Chapter 43

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———— Daryl's POV————
We get to the highway and we both start looking for the others. "There!!" Alex yells and points. I see Rick, Carl, and Glenn. I stop the bike and she Immediately jumps off and goes to hug her family. I get off as well and head over. Alex hugs Glenn and I feel a small pain in my heart.

Rick comes over to me and stops in front of me. Our eyes meet, "thank you, for keeping her safe," he says, I am shocked, but don't show it. Instead I give a small nod, "of course." He gives me a soft smile and we both walk walk back over to the others. We hang out for a little till the others show up.

"Yes!" Alex cheers as everyone pulls in. I watch her run over and practically hug everyone. "We need a plan," Rick states. "Where is Shane," Lori ask. She looks around. So does everyone else. Rick sighs and looks down. "Where is he Rick," Lori commands.

And Rick tells us what happened. The tells how Shane killed the boy, and brought him out there to kill him. "I got the upper hand and killed him. He wanted my family, my kids. And he was going to kill me to get them," Rick states. His eyes start to water.

Lori is shaking her head and yelling "No!" Everyone stays silent or comforts her. "We should stay here tonight, search the cars and sleep in them." Glenn says. Everyone agrees and some people start clearing cars to sleep in while others go a little father as scavenge through them.

———— Alex's POV————
I go with Maggie to search cars for supplies. I open the door of one and start searching. Practically nothing. I sigh and open the trunk. My jaw drops. "Maggie... Come look at THIS!" I say and start getting excited.

She comes over and reacts the same way. In the trunk there is a whole shit ton of alcohol. And we are going to drink it. We laugh and grab the crates they are in and haul it over to the group. We set it down and call everyone over, we all come over and smiles appear on everyone's faces. "We need cups!" Glenn says. People start searching for some while we look through the drinks. Vodka, beer, wine, everything.

"I found some!" Daniel calls. We all huddle around and pour everyone a drink. We sit around and celebrate, celebrate livening through tonight, celebrate all being together.
Some people tell jokes, others just have conversations with each other.

Carl is next to me while I pour everyone else's drink. "Let's put You to bed," I say. He nods and I tell dad. He points me to the cars that have been cleared and back seats layed down. I bring him to one. "Alright buddy, I'll tell Lori which one your in and I'm sure she will sleep in here too." I say. He nods and lays down, gets as comfortable as possible. I shut the door and head back to the group.

I pour myself a drink and sit down in the circle between Glenn and Dad. Glenn is talking to Maggie. I look out around the circle and my eyes lock onto Daryl's. I give a soft smile. Maggie gets up puts her empty cup in the middle, then says she is going to sleep. Se says goodnight to her family, then while walking by Glenn tells him what car she will be in.

I can't see it, but I know he got bright red. I elbow him and he just gives me a look. I laugh and he laughs too. A few other people go to sleep after their first drink, like Lori and Herschel. I rest my head on Glenn, 2nd drink in my hand. And we just talk.

I keep glancing over at Daryl to see his eyes on me. We have a few more drinks till I start to get dizzy. I rest my head in my hands and think of the horrible hang over I'll have tomorrow. I look around and it seems I'm the only one that seems to be drunk, but Glenn. Dad isn't and Daryl isn't. I see them talking. I smile, then her up to tell Dad I'm going to sleep. I stumble a little, and he can tell in drunk. He tells me which car to go to and I nod. "I'll be close by the that one," he says.

I nod again and head over to it. I see Glenn heading over to Maggie's and I smile. I open the car door and hop in the back and lay down. I see the small fire we had go out and know dad is going to bed now. I twist and turn till I find a comfort position on my side. Then I hear my car door open. "Dad I thought I would have a car to myself," I mumble. The door shuts and I feel a presence next to me. "It's okay Im fine with sharing.." i trail off.

Then I feel an arm around my waist. That's not dad. My heart rate picks up and I turn. Daryl. "What the fuck are you doing here?! We could get caught!" I whisper. He turns me on to my back and kisses me. I break the kiss, "Daryl are you drunk?" I ask. He laughs softly, "no i ain't drunk," he tells me. I know he isn't lying. It takes more to get him drunk.

"Okay then what are you doing," I say. He leans down and kissed me again. "I'm gonna sleep in here," he says. I sigh, despite how much I want him to, i know he can't. He starts kissing my neck and I push him off. "My dad will catch you." I say. "I don't care," he says, then lays down next to me. I shake my head. "Trust me, just go to sleep," he says. I close my eyes and that's exactly what I do. I fall asleep in Daryl Dixon's Arms.

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