Chapter 7

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------------Daryl's POV----------- (back at the fight)

I watched as her brother grabbed her hand and smiled up at her. That made me relax a little. Then I saw Shane charge at her while she was distracted. I tensed again and got ready to run if I had to help her and beat the shit out of Shane, again. She ain't weak se can protect herself. I think to myself as I watch. "C'mon Alex, lets see how good I trained you, because I don't remember teaching you to give speeches!" Shane yells at her while she struggles to her feet.

Carl ran and was now hugging his mother, watching with fear in his eyes for his sister. "that's cuz it wasn't your job, it was my Fathers job." She answered him while glaring. See, strong. I tell myself as I keep my eyes on the fight. Shane charges again but she quickly side steps, grabs him arm, and slams him down on his back. I started internally struggling again, I wanted to see if she was alright, tell her how stupid she was.

But when my eyes met her beautiful dark brown ones- wait what- She shook her head, telling me to stop my inward struggle to help. I started to relax when I noticed Shane up and in attack mode again. "Look Out!!" I yelled, but it was too late. She turned and was met with a foot in her side. She stumbled them kicked Shane right in the face. Damn. She got down and put him in some type of choke hold- head lock, and look to see her mother and brother crying. she looked at them for a minute before saying something I couldn't hear to Shane.

he nodded his head and she let go. He got up and walked back to his tent. clearly embarrassed. serves you right prick. I look over at Alex again and see her hugging her brother. Dale walks up and says something to her. She nods and returns to the RV with him. I watch her go, but I didn't move. I was stuck thinking about what happened. She beat Shane, that's what happened.

I start slowly walking to the RV, not realizing what I'm doing. Make sure she is fine. That's what im doing. I hear them talking inside but can't make out what they are saying. I open the door and see them both staring my way. She... She is shirtless..? Wtf? I am staring at her eyes when Dale moves back to tend to her side, that's when I notice, He is cleaning a few cuts on her side, noting major, but she has a big ass bruise there too.

Must be when he kicked her. I realized I was staring at her exposed body and quickly looked down at my feet, hiding a blush. I felt her eyes move away from me and saw her looking at Dale, She was blushing... I saw Dale look up and see her blushing, then he turned to me. I quickly put my head back down. when I looked back up he was back to work, but now smiling.

I turn around and practically run out of the RV and back to my tent. I grab my crossbow, and start walking to the woods. I need to clear my head.

---------Alex's POV---------

After Dale finished cleaning the cuts on my side the best he could, I slipped on my shirt, thanked him, and walked out. I'm still embarrassed that Daryl walked in, but I shook my head and walked over to Mom, Carl, Sophia, and Carol. Carl didn't see me yet so I snuck up on him and scared him. everyone there laughed and we sat there playing cards and watching the younger ones color. I hear a sound in the woods and see Shane sneaking away.

about 2 minuets later Mom ask if me and Carol and watch Carl. We instantly say yes and she disappears into the woods the same way Shane went. I look at Carol but she doesn't notice that Shane went that way. I look around and see nobody notice they both disappeared that way.

I tell Carol I'll be right back and go into the woods a different way. Hand on my pistol, I make my way to where Mom and Shane went. I hear a noise. Not a walker noise, came from a person, an alive person.  I wasn't a scream, it was low, and not very loud. I sneak my way to where the sound is and once I locate it, my jaw drops in shock. right there, in front of me, was my mom and Shane. Having sex.

I was furious. He just tried to beat me up! So Mom comes out here and Fucks him??? I avert my eyes away from the scene and think though what I'm suppose to do. What about dad? Then I feel a hand on my mouth and a strong arm around my waist, pulling me away from them. I struggle to get out of the persons grip, when the finally let go. I grab my pistol and point it at... Daryl?! "What the hell Daryl?" I say quietly so Mom and Shane don't hear. we were still pretty close. Close enough to hear her moans. Uck.  He just grunts and starts walking away.

I grab his shoulder and turn him around to look at me. "I asked you a question," I said with more authority in my voice. He lets out a sigh and said, "I was out 'ere huntin' when I heard them havin' fun again. I looked over there and saw you, so I went over and grabbed yer ass and brought it back 'ere before Shane caught ya and beat the shit outta ya. Alright? Happy?" He says with quite a bit of annoyance in his voice.

I searched his eyes to see why he cared if I got my ass beat but didn't find an answer as he turned away to start walking again. "Wait." I say calmly. He groans and turns to face me again. "How do you know he would beat me?" I continued. Anger filled his eyes as he step towards me. I took a step back but he kept coming. Soon I was stuck against the tree, looking into his rage filled, ice cold, blue eyes. I thought he was gonna hit me, but all he did was pull my shirt up a little to expose the big bruise forming on my side.

"That's why." He said, answering my question. I just nodded in response and walked back to camp with him. As we were walking we heard a loud horn in the direction of camp. we both took off towards camp. Me being faster that him, I got to camp first right went the noise stopped. I saw Glenn standing by a new car, explaining the others are coming in a different car.

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