimed, still looking at my side. "Well, Shane kept trying to tell me who I can and can't talk and hang out with. So not wanting to hear it I walked away. He then charged at me and we got into a fight. I won, got him in a head lock till he gave up. But he still managed to get a kick off on me." I explain, leaving out parts about what was said.

Dad looked furious. "Did you hit him back?" Dad asked, I could tell he was trying to keep his anger down. "Yeah I-" I was cut off by Carl and Sophia screaming. "Carl!" I yell, running in their direction, Dad right on my heels. We got there and both pulled out our guns, when we spot the reason for screaming. A deer was being eaten by a walker. The deer had three arrows in it.

Daryl's Arrows.... Man he is gonna be pissed. Everyone else gathered to see the scene and I stabbed the walker. The bushes started to move, everyone held out there weapons when Daryl came out. "What the hell, Damn walker that my deer!" Daryl yelled kicking the walker. "Think we can cut 'ound the bit parts?" Daryl asked Shane. "No, It's too risky," My dad answered instead.

"Who 'he hell are you? Officer Friendly?" Daryl snickers as he walks back to his tent. Dad looks at T-dog and ask, "That's Daryl, isn't it?" T-dog nods his head. "How did you know that?" I asked, dumbfounded by his correct guess. "Because, that's what his brother called me, How I got the nickname." he answered.

I look around, Just now realizing that Merle isn't here. "Merle! Come help me skin these squirrels!" Daryl yells in his tent while sitting down by a tree. "Daryl, we need to talk about your brother.." Dad trails off while Daryl looks up at him. "He's dead, ain't he?" Daryl asked while standing and holding back tears.

"Actually, we don't know." Dad answers calmly. "How do you not know, and who the fuck even are you!?" Daryl yells. I take a step back and I feel an arm go around my shoulders. I look up and see it's Glenn. I nod my thanks and turn my attention back to the conversation. "I'm Rick, Rick Grimes. And we don't know because last time we saw him he was hand cuffed to a roof. He was a danger to the group." Dad responded, surprisingly still Calm.

Daryl stared at my dad before lunging at him. I instantly jump forward and pull him back. Daryl tries to get out of my grip but fails. After a minute, he stops struggling and Dad stands in front of him. "We will go back tomorrow morning with a group and get him, alright?" Dad says to Daryl, Still calm. How is he still calm, I have no idea.

Daryl grunts in response and Dad motions for me to let him go. I let go and Daryl turns to see who was holding his back. A wave of shock spread over his face but he quickly shook it away and went to skin his squirrels.

At dinner Dad said, "So the group going tomorrow to get Merle and my bag of guns is Me, Daryl and Glenn." Glenn looks up from his food, "What!? Why me?" He says. I laugh a little at his out burst. "Because you know your way around the city better than anyone here." Dad responds.

Glenn just sighs and continues to eat. "I'm going too," I say. "No," Dad, Daryl, Glenn, and Shane say at the same time. "What? Why not?" I ask. I'm going no matter what. Just got to get them to realize that. "Because, its dangerous." Shane snaps. "I highly doubt it's as dangerous as staying here with you." I snap back. "Everyone calm down. Alex, your not coming, its too dangerous." My Dad says.

"Dad, I'm not changing my mind. You know that you can leave my here, not take me, but I'm going to find a way to come." I say back to him. He sighs, knowing its true. "Just et 'er come and stop this fightin'." Daryl says. Dad finally gives in.

After a while Glenn and I walk back to our tent and call it a night. Well so I thought. When we got to the tent Glenn surprised me by saying, "So, remember that day when Shane slapped you and I fixed up your cut?" I nod slowly, having no clue were this is going. "Okay good. And remember when you and Daryl came back and you walked over to us and Started blushing. Yeah well help me understand. Do you Like Him?"

I stare at him for a minute thinking to my self. Do I? No I don't, why would I? I shake my head No and Glenn ask. "Are you sure..? It's okay if you do." I look up at him and answer. "I honestly don't know." Before lying down and getting some rest.

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