Chapter 19

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-----------Alex's POV----------

I woke up to dad honking his horn once. Daryl stopped and got out. I Got out too, planning to find out where we are gonna go. I open the door and hop out. I stumble and wince in pain. Forgot about my leg... I feel a pair of hands under my arms, helping me up. Once im up, I turn to see it was Glenn. "Thanks," I say with a small smile. I'm glad I met this pizza boy, he is my bestfriend.

He helped me over to the others. "What happened to your leg?" Dad asked, concern flooding his voice. "I just cut it getting out of the CDC, its fine. May need stitched, but I'm fine." He nods and looks at Glenn. He nods at my dad, like they were talking in their minds.

"So where are we going Rick? Fort Benning is still an option." Shane speaks up. "Maybe, but we need Gas first. And we may need to leave some cars behind, but we can figure that out after we get gas." Dad countered. Shane looked a little mad, but he knew dad was right.

"Ill go into the town up ahead." Glenn spoke up from besides me. He wasn't holding onto me anymore. Dad nods in agreement, but before anything else is said, I speak up as well. "Ill go with Glenn, we make a good team. Plus he is Not going by himself." Dad looks like he is about to reject, but I stare dead into his blue eyes with my brown ones.

"She is right, he shouldn't go alone. I've seen them together, she is the best person to go with him," Dale says, backing me up. "I don't know, she is hurt." Dad says. "I'll keep her safe, promise." Glenn says, reassuring Dad.

Dad finally gives up and agrees. I go to Daryl's truck and grab my pack, the one without clothes. I shut the door to the truck and turn to see Daryl. "You sure you can go? That leg is a little messed up." He says. Why does he even care?

"I'm absolutely perfect." I say with a smile. He agrees without a second thought. I have that affect on people, especially boys. Or so my Dad says. He says its my smile, Mom says it was my personality. Shane agrees with both though.

I walk over to Glenn, "ready?" I ask once I reach him. "Yup," He answers with a smile. I smile back and we head off on foot. It take about 15 minutes to reach the town. We head to what looks like the gas station first. Glenn tries to get gas while I go in to get food, drinks, and anything else that may be useful. I kill a walker right when I walk in. I check down the long aisle.

I kill one more walker that's in the store, then start raiding shelves. I grab some chips, water, Gatorade, Granola bars, and a few chocolate bars for Carl, Sophia, and anyone else that misses chocolate. I was walking back out when I saw Glenn walking into the store.

"Get any gas?" I ask. He holds up the gas can and shakes his head. "We gotta operate it, turn it on, from inside the store. Probably behind the check out desk. I nod and send him back to pump 2. I go behind the counter and switch on pump 2. I see him with a thumbs up.

We went to 4 pumps to fill one can, now we were on the second one. We took about 3 minutes to fill the second can. I walked back to the doors and pushed them open when something knocked me down from behind. I screamed a little, and turned as I fell. It was a walker.

"Alex!" I heard Glenn yell, then the cans, softly, hit the road. I had my hand against its neck, trying to get my knife out of my belt. I Couldn't reach. Shit. My arm was getting tired, and I hoped Glenn was almost here.

the walker was so close to my neck, I could feel its breath on my skin, causing goosebumps. Suddenly the weight was lifted, and I saw Glenn stab it, then throw it down. He helped me up, then pulled me in for a hug. I hugged back.

"I thought I lost you..." He whispered in my ear. "I don't die that easily." I whispered back. He pulled out, but had his hands on my shoulders. "I would have no idea what to tell Rick if you died. I promised to keep you safe." He said. "And you did, I would be dead, but im not. Because of you." I said with a small smile.

He smiled back and we went to pick up the gas cans, then head back to the group.

-----------Daryl's POV---------

We Decided I would leave the truck, and ride Merles Motorcycle. We also dumped one other car for one on the side of the road that had almost a full tank of gas. We were now just waiting for Alex and Glenn. I hope she is okay, she better be okay. Wait, Why do I care?

I was taken out of my mental arguing when we heard a scream. It was quiet, far away, but I knew who it was. So did everyone else. A few people looked at Rick who looked the way it came, the way they went. He then just got back to studying the map we found in the other car we found.

"Ya serious Rick? Ya daughter might be in trouble, and ya ain't gonna do shit?" I asked. I was pissed, don't know why though. "She is fine, she is with Glenn." He replies, he doesn't look up to meet my eyes either. "Aye, he might care 'bout her, but he can't protect her like...." I trailed off. I was gonna say "Like I can," I don't know why though. "Like you can." I finish.

He looks up from the map. "Glenn would give his life to save her, just like me. So yes, he can." He says, anger and fear lacing his voice. I sigh, I know he was right. That pizza guy was probably her boyfriend now, and he would definitely give his life to save hers. But so would I....

I go back to where I was, and start cleaning my bow. about 8 minutes passed when Dale yelled, "They are back!" My heart started pounding. I get up and look to see both of them. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Hey guys," Glenn says once he reaches us.

"Alex, did you scream?" Rick asked as he checked her arms, most likely for scratches or bites. "I'm fine. A walker snuck up behind me and knocked me over, so I screamed. I couldn't reach my knife, so had to just hold it back. Glenn killed it, saved me." She says, Glenn looks down with a small blush, "I promised I would keep you safe. I wasn't anything nobody else wouldn't do." Glenn says.

Alex just laughs. The two bring gas over and we divide it between the cars. Everyone starts getting in their assigned cars. I walked over to my bike and put my bags on the back of it. "Where do I ride? With you?" I hear someone say. I know who it is without turning, but I turn around anyway. I see her eyeballing the bike, like she is scared of it.

"Go ride with your boyfriend." I snap and turn back around. I don't why I snapped. I have no good reason. There is some silence, so I turn back around to see her staring at me shocked. "He is not my boyfriend." She says harshly. I was about to answer when she talked instead. "I really don't get it, you were concerned about me when I was leaving, I come back and suddenly im like everyone else." She says.

Like everyone else, the hell that mean? "I thought I was on your good side, but I was so wrong. If you wanna be a bitch and a asshole to me like you are to everyone else, then fine. Be my guest." She said before stomping away. I saw her walk to the RV. She passed Glenn without looking at him. He looked at me before following her.

I sigh and hop on my bike. "You know, she is right." I hear someone say. Can't people just leave me alone. I turn and see Carol said it. I stare at her, confused. "You were different around her, she brought out good in you. She does with everyone actually. But you turning on her like that, that was wrong. She didn't do anything wrong." She explained.

"Yeah well wanna know what I think?" I say turning on my bike. 'What's that?" She asks. "Y'all need ta fuck off and outta my business." I say before driving to the front. I drive slow till everyone is following, then start leading the way to Fort Benning.


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