Chapter 18

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————Alex's POV————
I finished packing my bag, and was watching Daryl pack his. I know, sounds creepy. But it's the truth. I didn't know what to say, or how to start a conversation. I don't think he did either, so we just stayed how we were. Him packing, me watching.

Suddenly, the AC went off. "What the fuck?" Daryl said. He reached his hand up towards the vent to feel for a small breeze. "Nothin'. It went off," he said, taking his hand down. "Let see if it's everyone or only our room." I suggest.

He nods and we leave our bags and go into the hall way. Then the lights go out, leaving only the emergency lights; which is only two. Jenner walks around the corner, going into the big room.

"Jenner! Hey Jenner!" Shane yells, following Jenner. We tag along behind, looking for answers. "What happened? Why are the lights and AC off?" Shane asks harshly. "The generators are losing power. They are shutting off the unnecessary things." Jenner explained, sitting in a computer chair.

"Lights and AC are not necessary?" Lori asked, walking up behind Shane. "Not my choice." Jenner says calmly. He seems too calm.... "What do you mean 'not your choice'" Shane says in a low tone, taking a threatening step forward.

Dad puts his hand on his chest to stop him from going to close to Jenner. Shane steps back. "The building was built to keep the computers running to the last second. So it turns everything else off when power gets too low." Jenner says. He grabs a wine bottle and takes a swig.

"What happens at zero?" Dad questions. "Decontamination." Jenner snaps back. That doesn't sound good. "What do you mean," Glenn asked. "V, explain what happens at Decontamination." Jenner says loudly.

"HITs will be released and full scale Decontamination will occur." Vi answers. My eyes go wide. I know exactly what HITs are. The year I was trained to be an officer, they announced they will teach other things like bombs, certain toxics, and HITs.

Dad doesn't know. They didn't train the older officers the new stuff. "Alex, what is it?" Dad asked. He must have noticed my reaction. "HITs..." I trail off. "You know what they are? Glenn asked, moving to stand next to me. I slowly nod, processing what is happening.

"Well, What is it?" Shane asked harshly. "They set the air on fire." I snap back at him. Everyone's eyes go wide, and some gasp. "Everyone go get your stuff now! We are getting out of here!" Dad yells. Everyone starts running towards the door.

Then they close. "Did he just lock us in here? He locked us in here!" Glenn yells, freaking out. The clock was at 15 minutes now. We were gonna die. "Why go out there again. You know what's out there. This will be a pain free death. Out there you will have a long, painful Death. You know it." Jenner says.

Shane starts running towards him, but Daryl holds him back. I start crying, he was killing us. Glenn comes and hugs me and I cry into his chest. "Why not die holding your family? You said it yourself Rick, you guys won't survive, you can't. Not in this world." Jenner said.

"You said that man? What happened to all of your speeches of hope?" Shane says, clearly pissed. "I had to keep us going!" Dad defends himself. "Bullshit," Shane yells back. "Enough!" Lori gets in between them.

Shane grabs 2 axes and throws one to Daryl. He caught it and the two start hitting the door. I continue to hug Glenn. He is trying to comfort me, but can't. Not in a situation like this. "Not making a dent." Shane says, out of breath.

Those doors were made to withstand rocket launchers." Jenner explained. 5 minutes left on the clock. 5 minutes left of my life. I tried the last thing I could possibly think of that could get us out of here.

"Jenner, your gonna kill us. The kids, our families. Give us a chance. We want to live, survive. So let us." I plead. Jenner looks around and thinks for a minute. Finally he sighs.

"I can't open the exit doors on the top floor, but I can let our out of here." He says slowly. He puts in a code and the door opens. "Let's go!" Shane yells. We all run out. Glenn grabs my hand and pulls me out. I was shocked he actually let us go.

Glenn lets go of my hand when he gets to his room. I run a couple more steps to mine and swing the door open. I grab my stuff and turn to see Daryl doing the same.

We both run out together and up the stairs to the top floor. Shane and Dad are banging on the window with the axes, then T rams into it with a chair. Nothing happens. We were still gonna die here.

"Rick, I found this with your outfit when I was washing it. Maybe it can break the window." Carol says, handing Dad a grenade. I grab Carl and pull him to the stairs. I push him down and get on top of him. Dad places the grenade and runs.

When it explodes, we all run out. I picked Carl up and handed him to Glenn who was already out. He takes him and sets him down, then helps me climb out. I somehow managed to cut all the way up the bottom part of my leg, it didn't seem too deep though.

I pushed the pain away and ran from the building like my life depended on it, cuz it did. One moment I was running behind Glenn, the next I was on the ground with a body hovering over me. I heard a big explosion and felt a lot of heat.

After what felt like a few minute, the body on top of me got off and helped me up. Daryl.... "thank you." I say. He grunt and heads towards the truck. I hop in next to him, and Dad walks around making sure we had everyone.

Finally we set off and drove down the road to wherever we were going. I looked at my leg and saw a big gash up my calf. I grab my first aid kit from my bag.

I too put some wipes to clean it. It hurt like a bitch, but after about 5 minutes I got it as clean as it would get. It might need stitches, but doesn't look like it hit the muscle or anything else super important.

"What wring with ya leg?" Daryl asked. I forgot I was in the car with him. "Just cut it, it will be fine. Probably need stitches though." I said back. "Were you a doctor? Thought you were a cop." He says, putting his eyes on the road again. "I was a cop, but I took a year or so in medical school, just Incase." I explained.

He grunted and continued driving. I wrapped it up and leaned against the window. After a few minutes, my eyes closed and I surrendered to sleep.

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