Chapter 14

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————Alex's POV————
I stare at the only bed on the room in disbelief. I sigh, "I'm sleeping on the floor." I state, tossing my bag down. "Hell nah," he answers. I look up at him like he is crazy. "Daryl, if either one of us is gonna be on the ground, it's me. I already said I was." I state again. "Share the bed, it's big enough for both of us." He replies.

I look at him and see in his eyes that no matter what, we are both sleeping in that bed, or he is on the ground. I sigh in defeat and nod my head. I grab a clean pair of clothes to sleep in. Daryl takes off his shirt. "Hey Daryl, make sure too sleep with some pants. I really don't plan on seeing your boxers again." I say before walking to the bathroom connected to our room and closing the door.

————Daryl's POV————

"Hey Daryl, make sure too sleep with some pants. I really don't plan on seeing your boxers again." She says before walking in the bathroom to change. I Blush, and thank god she was in the bathroom. The way this girl could make me feel is scary. Some times my stomach hurts, like I'm sick. Only the pain leaves a few minutes after she walks away.

And times like now she embarrasses me, but I ain't mad. Even when people are around, I don't get mad at her. I also get this feeling to protect her, But I mostly fight that feeling. I don't understand, but that girl is something special.

I sigh and change my shorts into a cleaner pair, then slide into bed. A minute later she comes out in a shirt that looks like her dad's and a pair of really short shorts. Like volleyball players would wear. She gets in and lays down on the other side of the bed, her back towards me.

There is that sick feeling again. I push the feeling away and turn to look at the wall. I stay awake till I hear her breath slow and become even. Then I finally let sleep take over.

-----------Alex's POV---------

I wake up in a bed, then remember where I am. I go to stretch and notice a weight on my waist. I turn slightly and see its an arm. Daryl's arm. I blush a little, then try to wiggle out of his grasp. I start moving, trying go get free, when he pulls me so my back is against his chest.

Now his grip is tighter, Great. I start trying to get free again. "What you doin' girly?" He grumbles in his morning voice. I know I have a slight blush, "Trying to get out of your grasp." I state. He grunts and hugs my waist tighter, pulling me even closer.

I sigh, "Please Daryl? Someone might walk in and see us. Do you want that?" I question. I see him blush before he lets me go with a groan. I hop up quickly and grab some clothes to change into. I go into the bathroom, leaving Daryl alone in the bed. I think he fell back asleep, but not sure.

I quickly change into jeans and a t-shirt. I open the door and see Daryl was changing. He was only in his boxers. His swings his head in my direction. "I thought ya didn't plan on seein' me in me boxers 'gain." He quotes me on last night. I quickly look down. "I didn't, but shit happens." I say while walking to my bag to put my clothes away.

I look back at Daryl and see he now has some pants on, but still no shirt. He has his back turned to me and I see a ton of scars. Some small, but most stretch all the way down his back. I slowly and quietly step towards him. I nervously lift up a shaky hand and gently brush over the biggest one.

He tenses up and turns around so fast, I almost thought he was never turned around to begin with. "I- I'm sorry I- I got-" He cut me off, "Got what huh? Curious? Well just cuz yer "curious" Don't mean you gotta touch 'em!" He yells. His accent get stronger when he yells.

I take a small step back, "Im sorry," I whisper. Our eyes connect, and I stare deep into his icy blue ones. He sighs and slips a shirt on and storms out of the room with his cross bow. I stand there for a minute before following him.

"Daryl can go hunting and Glenn can check the town we passed before we head out." I hear Shane explaining when I walk out the door. Daryl walks into the woods to hunt, and Glenn grabs a bag. "Ill go with Glenn." I say as I make my way over to Shane and Glenn. "No, your needed her to help pack up and protect incase a heard passes by.

I think about it before nodding in agreement. I give Glenn a hug, "Be safe," I whisper. "Of course," he whispers back before heading out. I hear pounding foot steps behind me and turn to see Sophia and Carl running away from Dad.

"Save us!" Sophia yells while running towards me with Carl hot on her heels. "No! Imma get you!" I yell back, Getting a shriek of Delight out of both the kids. I start chasing them with Dad. The kids were laughing and running all over the place. "Get Sophia, I got Carl." Dad whispers. I nod and start heading after Sophia while Dad chased Carl.

I look over and see Dad was holding Carl, tickling him. I quickly catch Sophia and carry her over to Dad and Carl and tickle her as well. We were all laughing, even the people watching, when mom stormed out of the building.

"Carl! I told you not to leave my side!" She scolds him while stopping over to us, ruining our fun. "C'mon mom, he was with me and Dad. He was perfectly safe." I state, motioning to Dad. I was hoping to calm her down, but she only got angrier. "I don't care who was with him, I told him to do something and he didn't do it!" She yelled, reaching for Carl's arm.

I pull Carl away from Mom's hand. She looks at me shocked. "Lori, just calm down. Everyone and everything is fine." Dad says to her calmly, drawing her attention away from me. She looks away from Dad and grabs Carl. She pulls him away from me and drags him back inside.

I sigh, Nothing will ever be the same again. I feel a hand squeeze shoulder and look up to see it's Dad. I look back towards the door where Mom dragged Carl, then walked inside to start telling people to pack and get ready to go.

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