Chapter 36

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———— Alex's POV————

I hear shuffling and open my eyes to find Glenn trying to sneak out. I let out a small laugh and he whips his head around to look where the sound came from. "Sorry, i was trying to be quiet," he says guiltily. I tell him it's fine and walk out the tent with him.

Right when I step out my eyes meet Shane's. Fear washes over me as I remember last night. Glenn notices and puts himself between me and Shane. "Your dad told me," he whispers. I nod and keep my distance. I feel eyes on me and turn to see the icy gaze I rather not deal with right now. I trail away from Glenn and he goes to talk to Dale.

"Wat ya call me for last night?" He questions as I sit myself across from him. He is skinning squirrels in his little camp. Anger boils in my. "Oh don't worry about it, Shane was just attacking me and put a damn gun to my head!" I yell at him. I stand up and March away to wear Beth and Lori are doing Laundry.

"Alex wait!" He calls. I keep walking till I get to them. "Need help?" I ask calmly. They both turn and smile. I join them. We finish all of it right before Rick called for a "group lunch". He wants us all to eat together like regular people more often. We go and sit down.

I sit in between Glenn and Dad. Daryl sits right across from me. I look down the whole time to Avoid his pleading gaze. Suddenly Glenn stands up and makes his way to the center of the circle. "Guys....... The Barn is full of walkers," he blurts out.

It takes a minute to sink in before Shane goes off about killing them and Dad trying to say it's not our decision. "Your not gonna do anything about it? This is a danger to our group!" Shane yells.

"I didn't say that, let me talk to Herschel," Dad snaps back. Shane storms off to his tent while Dad goes inside. Everyone splits off to doing there own thing while talking about the barn. I'm standing there deciding where to go when I hear someone behind me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to start all this," Glenn says.

"It's not your fault, you did the right thing telling everyone." I explain. We hang out for a little bit, playing cards. When Carl comes up. "Where is dad?" He questions. I look around, "let's check inside," I say as me and Glenn walk with Carl over to the house.

We check inside and when we come out almost everyone is there. "Is he there?" Lori ask. Everyone is waiting to hear if dad is talking thing through with Herschel. I shake my head. "We need to take care of this," Shane speaks up as he starts handing out guns.

"Shane don't do this," Maggie says. He snickers and hands a gun to Glenn, who is behind Maggie. "Want to protect what's yours? He questions Glenn while motioning to Maggie. Glenn nods and Shane continues handing out guns. He hands one to Daryl. " Protect these two." He points to me and Carol. "I can protect myself," I snap.

Shane then hands me a gun. I sigh and take it. Shane starts leading us to the barn. "Shane stop!" I hear Dad call. I turn and see him with a Zombie on a stick. Herschel has one too. "What are you doing Rick!" Shane exclaims. "I know you don't understand but don't do this. Herschel believes they are still alive and sick." Dad explains.

Shane snickers. Can I living person live through this?" Then he shoots 5 shots. "That's 5 shots to the chest Rick. A living person would be dead. But this one is still coming!" He says then shoots the walker in the head. He then shoots the one Herschel has. Herschel falls with the dead walker.

Shane runs to the barn and yanks the doors open. Walkers start floods Gn out and shots go off. I even start to shoot. Once they are all down I lower my weapon along with everyone else. Then We hear shuffling. There is one more. I raise my weapon to fire, but can't. It's Sophia.

I hear Carol scream and turn to see her running. Daryl catches her and holds her back. Carol is a crying and screaming mess. Someone walks pass me. Dad. He lifts his gun and fires the shot ending the little girl. Beth and Maggie are crying. They yell something then help Herschel back to the house.

Daryl let's go of Carol as Lori helps her to the RV. I'm still staring at the little girls body when I feel a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine Glenn." I sigh. "Ya don't sound fine Girly," I hear a gruff voice say. I feel tears start to form in my eyes but I can't look away.

Suddenly Daryl pulls me in to an embrace and I cry into his chest. He doesn't say anything, just holds me. And I want nothing more then for this to last. After a while he starts walking me back. I follow blindly.

"Come on, get in." He says softly. I realize he is holding open he flap to his tent. I get in without arguing. I sit and he sits across from me. We sit in silence. "I'm sorry," he says. I give him a confused look. Sophia isn't his fault. "About when you called me. I should have came." He explains. I look down.

"You didn't know," I say softly. "Don't make it right," He counters. I sigh and the tent goes back to silence. "Here get some rest," He says as he clears his "bed". I lay down and close my eyes. After about 5 minutes of my laying there with my eyes closed, I feel Daryl lay down beside me, and his arm come and lay very softly around my waist. And that's when I drift to sleep.

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