Chapter 24

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————Rick's POV———
I watch My kids go up to the deer, which is standing fearless in front of them. It brings a smile to my face. They need a moment to act like kids again. To be kids again. Suddenly Alex's body tenses and before I can ask, she jumps, pushing Carl to the ground. At the same time a gun went off. The deer fell to the ground, but so did my daughter.

It all hit me so fast. I yelled her name and ran to her side. The side of her stomach was bleeding. She was shot. I hear Shane yelling at whoever shot the gun, but that's the least of my concerns. I pick her up and start to run. She isn't grabbing me, or talking, or even moving. I look down and see her unconscious. I run faster. I heard them say something about a farm. The people must be able to help. I can't lose my daughter.

She can't be replaced. She is a main person in the group, I can't lose my daughter. And even if she could be replaced, it's not like I could. You don't want to bring a baby into this world. I shake the thoughts from my head as I see a farm house in the distance. I would love to enjoy the view of the farm, but my daughter is slowly dying in my hands, so I keep running. Faster and faster.

This place looks untouched. These people must be lucky. I hope it stays like this, at least till Alexandra is better. I'm almost to the porch and a young lady comes out. "Who are you," She asked. "Please, my daughter has been shot by your man! he said to get a guy named Herschel!" I yell. I'm at the porch steps by now.

She nods and leads me inside. She leads me to a room and calls for her dad, which I'm guessing is Herschel. An older man comes in. He has snow white hair. He yells around the house for supplies and 2 blonde girls get them. The young brown hair women had left. "What happened?" He asked. I noticed he has a southern accent, not that it mattered.

Shane answered. I wonder how long he was standing there. He explained the whole story. Herschel just nodded and looked Alex over. "The bullet grazed and artery." He explained. "She is losing a lot of blood too, do you know her type?" He asked me. I nod, "same as mine," I say. He leaves and comes back with a tude thing with a needle. He sets it up and I start giving Alex blood.

Shane and Herschel go out of the room to talk. I'm looking around the room, then I see a boy standing in the doorway. He looks like he is checking out the situation. Our eyes lock and he smile and give me a short nod. I return the nod and he leaves. Shane comes back a few minutes later, and Herschel takes off the blood transmitter. He leaves me and Shane to talk. "I'm going on a run with their man, Otis, the one who shot Alex. We are going to get supplies to do the surgery and get the bullet out. If I don't go she might die." Shane explained.

"Okay, and I'll go get Lori. She doesn't know. It's her Daughter too." I say. "Oh no you don't, you just gave a lot of blood." Herschel interjects. "I'll go, if you want her here that bad," The young girl with brown hair that brought me in. "Thank you, tell her, Lori Grimes, that Alexandra has been shot and Rick asked for her." I explain. She nods and heads out. Shane leaves too. I rest my head on the edge of Alex's bed, and instantly fell asleep.

————Glenn's POV————
We are almost back to the RV. Andrea and Lori got into an argument about the gun, but it was solved. We continue walking, nobody really talking, when a gun shot echos through the forest. My mind instantly races to Alex. She better be okay. A few people start asking questions about it, but I block them out. I'm in the middle of thinking of different reasons to fire only one bullet, when Andrea screams.

We all turn to find her fighting off a walker. I take a step forward to help, but a girl on a horse come up with a bat and kills the walker. We all stand there shocked. She looks young, light brown hair. She is pretty. No Glenn stop, worry about Alex and Carl. "Lori Grimes?" The young girl asked. Lori steps up. "I'm Maggie Greene. Your Daughter has been shot. Your husband, Rick, asked for you." She explains. My heart stops. "Is she okay?" I ask. Maggie looks at me and nods. "Your girlfriend is fine." She says. "She isn't my girlfriend," I say. She just nods and pulls Lori on the horse.

"What? Ya can't go with 'er! We have no idea who she is!" Daryl yells at Lori. "I heard you guys are stuck in the highway. Back track the way you came and a few miles down there is a mailbox that says 'Greene'. Meet us there!" Maggie yells as she takes off with Lori on the horse. We all stare the way they went, then finally Daryl started leading us back again. Alex better be okay.... she is my best friend, kinda like my sister....

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